马克思主义辩证法,marxist dialectics
1)marxist dialectics马克思主义辩证法
1.Deng Xiaoping Theory Stage of Marxist Dialectics:A Philosophical Consideration of the 30th Anniversary of China s Reform and Opening-up;马克思主义辩证法邓小平理论阶段——关于改革开放三十周年的哲学思考
2.theory with practice and analysis with synthesis and the consistency of logic and history of Marxist dialectics to explain the basic theory and on the characteristics and reasonable of the existing thinking modes to carry out the review and on this basis to establish the location and dialectical thinking of an innovate thinking modes.本文运用理论联系实际、分析与综合、逻辑与历史相一致的方法对马克思主义辩证法的基本理论进行了阐释,对现存思维方式的特征及合理性进行了审视,并在此基础上确立了创新思维方式的目标定位及辩证思考。

1.Marxist's dialectics is the methodology of the futurology.马克思主义辩证法是未来学的方法论。
2.Innovation of the Thinking Modes in the Visual Threshold of Marxist Dialectics马克思主义辩证法视阈下思维方式的创新
3.Harmonious Moral Education Construction in Colleges in the sight of Marxist Dialectics;马克思主义辩证法视域中的高校和谐德育建设
4.The Concrete Forms of the Marxist Dialectics and Its Applied Function;马克思主义辩证法的具体形态与应用功能
5.On Development of Marxist Dialectical Logic in Deng Xiaoping s Theory;论邓小平理论对马克思主义辩证法的发展
6.The Contemporary Pattern and the Selective Paths of Development in Marxist Dialectics马克思主义辩证法的当代形态与路径选择
7.Models for Practical Application and Development of Marxist Dialectics--Studying Dialectical Thought in Mao Ze-dong s "On Protracted War";在实践中运用和发展马克思主义辩证法的范例——学习毛泽东《论持久战》的辩证法思想
8.The changes of Dialecticsin in Western Marxism Field;西方马克思主义视域下辩证法的嬗变
9.The essence of Marxism lies in its revolutionary dialectics.马克思主义的本质就在于革命的辩证法。
10.Natural Dialectics: The Theory of the Relationship between Marxism and Nature;自然辩证法:马克思主义人与自然关系的学说
11.A Dialectical Interpretation of Marxist View on Harmonious Civilization;论马克思主义文明和谐观的辩证图景
13.Dialectics is the essence of Marxism and also a way of thinking at the highest level, which helped Mr.辩证法是马克思主义哲学的精髓,是一种最高层次的思维方法。
14.On Western Marxist Scholars Dialectics --Arguing Against the Opposition Between Marx and Engels;西方马克思主义学者的辩证法观探究——驳“马恩对立论”
15.Marxism and Existentialism --Understanding of ‘Critique of Dialectical Reason’by Satre;马克思主义与存在主义——萨特《辩证理性批判》解读
16.Develop the Function of Marxism Philosophical Methodology to Foster the Students Dialectical Thinking Quality;发挥马克思主义哲学方法论功能 培养学生辩证思维素质
17.Thought of Mao Zedong on the Study of Marxist Epistemology and Dialectic毛泽东关于学习马克思主义认识论和辩证法的思想
18.The Dialectics of Popular Culture and Politics--the Main Line of British Culture Marxism大众文化与政治的辩证法——英国文化马克思主义的发展主线

Marxism dialectical materialism马克思主义唯物辩证法
3)dialectical logic history of Marxism马克思主义辩证逻辑史
4)Marxism dialectics马克思辩证法
1.In recent years,in the derivative process of "original ecology" explanation on Marxism dialectics,some explanations for "secondary ecology" seem to deviate from its original spirital core.近年来,在对马克思辩证法做"原生态"解读与超越的衍义进程中,出现了某种程度上的偏离马克思辩证法本真精神的倾向。
2.For the sake of digging Marxian philosophical contemporary value and exerting its contemporary spirit essentiality, this article aim at opening out the theoretical inbeing and objective of liberating internal power as realistic man of Marx based on reflection the course of annotation Marxism dialectics.为了充分开掘马克思哲学的当代价值,发挥其作为“时代精神精华”的功能,有必要在反思马克思辩证法诠释历程的基础上,敞开其作为实现人的解放之内在力量的理论本性和旨趣。
5)Marx dialectics马克思辩证法
1.Historical Dimension:On the Marcuse s Understanding about Marx Dialectics;历史纬度:马尔库塞对马克思辩证法的理解
6)Marx's dialectics马克思的辩证法
