两个必然,two necessities
1)two necessities两个必然
1.It is proposed to uncover the disguise of capitalism,which fails to solve the basic controversy,with Marxism principles,and follow the theory of "two necessities".在迷惑中通过马克思主义的基本原理剥去其皇帝的新装,透视到资本主义并没有真正地解决其基本矛盾,自然地坚定对"两个必然"思想的坚持。
2.Under the new situation,two necessities theory is analyzed by the historical dialectical method."两个必然"理论的提出具有科学预见性。
3.Nowadays the two necessities of Marxism still radiate with certain light.资本主义必然灭亡,社会主义必然胜利,这是不以人的意志为转移的人类历史发展的客观规律,马克思“两个必然”理论在当今时代仍然闪耀着真理的光辉。

1.The Internal Unification of “the Two Necessities” and “the Two Absolute Nonpossibilities”;“两个必然”和“两个决不会”的内在统一
2.The Scientific Character of "Two Necessities" and "Two Nos" From "Two Co-existences";从“两个并存”看“两个必然”和“两个决不会”的科学性
3.A historical view on “two necessities” and “two impossibilities”;从宏观历史高度看待“两个必然”和“两个决不会”
4.The Relationship Between the "Two Necessities", the "Two nos" and the Doom of Capitalism;“两个必然”、“两个决不会”与资本主义的灭亡
5.Accurately Understanding the Dialectic Relation between "Two Necessities" and "Two Negations;正确认识“两个必然”与“两个决不会”的辩证关系
6.Expound Briefly The Theoryof Marxist “Two Necessities” and “Two Absolute Nonpossibilities”;论马克思主义“两个必然”和“两个决不会”的理论
7.The Alienation of Science and Technology of Capitalism and "Two Inevitabilities";资本主义的科技异化和“两个必然
8.Proper Insight into Marx s Theory " Two Inevitables";正确认识马克思主义"两个必然"的理论
9.On the Analysis of "Two Necessities" in The Announcement of CP;论《共产党宣言》对“两个必然”的论证
11.Recognition of "The Theory of Two Necessities" in the Context of Economic Globalization;经济全球化中“两个必然”的再认识
12.The new changs in contemporary capitalismand the ″two necessities″;当代资本主义的新变化与“两个必然
13.Economic Globalization and Historical Destiny of“Two Inevitabilities”;经济全球化与“两个必然”的历史命运
14.The comprehension of “Two Necessities” From a New Vision of Scientific-Technical Revolution;新科技革命视野下对“两个必然”的解读
15.The Views on "Economic Globalization" and "Two Inevitabilities;对“经济全球化”与“两个必然”的几点看法
16.How to look upon "the two certainties" in the new situation;新形势下如何看待“两个必然”的理论
17.The Realization of Marxist "The Two Necessities" Is a Naturally Historical Process;马克思主义“两个必然”的实现是一个自然历史过程
18."Two Necessities": A New Exploration into Anti-globalization;“两个必然”理论:反全球化视野中的新探索

two inevitabilities两个必然
1.With the development of economic globalization, we Chinese people become more and more ignorant of "Two Inevitabilities "proposed by our great author Marx more than one hundred and fifty years ago.随着经济全球化的大潮风起浪涌,人们对“两个必然”的认识越来越模糊,“两个必然”已经过时了吗?本文从全球化这个视角对“两个必然”进行了阐述,指出经济全球化将资本主义和社会主义紧密地联系在一起,而且资本主义在经济全球化进程中占据主导地位,拥有旺盛的生命力,但这并没有改变资本主义必然灭亡的命运,然而社会主义代替资本主义也不是一朝一夕的事情,社会主义还必须做好准备迎接巨大的挑战。
3)theory about "Two certains"两个必然理论
4)Two Musts两个务必
1.Two Musts: the times request of building a well-off society in all-round way;两个务必:全面建设小康社会的时代要求
2.On the Relationship Between the "Two Musts" and the Governance Capacity of CPC论“两个务必”与党的执政能力建设
3."Two Musts" and Current Young Cadre Style Construction浅析“两个务必”与当前年轻干部作风建设
5)Two Necessities两个务必
1.Two Necessities of Epoch-Making Significance: the Argument Focused by China s Three-Gerneration Leaders;党的三代领导人关于“两个务必”的思想及其时代意义
2.The Realistic Meaning of Keeping Firmly in Mind "Two Necessities;论牢记“两个务必”的现实性
6)the Two Necessities两个务必
1.Some New Ideas about the 360th Year after Jiasheng ——How to Keep the Two Necessities and Carry on the National Spirit;甲申三百六十年启思——兼谈保持“两个务必”与弘扬民族精神
2.At present, keeping up the revolutionary spirit of Plain Living and Hard Working is to have very important urgency and realistic significance, which call us to improve the social awareness and to remember the two necessities.必须牢记"两个务必",从自己做起,从小事做起。

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。