自由个性,free personality
1)free personality自由个性
1."Development" here includes not only universal and full development of personal ability and social relations ,but also development of free personality.这里的“人”是“个人” ,因为唯物史观的前提是现实的个人 ;这里的“发展” ,既包括个人能力和个人关系的普遍性、全面性发展 ,又包括自由个性的发

1.Marx Thought of Freedom Personality and Its Contemporary Character;马克思的“自由个性”思想及其当代意义
2.The Historical Generation of Marx's "Free Individuality" Thought马克思“自由个性”思想的历史生成
3.The dialectic of thinking in images re-sults in aesthetic freedom on the one hand and free personality cultivated by means of individualized per-ceptual images on the other hand.形象思维的辩证法既产生了审美的自由,又以个性化的感性形象为手段,培养了自由个性;
4.Mass Freedom·Individual Freedom·Personal Freedom--On Tragedy and Sublimity;群体自由·个体自由·个性自由——论悲剧与崇高
5.The two aspects of freedism: self and sociality;自我性、社会性:自由主义的两个层面
6.Liberal Limitation·Individual opinion·Personality Development--Three Key Problems in Mill s Thought of Individual Liberty;自由限度·个人意见·个性发展——密尔个人自由思想的三重奏
7.Freedom of Thought and Personality Liberation--Liu Shipei s Discuss on Weijin;思想自由与个性解放——刘师培论魏晋
8.Marx s Thoughts on Personal Liberty and its Contemporary Significance;马克思的个性自由思想及其当代价值
9.On the Relationship between Freedom of Individuality and Nation of Law;论“个性自由”与“法治国家”的关系
10.Marx s Thoughts on Individual Self-independency and Contemporary Liberalism;马克思关于个人自主性的思想与当代自由主义
11.A Freedom-pursuer Whose Identity Is Destroyed by Freedom --On the Creative Characteristics of The PORTRAIT OF A LADY by Henry James;一个性格被自由毁掉的自由追求者——试论《贵妇画像》的创作特色
12.The Individual Freedom and Personality Education--On the Role of the Parent-child Balance;个体自由与个性教育——兼论亲子角色的平衡
13.The abolition of bourgeois individuality, bourgeois independence, and bourgeois freedom is undoubtedly aimed at.的确,正是要消灭资产者的个性、独立性和自由。
14.The Existence and the Non-existence of Global Solutions of a Free Boundary Problem;一个自由边界问题整体解的存在性和不存在性
15.It could be used to assesschildren’s independence with 3-5 years old, (2) the independence structure of3-5 years old children was consists of self-reliance, self-control and self-assertion.3~5 岁儿童独立性由自我依靠、自我控制和自我主张三个维度构成。
16.The Relationship Between the Concept of Freedom and the Concept of Nature: a New Perspective on the Concept of Nature;自由观与自然观之内在相关性——一个考察自然观的新视角
17.Another dimension of free trade is the mobility of capital and investment.自由贸易的另一个特点,是资金及投资的流动性。
18.Interpreting from Free Choice the Female Protagonists of Chen Bai-lu and Lisa;从自由选择解读陈白露、丽瑟两个女性形象

free individuality自由个性
1.How to realize man\'s fundamental rights mentioned above? From the dimension of philosophy,here there is no doubt that we must pay exceptional attention to "free individuality".如何使人的基本权利真正得到实现?从哲学的维度看,这里无疑应当对"自由个性"予以特别关注。
3)personal freedom个性自由
1.This paper takes self orientation as the essentiality to solve the crisis,considering the recovery and development of self s personal freedom as the way to realize humankind s freedom,in addition,the basis and power of overall development.本文认为解决危机的关键仍在于人自身,恢复和发展人自身的个性自由是实现人类自由而全面发展的基础和原动力。
2.The development of human practice - creation in combination with ancient mass freedom, individual (human ) freedom and modern personal freedom evolved correspondent ancient tragedy, modern tragedy and late - modern tragedy.人的实践-创造活动的发展水平和相应的古代群体自由、近代个体自由(人性自由)、现代个性自由的演变产生出了古典悲剧、近代悲剧和现代悲剧三种内核不同的悲剧范畴,引导着三种不同倾向的悲剧形态。
4)individual freedom个性自由
1.From the perspective of the combination of culture and prose, the paper analyses four aspects of the modern rational spirit in Zhu Ziqing s prose: individual freedom, democracy and science, scientific principles, criticism and reconstruction.从文化与散文相结合的角度,可以看到朱自清散文具有四个方面的现代理性精神,即个性自由精神、民主科学精神、专业学理精神和批判重建精神。
2.Combined with modern media, the traditional culture of chivalrous conducts goes to the public, occupying more and more readers compared to the belles-lettres, reflecting the massespurchase of individual freedom, imagination about and escape from the reality, and keenne.传统的武侠文化与现代传媒的结合 ,使武侠文化真正走向了大众 ,并对传统的“雅文学”起到了很大的消解作用 ,折射出大众对个性自由的追求、对现实的虚拟与逃避、对“英雄情结”的留恋。
3.The rapid development of society restricts individual freedom, at the same time there is an urgent appeal to the emergence of creative talents.现代社会繁荣与危机并存,物质产品丰富而人的精神极度颓废,社会的急速发展限制了人的个性自由的同时又急切呼吁创造型人才的出现,而创造性的培养又直接依赖于学生个性自由的形成和发展。
5)freedom of individuality个性自由
1.With the awareness of "human being", pursuing independence of personality, freedom of individuality, self-determination of marriage and amativeness has already become conscious requirement of the educated women among which are women writers during that period.伴随着"人"的意识的觉醒,追求人格独立、个性自由、婚恋自主已成为"五四"时代广大知识女性的自觉要求,"五四"时代女作家本身就是这样一些知识女性。
6)individual free sense个性自由观

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。