辨证唯物主义,dialectical materialism
1)dialectical materialism辨证唯物主义
1.The paper attempts to explore the essentiality and possibility of dialectical materialism and patriotism of middle school students in the presentations of chemistry teaching in line of the middle school chemistry textbooks and practical examples.结合中学化学教材中的实例 ,阐述了在中学化学教学中对学生进行辨证唯物主义教育和爱国主义教育的必要性和可能

1.To teach the law of the crustal movement by the dialectical materialism用辨证唯物主义的基本原理去讲授地壳运动的规律
2.Persisting in Dialectical Materialism, Opposing to Idealism;坚持辩证唯物主义 反对唯心主义
3.Application of Dialectical Materialism in Ideological Education by Teachers in Charges of Undergraduate classes;唯物主义辨证法在大学班主任思想教育工作中的运用
4.dialectical materialist view of nature辩证唯物主义自然观
5.theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism辩证唯物主义认识论
6.According to dialectical materialism, matter is primary, and in that sense, it runs counter to the idealism advocated by religion.我们主张的辨证唯物论,认为物质是第一性的,从这个意义上讲,与宗教唯心论是不同的;
7.Dialectical Practical Materialism ──On the Combination of Reasonable Dialectical Materialism and Perceptual Practical Materialism;辩证的实践唯物主义──理性的辩证唯物主义与感性的实践唯物主义相结合的唯物主义
8.Dialectical Practical Materism --On the Combination of Reasonable Dialectical Materialism and Sensible Practical Materialism;辩证的实践唯物主义——理性的辩证唯物主义与感性的实践唯物主义相结合的唯物主义
9.On Correct Commenton the Controversy between Practical Materialism and Dialectical Materialism;论正确评价实践唯物主义与辩证唯物主义之争
10.The Argument between Dialectical Materialism and Practical Materialism;评辩证唯物主义与实践唯物主义的论争
11.The central doctrines of Marxist Philosophy are called dialectical materialism and historical materialism.马克思主义哲学的主要学说被称为辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义。
12.Differentiating and Analyzing "Historical Materialism in a Broad Sense"--Reply to Professor Yu Wu-jin;“广义的历史唯物主义”辨析——兼答俞吾金教授
13."No Superstition On Supervisors,Nor On Books,Merely On The Truth"--Chen Yun s Dialectical Materialist Methodology;“不唯上,不唯书,只唯实”——陈云的辩证唯物主义方法论
14.On the Dialectical Materialist Education in Biology Instruction of Higher Middle School;浅谈生物教学中的辩证唯物主义教育
15.Problems about System of Dialectical Materialism and Historical Materialism;关于辩证唯物主义历史唯物主义体系的几个问题
16.Observe Some Questions in Wushu Using the Viewpoints of Materialism;用辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的观点看武术科研中的几个问题
17.Reform and Opening up from the View of Dialectical and Historical Materialism辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义视域中的改革开放
18.The Inheritance and Development of Dialectical Materialism and Traditional Chinese Medicine辩证唯物主义与中医学的继承和发展

dialectic materialism辩证唯物主义
1.We should discuss the problem of the black hole exist or not in the visual angle of the dialectic materialism,and we should treat the result of science in the dialectic materialism eyes.从辩证唯物主义的角度出发去探讨宇宙中"黑洞"是否存在的同时,更应该用辩证唯物主义的眼光去看待科学发展的成果。
2.Through using the method of literature review,dialectic thinking and other methodologies,the unitary training theory,the dispute between it and dualistic training theory and the competitive capacity have been expounded under the guidance of dialectic materialism.在辩证唯物主义观指导下,对"一元训练理论"及其与"二元训练理论"之争问题,以及"竞技能力"提出认识与建议。
3)Dialectical Materalism唯物辩证主义
4)dialectical materialism辩证唯物主义
1.The course of education in college how to excavate the thoughts and methods of dialectical materialism;生命起源和生物进化中的辩证唯物主义教育
2.Analysis on Marx and Engels Dialectical Materialism s Ecological Thought;马克思恩格斯的辩证唯物主义生态思想浅析
3.People-oriented the fundamental principles of world outlook of dialectical materialism;以人为本——辩证唯物主义世界观的根本原则
5)Marxist relationship-dialectics唯物主义辩证法
6)dialectical materialism and historical materialism辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义
1.The methods of investigation in rural area by Mao Zedong constitute a complete and scientific system, whose theoretical basis, that is, methodology, is the dialectical materialism and historical materialism of Marx. 毛泽东农村调查研究方法是一个完整的科学体系,马克思的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义是毛泽东农村调查研究方法的理论基础,即方法论。

经济唯物论(见历史唯物主义)经济唯物论(见历史唯物主义)economical materialism  J ing只w翻w以un「经济唯物论(econQmi呱l二at盯认li“m)见历史唯物主义。-