相互承认,mutual recognition
1)mutual recognition相互承认
1.Hegel\'s early philosophical thought contains a wealth of ideas on mutual recognition between subjects and has had a significant impact on modern social theories.黑格尔哲学中蕴含着丰富的主体间相互承认的思想,并对现代社会理论产生了重大影响。

1.reciprocal enforcement of arbitration awards相互承认和执行仲裁裁决;相互执行仲裁裁决
2.Scheme for Mutual Recognition of Evaluation Reports on Pharmaceutical Products相互承认医药产品评价报告计划
3.Convention on the Mutual Recognition of Companies and Bodies Corporate关于相互承认公司和法人团体的公约
4.Agreement on Mutual Recognition and Normalization of Relations相互承认和关系正常化协定
5.Recognition of the Diploma, Study Period and Academic Degree in European Higher Education文凭、学历和学位的相互承认:欧洲的实践和探索
6.On the Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Court Judgments between the Inland and Hong Kong;也论内地和香港相互承认和执行法院判决
7.Recognition and Enforcement of Civil Judgement between the Mainland and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region;论香港与内地法院间对判决的相互承认及执行
8.On The Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitration Awards Between Mainland and Macao SAR;论内地与澳门仲裁裁决的相互承认与执行
9.Empirical Research on the Coition and Enforcement of the Civil and Commercial Judgement between the Mainland and Taiwan Province in China两岸民商事判决相互承认与执行制度的共建
10.On the Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement for the Judgments of Courts between the Mainland and Hong Kong内地与香港相互承认与执行法院判决研究
11.Further Discussion on Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Cross-strait Civil and Commercial Judgments海峡两岸民商事判决的相互承认与执行再探讨
12.Annie: The relation between the IOC and the national Olympic committee of every country is recognition of one another.安妮:国际奥委会和各国国家奥委会之间只有相互承认的关系。
13.A Probe into the Problem of the Recognition and Enforcement of Judgments in Civil and Commercial Matters between Mainland China and Hong Kong;中国内地与香港民商事判决相互承认与执行问题的探讨
14.The Latest Development of Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement Judgments in Commercial Matters between Mainland China and Hong Kong;内地和香港民商事判决相互承认执行的最新发展
15.My View on Problem of Mutual Acknowledgment and Execution of Civil Verdict between Mainland and Districts of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan;内地与港澳台地区民事判决相互承认和执行问题之我见
16.Mutual Recognition and Enforcement of Civil and Commercial Judgements between Mainland China and Hong Kong SAR:?Present Situation and Prospects;内地与香港民商事判决的相互承认与执行:现状与前瞻
17.On the mutual recognition and enforcement of judgments in civil and commercial matters between Mainland China and Hong Kong论内地与香港法院民商事判决的相互承认与执行
18.He summarized China parliaences struggle experiences at that time that is mutual admit, multual consultative, mutual compromise, mutual-competion.他总结了当时中国进行议会斗争的经验是互相承认,互相商量,互相让步,互相竞赛。

mutual recognition and enforcement相互承认与执行
1.The article discusses the present legal situation on the mutual recognition and enforcement of China inter-regional arbitration awards,analyzes the development of the arbitration system of Macao and the main issues on the mutual recognition and enforcement arbitration awards between the mainland and Macao SAR.本文探讨了中国区际仲裁裁决相互承认与执行的法律现状,分析了澳门仲裁制度的发展和解决内地与澳门相互承认与执行仲裁裁决的最佳途径,深入研究了内地与澳门相互承认与执行仲裁裁决必须解决的若干问题,为内地与澳门达成“相互承认与执行仲裁裁决的安排”提出了合理化建议。
3)mutual recognition of qualifications相互资格承认
4)mutual recognition agreements相互承认协议
5)relatively admit相对承认
1.The academic circles generally hold that an attitude of relatively admitting common law marriage should be taken;namely,common law marriage should be viewed as valid when it complies with certain conditions.我国事实婚姻现象长期存在,修改后的《婚姻法》规定以补办登记的方式弥补事实婚姻效力上的不足;学术界普遍认为对事实婚姻应当采取相对承认的态度,即将符合一定条件的事实婚姻视为合法婚姻。
6)mutual authentication相互认证
1.This paper provides security analysis of a mutual authentication and key establishment protocol for wireless communication based on elliptic curve cryptography.为了保障信息在无线系统中的安全传输,用户和服务器在交换信息之前需要相互认证,并在建立1个共享的会话密钥。
2.At last, proposes a new secure RFID system based on mutual authentication.论文分析了现在RFID面临的各种安全问题,然后在XingxinGao等给出的RFID系统的基础上,提出了一种基于相互认证的安全RFID系统。
3.This protocol uses both the elliptic curve digital signature algorithm and the Diffie-Hellman key exchange scheme to provide mutual authentication and agree a session key for subsequent communication.最近,Aydos等人提出了基于椭圆曲线密码学的无线认证协议·该协议使用了椭圆曲线数字签名算法和Diffie-Hell man密钥交换方案提供相互认证并协商会话密钥用于随后的通信·Mangipudi等人指出该协议对于来自系统内部攻击者的中间人攻击是脆弱的·进一步证明Aydos等人的协议对于来自任何攻击者的中间人攻击都是脆弱的,而不仅限于内部攻击者·最后,分析了Aydos等人的协议受到攻击的原因和其他一些安全缺陷

《亚太实验室认可合作组织相互承认协议》《亚太实验室认可合作组织相互承认协议》Asia-Pacific Laboratory Accreditation Cooperation Matural Recognition Agreement;APIACIMRA  丫moi Sh叩nshi Renke Hezuo Zuzhi Xianghu ChengrenXieyi《亚太实验室认可合作组织相互承认协议)(As沁只叱沙2五人扒助仃A配阳d拓以fonG洲¥祀rat蜘匆边功以凡卿洲‘勿nA脚e魂耐;APLAC/MRA)由亚太实验室认可合作组织的成员签署的文件。核心内容是,签署协议的成员之间对实验室认可的结果同等地予以承认,并且在各自国家或经济区内同等地宜传和推广实验室认可结果。签署协议的作用是以减少进口国对进口产品的重复检测,节省时间和节省出口国的费用以促进贸易的发展。 签署APLA口MRA依据规定的程序进行。希望签署APLA口MRA的成员应向亚太实验室认可合作组织(API人c)主席提出正式申请,由APLAC相互承认协议理事会主席派遗同行评审组对申请方的整个体系进行全面评审,评审依据的要求是国际统一的规定—IS0llEC导则58(校准和检测实验室认可制度一运作和认可的通用要求》。满足要求的申请方经相互承认协议理事会审理批准后正式签署协议。(刘安平)