斗争哲学,struggling philosophy
1)struggling philosophy斗争哲学
1." Additionally,it has resumed people s awareness of practice and scientific spirit,accelerated the ending of "struggling philosophy"and promoted the sense of humanism.它促进了实践理性的回归、实现了科学精神的重塑、加速了"斗争哲学"的终结、彰显弘扬了人本主义。
2.Key difference lies in: struggling philosophy stresses that struggle attempts to reach the break of past unity,realizing the transformation of things;although harmonious philosophy is also as far as struggle,struggle is to maintain the existence and development of unity.斗争哲学不是只讲斗争,不讲统一;和谐哲学也不是只讲统一,不讲斗争。

1.Special Significances of Military Science of Sun Tzu s Struggle Philosophy in Structuring Harmonious Society;孙子兵法的斗争哲学对构建和谐社会的特殊意义
2.Grasping the Essence and Character of the Harmonious Thinking through Comparing with the Philosophy of Struggle;在与斗争哲学的比较中把握和谐思维的本质和特征
3.Struggle between realism and instrumentalism in modern western philosophy of science;现代西方科学哲学实在论与工具论的斗争
4.The philosophical explanation of the fighing beauty about MAO Zee-dong s po ems;战地黄花分外香——毛泽东诗词斗争美的哲学阐释
5.On Zhou En-lai s Philosophic Approach in Waging Ideological Struggles and Its Significance;论周恩来开展思想斗争的哲学方法及意义
6.Philosophy Struggle at the Transformation Period of Socialism Construction of the Party;论党在社会主义建设转折时期的哲学斗争
7.Perplexity and Hesitation: the Artistic Deconstruction of Class Struggle s Life Philosophy in the Literature of the New Age;困惑与彷徨:论新时期文学对阶级斗争人生哲学的艺术解构
8.Class Struggle in Theory:Althsser New Concept to Marxist Philosophy;“理论领域中的阶级斗争”——评阿尔都塞对马克思主义哲学的新定义
9.On Transformation of the Paradigms of China s Legal Philosophy--From the Paradigm of Class Struggle to the Paradigm of Right as Fundamental Basis.;当代中国法哲学研究范式的转换——从阶级斗争范式到权利本位范式
10.For example, Lenin had some doubts about the use of "struggle" as a philosophical term.典型之例,在列宁所下的哲学论断里,对斗争这个哲语,他就是有所保留的。
11.On the other hand, he expanded the Anti-rightist movement. He called upon criticizing the fields of Art and Literature as well as Social Science and Philosophy.另一方面,又出现反右派斗争扩大化,号召开展对文学艺术和哲学社会科学界的激烈批判。
12.And while the philosophers of the past won the battle, Galileo and the forces of scientific inquiry won the war.虽然过去的哲人们赢得了战斗,伽利略和科学探究力量却赢得了战争。
13.In philosophy, materialism and idealism form a unity of opposites and struggle with each other.在哲学里边,唯物主义和唯心主义是对立统一,这两个东西是相互斗争的。
14.A political philosophy supporting the rights and power of the people in their struggle against the privileged elite.人民党主义一种政治哲学,在人民反对特权精英阶级的斗争上支持人民的权利与权力
15.Greek philosopher who maintained that strife and change are natural conditions of the universe.赫拉克利特希腊哲学家,他坚持斗争和变化是宇宙的自然状态的观点
16.Yet she struggled with the beliefs that her religion required and began exploring other philosophies and approaches to life.然而她与自己的宗教所要求的信念进行斗争,并开始探索别的哲学思想和生活之道。
17.fight, struggle, etc to the bitter end战斗、斗争...到底.
18.First, he insisted on working for practical benefits in the form of higher wages and better working conditions, rather than engaging in a philosophical class struggle.首先,他坚持争取提高工资和改善劳动条件等实际利益,而不是去进行一场哲学意义上的阶级斗争。

fighting philosophy斗争哲学
1.The fighting philosophy is one of qualitative change with which the revolutionary party directs its revolution,while the philosophy of harmony is one of quantitative change with which the ruling party directs its construction in a peaceful society.斗争哲学是关于事物质变的哲学,是革命党用以指导革命斗争的哲学;和谐哲学是关于事物量变的哲学,是执政党用以指导和平建设的哲学。
2.The philosophical foundation of socialistic harmonious society should be a harmonious philosophy,rather than fighting philosophy.社会主义和谐社会的哲学基础,应该是"和谐哲学"而不是"斗争哲学"。
3)philosophy struggle哲学斗争
4)conflict philosophy view斗争哲学观
1.With the change of main contradiction in China and the influence of Chinese tradition culture,the political philosophy view of the Communist Party of China gradually changes from conflict philosophy view to harmonious philosophy view.随着中国社会主要矛盾的转变和中国传统文化的影响,中国共产党的政治哲学观逐渐从斗争哲学观转向和谐哲学观。
5)Reflection on the Philosophy of Struggle反思"斗争哲学"
6)philosophical controversies哲学争论

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