个体本质,individual nature
1)individual nature个体本质
1.Human kind nature,group nature and individual nature are displayed by human practice,sociablilty and needs.人的类本质、群体本质、个体本质是通过人的实践性、人的社会性、人的需要表现出来,这对于我们理解人的全面发展有着重要意义。
2.From the free and conscious labor of human own kind s nature to the sum total of all the social relationship of social groups nature and the practical generative theory of individual nature,the three judgements of human nature seem contradictory one another,in fact,they are inherently identical and provide a scientific method on the study of human nature.从整个人类自由自觉劳动的类本质到社会群体一切社会关系总和的群体本质再到现实个人以实践为存在方式而不断生成的个体本质,马克思人的本质观在形成过程中的这三个阶段的论断看似说法不一、前后冲突,实则环环相接、层层深入,并以其内在的逻辑一致性为我们认识和把握人提供了一种科学的切入角度。
3.The integrated connotation of Marx s thought of human nature should be the unity of human nature in general, quasi nature and individual nature.马克思关于人的本质的完整含义应该是其一般本质、类本质及个体本质的有机统一。
2)individual essence个体本质
1.In Marx s early works,the theory of man s essence includes three meanings: human essence,community essence and individual essence.在马克思的早期著作中,人的本质实际上包括三重意蕴,即类本质、群体本质和个体本质,相应地,资本主义制度下人的本质也在三个层面出现异化,在此基础上,马克思指明了实现人解放的道路,即通过现实的共产主义运动去克服人的异化状态而获得自由。
3)On the Essence of the Individual试论个体的本质
4)Personal Ontology个体本体
5)the individuality of the Neosensualist新感觉本质的个体性
6)individual standard个体本位
1.Along with the ocean trades and fights between human beings and the sea,multi-civilization-merged western culture developed its cultural spirit of individual standard,formed equal character sense and law spirits,it also made the.多元文明融合的西方文化,在海洋贸易及人与海的搏斗中,培养出个体本位的文化精神,形成了平等的人格意识和法律精神,同时也造成了家庭结构的松散和亲情的冷漠,不利于社会的稳定。
2.Higher vocational education is the unity of the social and individual standard,it is also the unity of so.高职教育是社会本位与个体本位的统一,是社会需要和谋求个人发展的统一,是人的全面发展与职业发展的统一。
3.Nowadays,the young generation goes to social standard from individual standard,sharing joys and hardships from sole enjoyment,taking the heavy responsibility from the self-centered.他们是由个体本位走向社会本位,由独自享受走向同甘共苦,由自我中心走向自觉担当的一代青年。

1.Chinese realistic moral pattern is bimetallic standard transition pattern consisting of individual standard, collective standard.中国现实道德模式是包括个体本位、体本位的双本位特征的过渡模式。
2.On Collectivism Values and Individualism Values;整体主义价值观与个体本位价值观新论
3.Individual-oriented:An Important Part of Socialism Values“个体本位”是社会主义价值理念的重要组成部分
4.It is the process from collectivism to individualism that the cultural transformation of modern times of china.我国近代以来的文化转型是由集体本位文化向个体本位文化转型的过程。
5.On "Citizen-Centred Government"--A Realization between the Collectivism Stage and the Individualism Stage;略论“公民本位”——在“集体本位”向“个人本位”过渡阶段的实现
6.Group Standard of National Culture and Individual Display of Western Culture;民族文化的群体本位与西方文化的个体张扬
8.The figures in this table refer to the types of ownership other than collective owned units, individuals and private-owned units.注:本表统计范围为除集体和私营个体以外的经济单位投资。
9.On Sentence Translation and Textual Translation the Two Phases of Translation;论翻译单位的两个阶段——“句本位”和“篇本位”
10.a territorial military unit.一个本土的军事单位。
11.The stadium seats 500.这个体育馆有500个座位。
12.A plant unit may be an individual.单位株可以是一个个体。
13.In this article the function and the position of Hand Balance in gymnastics are described four aspects.本文从四个方面论述了手倒立在体操中的地位和作用。
14.(Christian theology) regarded as the same in substance or essence (as of the three persons of the Trinity).(基督神学理论)具有相同成分或本质(如一个三位一体的人)。
15.A more complicated particle called the chromosome is apparently the fundamental unit of assembly.一个更复杂的微粒,称为染色质体,显然是包装的基本单位。
16.Group Identification and Individual Standard--The Comparison of Personality Ideal between Traditional East-West Culture;群体认同与个人本位——中西传统文化的人格理想比较
17.The present specimens differ from the type specimen described by Braun in 1901 and Lühe in 1909, in the size of the body and in the position of the acetabulum.这个标本与典型标本的不同主要在蟲体较大与腹吸盤的位置较在蟲体的前方。
18.Labour Rights: the Starting Point and Centre for Building the Labour Law System;劳权本位:劳动法律体系构建的基点和核心——兼论劳动法律体系的几个基本理论问题

individual essence个体本质
1.In Marx s early works,the theory of man s essence includes three meanings: human essence,community essence and individual essence.在马克思的早期著作中,人的本质实际上包括三重意蕴,即类本质、群体本质和个体本质,相应地,资本主义制度下人的本质也在三个层面出现异化,在此基础上,马克思指明了实现人解放的道路,即通过现实的共产主义运动去克服人的异化状态而获得自由。
3)On the Essence of the Individual试论个体的本质
4)Personal Ontology个体本体
5)the individuality of the Neosensualist新感觉本质的个体性
6)individual standard个体本位
1.Along with the ocean trades and fights between human beings and the sea,multi-civilization-merged western culture developed its cultural spirit of individual standard,formed equal character sense and law spirits,it also made the.多元文明融合的西方文化,在海洋贸易及人与海的搏斗中,培养出个体本位的文化精神,形成了平等的人格意识和法律精神,同时也造成了家庭结构的松散和亲情的冷漠,不利于社会的稳定。
2.Higher vocational education is the unity of the social and individual standard,it is also the unity of so.高职教育是社会本位与个体本位的统一,是社会需要和谋求个人发展的统一,是人的全面发展与职业发展的统一。
3.Nowadays,the young generation goes to social standard from individual standard,sharing joys and hardships from sole enjoyment,taking the heavy responsibility from the self-centered.他们是由个体本位走向社会本位,由独自享受走向同甘共苦,由自我中心走向自觉担当的一代青年。

本质映射本质映射essential mappng  本质映射[.皮刘间..月,甩;ey叫eeTaea一oe oTo6一a-狱e朋el 把拓扑空间x映成闭单形r”的连续映射f,使得在集合f一’(于·\尹)的所有点上和f相同的任何连续映射关:x~于”都是映成整个于·的映射.例如,把于”映成自身的恒等映射是本质映射.【补注】本质映射用来刻画正规空间的夜盖维数(见维数(山庄猫沁n)).正规空间(nom词sPa以治)的概盖维数)n的充要条件是:存在一个把该空间映成”维闭单形尹的本质映射.