矛盾辩证法,contradictory dialectics
1)contradictory dialectics矛盾辩证法
1.Harmonious dialectics is "harmonious but different"while contradictory dialectics is "same but inharmonious".和谐辩证法是"和而不同",而矛盾辩证法则是"同而不和"。
2.The author believes the harmonious dialectics is the development and succeed of contradictory dialectics.和谐辩证法是对矛盾辩证法的继承和发展,是时代精神和建设中国特色社会主义实践的深厚的思想积淀,承认对立面的肯定因素、实现对立面的结合和双赢等是和谐辩证法的基本内涵。

1.From Dialectics of Contradiction to Dialectics of Harmony;从矛盾辩证法到和谐辩证法——辩证法的历史变迁
2.Thus the paper is written in the meta-language of contradictory dialectic explanation.全文以矛盾辩证法为元语言展开解释。
3.The identity to which mutual transformation attributed exists in contradictory dialectics, though the two are opposite to each other on certain conditions.但从矛盾辩证法上看,二者具有同一性,可以相互转化。
4.logical contradiction and dialectical contradiction逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾
5.Comparative Study of Chinese Yin and Yang Theory and Dialectics Contradictions;中医阴阳理论与辩证法矛盾论之比较
6.About the Development of "On Contradictory" to Dialecties;谈《矛盾论》对唯物辩证法的深化与发展
7.Mao Zedong s On Contradictions Brings Forth the New Through the Old Chinese Ancient Dialectics;《矛盾论》对中国古代辩证法的推陈出新
8.Rule of Compatible Contradictions Is the Core of Deng Xiaoping s Dialectical Thought;矛盾兼容法则是邓小平辩证法思想的核心
9.Reflections on the Category of "Contradiction";哲理思考随笔——“矛盾”是辩证法的基本范畴吗?
10.The Dialectical Relationship of Principal Contradiction and Non-principal Contradiction in the Football Match;论足球比赛中主要矛盾与次要矛盾的辩证关系
11.Don Quijote s contradiction theory: a tentative study of logic contradiction and dialectic contradiction;唐·吉诃德悖论——略谈逻辑矛盾和辩证矛盾
12.Deal With the Contradictions Dialectically to Promote the Development of College Libraries;辩证处理矛盾 促进高校图书馆发展
13.A Comparison of Broadspectrum Yin-Yang Theory and Dialectical Contradiction Theory;广谱阴阳论与辩证矛盾论的比较研究
14.On Dialectical Identity Thought in On Contradiction浅论《矛盾论》中的辩证同一性思想
15.Must Be Accurately Comprehended for the Construction of a Harmonious Society Contradiction Theory of the Materialistic Dialectic;构建和谐社会必须全面准确理解唯物辩证法矛盾观
16.On Alienation of Contradiction Nature in Detecting Activity--Chapter 10 of Criminal Investigation Dialectics;试论侦查运动中矛盾性质的异化现象——刑事侦查辩证法研究之十
17.How did Mao Zedong Carry Forward and Develop Marxist Dialectics in On Contradiction;从《矛盾论》看毛泽东对马克思主义辩证法的继承和发展
18.Material Dialectics and Tianslation Studies;辩证法与翻译研究——从联系观、发展观及矛盾观看翻译研究

contradictory dialectic矛盾辩证法
1.Thus the paper is written in the meta-language of contradictory dialectic explanation.全文以矛盾辩证法为元语言展开解释。
2.The process, suggested in the paper, from contradictory dialectic to harmonious dialectic means a transformation that dialectic science develops in the conformity with the law, presents the needs of time spirits and su.本文以党的十六届四中全会提出的构建社会主义和谐社会为契机,着重考察了自黑格尔以来辩证法在马克思视域中历史变迁,指出,由矛盾辩证法到和谐辩证法是辩证法科学合乎规律的发展和转变,是时代精神的呼唤和建设中国特色社会主义实践的深厚的思想积淀,集中体现在由向对立面的斗争性倾斜到向对立面的同一性的全面的回归。
3)dialectic contradiction辩证矛盾
1.Don Quijote s contradiction theory: a tentative study of logic contradiction and dialectic contradiction;唐·吉诃德悖论——略谈逻辑矛盾和辩证矛盾
2.From the epistemological aspect,the occurrence of paradox is not only related to the logic contradiction of expressions,but also involves the dialectic contradiction irrelevant to logic.从认识论的角度看,悖论问题产生的根源不仅仅与语句表达上的逻辑矛盾相关,而且还涉及到了非逻辑的辩证矛盾问题。
4)dialectical contradiction辩证矛盾
1.The law of contradiction answers the question of “how many” characters the object has, but on the other hand, the dialectical contradiction gives the answer to the question of “what” characters are.从本体论看,形式逻辑的客观基础是“对象性状唯一性”,矛盾律回答的是对象性状“有几个”的问题,辩证矛盾回答的是“是什么”的问题。
2.to distinguish adequately logical contradiction from dialectical contradiction;6.正确区分逻辑矛盾与辩证矛盾问题;6。
5)the(dialectical) antinomy辩证矛盾性
6)dialectical contradictions concept辩证矛盾观
