哲学命题,philosophy proposition
1)philosophy proposition哲学命题

1.A philosophy work consists essentially of elucidations.哲学的结果不是一些"哲学命题",而是使命题清晰。
2.On the Aesthetic Transformation of the Philosophical Proposition "Catching Meaning While Forgetting Words;论“得意忘言”哲学命题的美学转换
3.Interpreting the Origin of Thales’s Philosophy of "Water is Archê ";泰勒斯“水是原则”哲学命题来源解读
4.The Philosophical Proposition of Moral Advice in Jin Ping Mei;《金瓶梅词话》道德说教中的哲学命题
5.Genius form Composition:A Philosophy Theme Correlative with Composer;体现“天才”——一个与作曲家相关的哲学命题
6.A theological or philosophical issue presented for formal argument or disputation.微妙的争论点被提出来供正式争论或辩论的神学或哲学命题
7.Philosophical reflection on the proposition that teaching embodies the nature of education;关于教学具有教育性命题的哲学思考
8.A Philosophical Resolution into a=a and 1=1--A query to the proposition of priority;对a=a与1=1的哲学解析——质疑先验命题
9.A Review of Marx s Philosophical Revolution during the Study of Contemporary Problems;在当代问题中重温马克思的哲学革命
10.Jiang Zemin s Thesis of “Keeping Pace with the Times”:Its Innovative Philosophic Connotation;江泽民“与时俱进”命题的哲学内涵创新
11.On the Dualism Topic in The Unbearable Lightness of Being;论《生命中不能承受之轻》的哲学二元命题
12.A Philosophization of the Propostion That Science and Technology Is Top Productivity;“科学技术是第一生产力”命题的哲学思考
13.Opinion Propositional Attitude Predicate and Proposition Collocation--Serial Research of Philosophy of Language (6);意见命题意向谓词与命题的搭配——语言哲学系列探索之六
14.On Categories of Opinion Propositional Attitude and Object Proposition--Serial Research on Philosophy of Language;意见命题意向谓词与客体命题的类型——语言哲学系列探索之五
15.Beauty of music is an important topic of music philosophy.关于音乐的美是音乐哲学中的一个重要命题。
16.The Reflection of Mark Philosophical Revolution Arosed by "Kant s Question";由“康德问题”引发的马克思哲学革命再认识
17.Variation of Relations:A New Proposition on Philosophy and its Significances;“联系的变化”:哲学新命题的提出及其意义
18.Why Isn t The Proposition of "One Dividing Into Three" Accepted in The Philosophical World?;“一分为三”命题在哲学上为何得不到承认

Revolutions in Philosophical Problems哲学问题的革命
3)life philosophy生命哲学
1.The Significance of Philosphy Life from Gao Qinghai s Viewpoint of Life Philosophy;哲学和生命的交相辉映与价值永存——从高清海先生的“生命哲学”解读其“哲学生命”的意义
2.The view of teaching in life philosophy;生命哲学中的教学理念蕴涵
4)philosophy of life生命哲学
1.On the philosophy of life implicated in the Zhouyi;试论《周易》中的生命哲学
2.The Inner Structure of Taoist Philosophy of Life and Its Modern Significance;道教生命哲学的内在构造及现代意义
3.Yearning for Death and Striving for Life —— Xu Dishan s philosophy of life;死的向往与生的坚定——论许地山的生命哲学
5)philosophical revolution哲学革命
1.Cultural logic of Marx s philosophical revolution and its implications in modern times;马克思哲学革命的文化逻辑及其现代启示(英文)
2.Decline of Confucianism and the philosophical revolution in modern time;从儒学跌落到近现代哲学革命——中国近现代主流文化意识形态的转型
3.Meanwhile,the present author has advocated philosophical revolution and elaborated the great significance of research and dissemination of systemic dialectics.阐述了科学发展观的重要意义;接着探究了科学发展观的哲学基础,指出从哲学高度讲,科学发展观就是系统辩证法的发展观;进而提出哲学革命,阐述了研究、宣传系统辩证法的重要意义。
6)" revolution " philosophy"革命"哲学

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀