生活智慧,life wisdom
1)life wisdom生活智慧
1.Based on the realistic significance on Taoist ethics and the value of its life wisdom, this paper expounds on the integration of Taoism intoa secialist harmonious society and the contributions it has already made.文章试从道教伦理道德的现实意义,道教生活智慧的时代价值,道教界参与社会建设取得的成绩等方面阐述道教与社会主义和谐社会的相融性以及道教所能为社会主义和谐社会做出的贡献。

1.On Life Wisdom and Language Arts of Nanning-style Cantonese;南宁白话的生活智慧和语言表达艺术
2.On Relation Between Gypsies Life Wisdom and Origin of Bohemian Culture吉普赛人的生活智慧与波希米亚文化现象
3.Wisdom of Life and Thought -- Comparison between SU Qing and ZHANG Ai ling;生活的智慧与思想的智慧——苏青、张爱玲比较论
4.On Meaningful World of Life --Theory of Existence Wisdom(Ⅱ);论生活的意义世界——生存智慧说之二
5.Prudence is wisdom in everyday life.在日常生活中,谨慎就是智慧。
6.Social life is the fountain of wisdom of writers.社会生活是作家们智慧的源泉。
7.Teacher Knowledge:the Practical Wisdom in the Setting of Teachers Professional Life;教师知识:专业生活场景中的实践智慧
8.With love Peh Chinhua discovers the omnipresent beauty in this world.白振华的诗有着睿智的哲思和生活的智慧。
9.It's a great art in life to know how to sell winds.懂得如何用空言换取实惠,是生活中的大智慧。
10.Cognitive Comparison of"loving wisdom"and"loving life" -Fromtheetymologyof"philosophy"“爱智慧”与“爱生活”的认知关联——从“哲学”的词源说起
11.Cbinese Education under the Life Visual Field:Come from Living, Promote Intelligence, Reach Life;生命视野下的语文教育:源于生活,升于智慧,达于生命
12.Wisdom and goodness are twinborn.智慧与善行孪生兄弟。
13.Ecological Wisdom and Its Enlightenment in Chinese Traditional Culture and Life我国传统文化和生活实践中的生态智慧及其启示
14.He lacks formal education but is adept at living by his wits.他缺乏正规的教育,但却通过他的智慧生活得很好。
15.Women, with their own intelligence, do their best to make family life colorful.女人们用自己的智慧竭尽全力使家庭生活丰富多彩。
16.I think it possible that we are clever enough to live in a hugely simplified world."我认为我们有可能拥有足够的智慧生活在一个高度简化的世界里。”
17.A truer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day and each present moment of every day.其实,真正的智慧是每天每时每刻都能有意义地愉快地生活.
18.Lao Tse was so famous for his wisdom that tales developed around his life.老子以他的智慧而出名,所以有许多关于他本人生活的事故流传。

1.As Taoist pioneer and representative,Lao Zi s overall eco-wisdom in his thought is studied and put into use.老子作为道家的开拓者及代表,其思想中所蕴涵的整体生态智慧正在被人们所挖掘和弘扬。
2.In this paper the author discusses its unreasonable factors,such as the extreme individualism,the values of rejecting utility and over-advocation of the nature,This paper emphatically expounds the reasonable factors,such as the emphasis on individual life,the ethics wisdom of golden mean and the eco-wisdom of combining Heaven and man,which illustrate the significance of our age.阐述道家轻物重生、全生避害的思想,简单分析了其中的不合理因素,如极端个人主义,拒绝功利的价值观以及对自然的过分崇尚等,着重阐述了其中所蕴涵的合理因素,如对个体生命的重视、中道的伦理智慧和天人合一的生态智慧,揭示了全生避害思想的时代意义。
3.The harmony between human and nature is the most brilliant eco-wisdom in Laotsu and Chungtsu\'s philosophical ideas.人与自然的和谐是老庄哲学中最精彩的生态智慧。
3)ecological wisdom生态智慧
1.A Study of the Ecological Wisdom in Robert Frost s Nature Poetry;解读罗伯特·弗罗斯特自然诗中的生态智慧
2.On the Ecological Wisdom in "Shi Shuo Xin Yu";论《世说新语》中的生态智慧
4)ecological intelligence生态智慧
1.This kind of initiative and purpose are shown as a sort of“ ecological intelligence” .鲁枢元答余谋昌的信里同意余谋昌信中的论述:地球是一个活物,世界有自己的主动性、目的性;这种主动性、目的性表现为一种“生态智慧”;这种“生态智慧”的存在,印证了“生态精神”的存在。
2.It reveals that Zhuangzi s close concern over the issue under discussion is a true reflection of his profound ecological intelligence embedded in his viewpoints concerning ecological world,ecological ethics and ecological freedom.庄子所关注的人的生态存在之本性意义,体现在他深刻而系统的生态宇宙观、生态价值观和生态自由观等深层生态智慧中。
5)wisdom of life人生智慧
1.His wisdom of life inspirit Chinese young architect today.他的人生智慧激励着后辈们继续前行。
2.Lin Yutang utmost canonizes Mencius theory of goodness of human nature, he admires Mencius "the strong man" and the noble spirit, he enjoys Mencius style of great momentum, he gasps admiration Mencius the wisdom of life, such as attaching importance to life,loving elders, liking waterness.林语堂极力推崇孟子的"性善"说,赞赏孟子的"大丈夫"和浩然正气,欣赏孟子气势磅礴的文体,叹服于孟子重生活、爱老人、喜平淡等人生智慧。
6)Wisdom for Existence生存智慧
1.This kind of culture is not only the philosophical basis of indomitable vitality and super wisdom for existence,but also has predestined relationship with autocracy,servility.阴柔文化根本优胜但又容易产生流弊 ,既是顽强的生命力和高超的生存智慧等的哲学根据 ,又与专制政治和奴性等结下了不解之缘 ,于是就产生了很奇特很矛盾的中国人 ,产生了很奇特很矛盾的中华民

“机械人”的智慧“机械人”的智慧  “机械人”的智蔽英国的皮里和苏联的库茨同为长跑运动员,在1956年6月的一次5000米比赛中,库茨一路领先,皮里紧随其后,到第十一圈时,皮里突然加速,一下子跑到库茨前面,赢得了胜利,并打破了世界纪录。有记者讥讽库茨只是一个没有头脑的长跑机器,称库茨为“机械人”,甚至有文章挖苦说“机械人能否战胜有头脑的运动员呢?不,在较量智慧的斗争中,像库茨那样的运动员是不可能获胜的。” 过了5个月,第16届奥运会在墨尔本开幕。在10000米决赛中,皮里和库茨再次相遇。这次库茨的教练为他制定了新战术:发令枪响,库茨跑在前面,甘作领头羊,皮里故伎重施,继续用跟随跑的战术;第五圈时,库茨第一次冲刺,皮里也加速跟进,一个高潮过后,依然是库茨在前,皮里如影相随;接着库茨第二次猛冲,仍未甩掉这个尾巴此时库茨突然闪在一侧向皮里招手示意,让他领先跑在前面,皮里立即摇头,表示决不上当;第十六圈后,库茨频繁地施展快慢结合的战术,把皮里的计划彻底打乱,使之疲于奔命,哭笑不得;第二十圈时,库茨又突然加速,此时的皮里已被折磨得精疲力竭,只能无可奈何地看着对手越跑越远,甚至眼睁睁地看着后面的运动员一个个地越过自己。库茨用这种变速跑的战术,一路领先到达终点,夺取了金牌,并打破了世界纪录,而皮里则未能进人前六名。在5天后的5000米决赛中,皮里不敢重施故伎,库茨再夺金牌,皮里获得银牌。 这两场比赛过后,舆论大变。一名记者写道“库茨像一只猫,而皮里只是一只老鼠……库茨不是机械人,他的思维像他的身体一样健全。”