意识论,consciousness theory
1)consciousness theory意识论
1.With the development of modern science and technology and modern western philosophy of Mind,Marxism consciousness theory has gradually become the foremost field in Marxism philosophy research.随着现代科学技术的发展和现代西方心灵哲学研究成果的引入,马克思主义意识论已成为国内马克思主义哲学研究的一个前沿领域。
2.The rise of the neu-dualism also has an important reference to the development of Marxist consciousness theory.这种新二元论的崛起对于发展马克思主义意识论也有着重要的借鉴意义。
2)Awareness of Public Opinion意识舆论
3)paper conscience论文意识
1.We can Take innovation consciousness,question consciousness,criticism spirit,paper conscienceness,expression etc.培养创新思维能力可以将培养学生的创新意识、问题意识、批判意识、论文意识、语言表达能力等作为目标。
4)theoretical awareness理论意识
1.The formation of schools signifies the sophistication of research, as an awareness of school is actually a clear theoretical awareness.流派的形成是研究深化的一个表现 ,流派意识体现了清晰的理论意识。
2.To further develop the comparative studies of Chinese and Japanese Literature, the theoretical awareness must first be intensified, and the limit imposed by the positivist research methods be broken through, so that the verification of “facts” can be raised to the interpretation of “meaning,”.中日文学比较研究首先必须强化理论意识 ,突破实证研究的终点 ,把一种“事实”的证明上升为“意义”的阐释 ,“事实———异同———原因———模式”研究思路才是文学关系研究的完整过程。
3.The theoretical awareness is one of the important qualities of translation teachers for English majors in universities.本文从四个维度审视了翻译教师理论意识和理论素养的必要性和重要性;又从四个方面简述了翻译教师应具备的理论意识和理论素养;文章最后指出教师应具备开放的理论意识,以更好地适应和指引翻译教学实践,同时确保翻译教学的质量和效率。

1.On Fostering Theoretical and Skill Senses of Written Translation for English Majors试论英语专业笔译理论意识和技能意识的培养
2.Ideology theory and contemporary China s ideology theoretical research;意识形态理论与当代中国意识形态理论研究
3.Reflections on the Ownership Theory in Book "German Ideology《德意志意识形态》的所有制理论梳理
4.What Is The Theory--A Study on the Contestation of the Aesthetical Ideology;理论何为?——从“审美意识形态论”论争说起
5.Epistemological and methodological significances of Pound s theory of translation;庞德翻译理论的认识论、方法论意义
6.Theoretical Research on Divison of Labor and Individuality Theory in Die Deutsche Ideologie;《德意志意识形态》分工与个性理论研究
7.The Establishment and Significance of Marxist Ideological Theory;马克思意识形态理论的确立及其意义
8.Research of liberation theory on the German ideology;《德意志意识形态》的解放理论研究
9.The Theory of Marist Ideology and the Building of China Ideology;马克思主义意识形态理论与中国意识形态建设
10.Recent Development in the Research on Unconscious:A Review of Unconscious Thought Theory;无意识研究新进展:无意识思维理论述评
11.Ideology as the Fantasy: On Ideology Theory of Slavoj Zizek;作为幻象的意识形态:齐泽克意识形态理论研究
12.Ideology s Economic Function--Probe into North s Ideology Theory;意识形态的经济功能——诺斯的意识形态理论探析
13.The Sense of Style Esteem & Sense of Apotheosis about the Theory of Poetic Formal Distinctions of Ming Dynasty;明代诗学辨体理论的尊体意识与典范意识
14.Ideologization of Ideology--A Study on Ideology in Terms of Postmodern Theory意识形态的意识形态化——后现代理论视域中的意识形态考察
15.On the Novel Theory of Stream of Consciousness of Woolf and Her Practical Writing;论伍尔夫意识流小说理论及创作实践
16.On a number of theoretical misunderstandings in the field of ideology;意识形态论域中的若干理论误区透视
18.The History Consciousness in Jameson s Critique of Culture;论詹姆逊文化批评理论中的历史意识

Awareness of Public Opinion意识舆论
3)paper conscience论文意识
1.We can Take innovation consciousness,question consciousness,criticism spirit,paper conscienceness,expression etc.培养创新思维能力可以将培养学生的创新意识、问题意识、批判意识、论文意识、语言表达能力等作为目标。
4)theoretical awareness理论意识
1.The formation of schools signifies the sophistication of research, as an awareness of school is actually a clear theoretical awareness.流派的形成是研究深化的一个表现 ,流派意识体现了清晰的理论意识。
2.To further develop the comparative studies of Chinese and Japanese Literature, the theoretical awareness must first be intensified, and the limit imposed by the positivist research methods be broken through, so that the verification of “facts” can be raised to the interpretation of “meaning,”.中日文学比较研究首先必须强化理论意识 ,突破实证研究的终点 ,把一种“事实”的证明上升为“意义”的阐释 ,“事实———异同———原因———模式”研究思路才是文学关系研究的完整过程。
3.The theoretical awareness is one of the important qualities of translation teachers for English majors in universities.本文从四个维度审视了翻译教师理论意识和理论素养的必要性和重要性;又从四个方面简述了翻译教师应具备的理论意识和理论素养;文章最后指出教师应具备开放的理论意识,以更好地适应和指引翻译教学实践,同时确保翻译教学的质量和效率。
5)consciousness theory and knowledge theory意识论与认识论
1.In the paper, the author proves that the confirmed and developed Marxist philosophy on the principle of information theory proving the unity of the matter world and the contents of the artificial intelligence substantiating and deepening dialectical materialism consciousness theory and knowledge theory.近半个世纪以来,现代科学沿着辩证综合的方向取得突飞猛进的发展,以信息论论证物质统一性的原理及人工智能对辩证唯物主义意识论与认识论充实与深化的内容,论证当代科学技术对马克思主义哲学的证实与发展。
6)Sense of Nativeness本土意识论
1.A Tentative Study of the Sense of Nativeness in Cultural Studies;文化研究的本土意识论初探

海斯国家意识发展论海斯国家意识发展论Hess' develpmental theory of national loyalty  海斯国家意识发展论(H ess,develpmentaltheory of national loyalty)海斯与托尼(Hess,R.D.和Torney,J.v.)根据对1000名美国小学儿童调查研究的结果,于1967年提出的关于儿童的国家意识发展的三阶段论。他们认为,儿童的国家意识的发展可分为三个阶段:(l)国家象征期。早期儿童把象征国家的国旗、国歌和国家领袖视为国家,他们对国家的爱,往往表现在尊敬国家象征的言行中。(2)抽象国家观念期。中期儿童把诸如自由、民主、投票权等有关国家的抽象观念视为国家的代表,往往以这种抽象观念作为爱国的根据。(3)国际组织系统期。后期儿童已认识到世界是由许多国家所组成,自己的国家为国际结构中的成员之一,以国家在国际关系中所担任的角色为忠诚的对象。儿童的爱国观念不再局限于国内,己扩展到国家在国际上所担任的职责中。 (成立夫撰巨巫国审)