虚拟认识,Virtual Cognition
1)Virtual Cognition虚拟认识
1.And the result gave birth to a new understanding of ways and forms——Virtual Cognition.作为时代精神之精华的马克思主义认识论也随着虚拟技术这一划时代的发现而“改变自己的形式”,孕育和催生了一种新的认识形态——虚拟认识

1.Feminist Reconstruction of Meaning from the Perspective of Virtual Epistemology;从虚拟认识论看女性主义对意义的重构
2.Virtual Epistemology and Feminist Understanding of Meaning;虚拟认识论与有关意义的女性主义诠释
3.Connotation and formative cause of information violence--Reviewing the running state of virtual cognition medium;对信息暴力内涵的探讨及其成因分析——从虚拟认识中介的运行状态考察
4.Is there an episteme in virtual worlds?在虚拟世界里存在某种知识或认识吗?
5.The Cognition of Virtual Filesystem Switch in Linux;剖析Linux中的虚拟文件系统VFS的认识
6.Cognizance as an Information Process in the Multi-Layer Medium Construction;认识:在多级中介中建构与虚拟的信息活动过程
7.The Knowledge of Virtual Enterprise s Accountant Assumption In Network Economy Condition;对网络经济环境下虚拟企业会计假设的认识
8.Money Supply,Fictitious Economy and Inflation;货币供给、虚拟经济与通货膨胀——对通胀决定因素中货币供给与虚拟经济影响的再认识
9.Products in the Past-Now-in the Process of Digital Virtual Design Awareness Semeiology产品在过去—现在—数字虚拟进程中的符号学设计认识
10.The Review of the Knowledge Organization in the Virtual Knowledge Environment虚拟知识环境下的知识组织研究进展
11.VR technology is a new kind of cognitive facility which bases on sense and sensibility and emphasizes the apperceive ability.虚拟技术是一项以人的感觉、感性、感官为基础并强调感知能力的新型认识工具。
12.Reconsideration of the Velocity of Money --A analysis of the relationship between fictitious economy and real economy from 1993 to 2003 in China;货币流通速度的再认识——对中国1993—2003年虚拟经济与实体经济关系的分析
13.Virtual Enterprise:Several Accounting Problems;对虚拟企业及其相关的几个会计问题的认识——互联网环境下的会计问题思考
14.The Cyberspace is regarded as a goal of future virtual reality.这个Cyberspace被认为是未来虚拟现实的目标。
15.On the authentication technology based on VPN;基于虚拟专用网的身份认证技术研究
16.On the Assertion of the Crimes Involving Virtual Property and Regulated by Criminal Law论虚拟财产犯罪的认定及其刑法规制
17.The influences of virtual geographic environment on styles of spatial cognition虚拟地理环境对空间认知方式的影响
18.The Criminal Definition and Value Assessment of the Virtual Net Property网络虚拟财产的刑事认定及价值评估

virtual knowledge虚拟认识
3)virtual cognition in medium虚拟认识中介
4)Discussion of essence of virtual knowledge论虚拟认识的本质
5)Review on Virtual Economy正确认识虚拟经济
6)virtual identification虚拟认同

辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism  blanZhengweiwOZ卜U丫1 rens卜jlUn辩证唯物主义认识论(t heory ofkn。wle此eofd坛lectical mater认价皿)见认识论。