涉身认知,Embodied Cognition
1)Embodied Cognition涉身认知
1.Embodiment gives us a new approach to understand cognition and thereby causes Embodied Cognition.涉身认知研究预示了涉身心灵的新观念,并且由此展现了重新建构认知活动的可能性。
2)embodied-embedded cognitive science涉身-嵌入认知科学
3)physical cognitive structure身体认知

1.A research on the Correlation among the college students’ mental health, cognitive structure and physical exercises;大学生心理健康水平与身体认知结构、体育锻炼的相关性研究
2.Body Image and Body Schema: A Study of Embodied Cognition身体意象与身体图式——具身认知研究
3.A Study on Physical Self-perception Structure for College Students in Henan Province;河南省大学生身体自我认知结构研究
4."Body":the Cognitive Basis of Chinese Political Thought Construction;“身体”:中国政治思想建构的认知基础
5.A Study of Body Metaphor in English and Chinese from Cognitive Perspective从认知角度研究英汉语中的身体隐喻
6.Social Cognition about the Workers in State-owned Enterprise Against the Background of the Disintegration of the System of Unit;单位制解体背景下的国企工人自我身份认知
7.Research model of social cognition theory improving physical exercises;促进身体锻炼行为的社会认知理论研究模式
8.Early Event-related Potentials in the Cognitive Processing of Self-Body Picture;自我身体照片认知加工过程中的早期皮层电位
9.Research and Analysis of College Students Recognition of Physical Beauty,Sporting Beauty and Personality Beauty;大学生身体美、运动美和人格美认知的调查分析
10.Investigation on Cognition with Physical Activities of Professional College Students;对高职院校学生身体运动认知状况的调查研究
11.An Investigation of Cognizance Activity Condition of Physical Exercise of College Student;对大学生体育健身认知行为现状的调查
12.Study on the Understanding of Body-buildling of Female Students in Heilongjiang University;黑龙江大学女大学生体育健身认知行为的研究
13.A Study of Metaphor Cognition of Body Nouns from Blending Space Theory;从空间合成理论看身体名词的隐喻认知
14.A Probe into the Physical, Cognitive andSocio-emotional Development of Adolescence;青春期身体、认知及社会情感发展问题探究
15.On English Body-Part Ascension Construction and Its Cognitive-functional Motivations英语身体部位上升构式及其认知功能理据研究
16.Zero-knowledge Identity Authentication Agreement Based on Elliptic Curve基于椭圆曲线密码体制的零知识身份认证
17.Investigation on Cognition with Physical Activities of College Student in Guangdong Province对广东省大学生身体运动认知情况的调查研究
18.The Cognitive Study on Reflexivity of the English Reflexive Pronouns-Through Analysis of English Verbs of Embodiment;基于体验动词分析的英语反身代词反身性的认知研究

embodied-embedded cognitive science涉身-嵌入认知科学
3)physical cognitive structure身体认知
4)recognition of body slimming瘦身认知
5)Embodied cognition具身认知
1.Embodied cognition emphasizes the formative role the environment plays in the development of cognitive processes, which means cognition process can only form in interaction with environment.相反,具身认知理论家赞同一种关联的分析,他们把有机体,执行的行动和它所在的环境看作是分不开的连接。
2.The principle of embodied cognition can promote the effectiveness of English teaching and improve students\' language and cultural competences.具身认知原理有助于改善英语教学效能、提升学生的语言文化素质。
6)fitness cognition健身认知
1.The findings demonstrate that the subjects have well-developed fitness cognition,internet-oriented access to information,their motivation tend to leisure and fashion,realization of profound self-development and intense desire for physical fitness.结果表明:城镇中产阶层体育健身认知水平较高;健身信息获得途径主要趋向网络化;体育健身动机趋向休闲时尚、发展自我等深层拓展性;体育健身的连续性行为尚未形成;城镇体育组织机构建设起步较早,实际组织化程度却不高;体育健身消费行为滞后中产化;选择健身场所日趋品位化;健身项目呈现时尚、动感等特点。

不坚身贸易坚身【不坚身贸易坚身】  谓父母所生之身,乃四大假合而成,危脆不实,体非坚固,生灭无常,不可久存;若能持守五戒,清净无染,修习菩提无上之道,以证金刚不坏之身,是为以不坚身贸易坚身也。(四大者,地大、水大、火大、风大也。五戒者,不杀、不盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒也。)