哲学变革,philosophical revolution
1)philosophical revolution哲学变革
1.This article is to explore the philosophical revolution from Kantang,Hegel to Marx,i.考察从康德、黑格尔到马克思的哲学变革,即从康德的"世界公民"、黑格尔的"世界历史个人"到马克思的"世界历史性的个人"思想的历史演变,指出只有马克思的唯物史观才使历史观真正奠立在科学的基础上,从而完成了近代哲学主题由认识论向历史观的转变。

1.On Change of Marx s Philosophy from Viewpoint of Individual Genetic Philosophy;从个体哲学发生学看马克思的哲学变革
2.Fundamental situation of Philosophy and Marxist Philosophy Renovation;哲学本源性情境与马克思主义哲学变革的意义
3.Re-interpreting the Revolutionary Significance in the Reform of Marx s Philosophy--In the Perspective of Western Philosophical Researches;重释马克思哲学变革的革命性意义——从西方哲学研究视角分析
4.The End of Traditional Ontological Philosophy and the Essence of Marx s Revolution in Philosophy;传统本体论哲学的终结和马克思哲学变革的实质
5.From the Scientific Philosophy to the Cultural Philosophy--The New Transformation of the Philosophic Outlook in the 21th Century;从科学哲学到文化哲学——21世纪哲学观的新变革
6.Looking at the Revolution in Marx s Philosophy from the Perspective of on Look on Marx s Philosophy;从马克思哲学观变革来看马克思的哲学革命
7.A Revolutionary Reform in the History of Philosophical Category for the Marxism Philosophy;马克思主义哲学在哲学范畴史上的革命变革
8.Revolution in the history of philosophy completed by Marx;论马克思主义哲学完成的哲学史上的革命变革
9.On radical reform of philosophic thinking mode of Deng Xiaoping;论邓小平哲学思维方式的革命性变革
10.The Contemporary Philosophy Idea Transforms to the University Philosophy Education Influence当代哲学观念变革对大学哲学教育的影响
11.Hermeneutical Analysis of English Teaching Innovation of Reading Comprehension;英语阅读教学变革的哲学阐释学之解
12.Tending towards "Body Philosophy"--Transformation of the Traditional Chinese Philosophical Research Paradigms;走向“身体哲学”——中国传统哲学研究范式的变革
13.Change of theme of the times and transformation of Philosophical Paradigm--from Philosophy of Revolution to Philosophy of Construction;时代变迁与哲学范式转换——从革命的哲学到建设的哲学
14.A Study of Marx s Philosophy Revolution From the Perspective of Philosophical Morphology;超越哲学同质性神话——从哲学形态转变的视角看马克思的哲学革命
15.Decipherment of Laozis Philosophy in the background of the Curriculum and Teaching Reform;在课程与教学变革背景下读老子哲学
16.On Essence of Transformation of Marxism Philosophy Ontology;论马克思主义哲学本体论变革的实质
17.Reform on Marxist Philosophy from the Viewpoint of Thinking Model;从思维方式角度看马克思哲学的变革
18.The Philosophical Intension of Language Varlation in Novels During the New Period;新时期小说语言变革现象的哲学内蕴

Reform of philosophical viewpoints哲学观变革
3)innovation of Marx's philosophy马克思哲学变革
4)nature of philosophical transformation哲学变革实质
5)Marx's philosophy revolution transforms马克思的哲学革命变革
6)philosophical revolution哲学革命
1.Cultural logic of Marx s philosophical revolution and its implications in modern times;马克思哲学革命的文化逻辑及其现代启示(英文)
2.Decline of Confucianism and the philosophical revolution in modern time;从儒学跌落到近现代哲学革命——中国近现代主流文化意识形态的转型
3.Meanwhile,the present author has advocated philosophical revolution and elaborated the great significance of research and dissemination of systemic dialectics.阐述了科学发展观的重要意义;接着探究了科学发展观的哲学基础,指出从哲学高度讲,科学发展观就是系统辩证法的发展观;进而提出哲学革命,阐述了研究、宣传系统辩证法的重要意义。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀