哲学基本问题,basic issue of philosophy
1)basic issue of philosophy哲学基本问题
1.In modern times,for the development of human civilization,it is significant to study on the basic issue of philosophy,which takes the form of relation between the rationality and belief implied in the cultural features of modern man.在现时代考察哲学基本问题,对于人类文明的发展具有非常重要的意义。
2.The basic issue of philosophy advanced by Engels is the one of the relation between thinking and being, and therefore the philosophical problem is closely related to ontology.恩格斯提出的哲学基本问题是关于思维与存在关系的问题 ,因此 ,哲学基本问题与本体论密切相关 ,主客体问题以及人与环境的关系问题取决于哲学基本问题

1.The Problem of Value is an Important Aspect of Fundamental Problem of Philosophy;价值问题是哲学基本问题的重要方面
2.On the Basic Question of Philosophy and the Existence of Scepticism --A New Understanding of the Basic Question of Philosophy;哲学的基本问题与怀疑论的存在——关于哲学基本问题意义的新认识
4.Raising the Fundamental Problem of Philosophy--a Logic Necessity of the Development of Phylosophy;哲学基本问题的提出是哲学史发展的逻辑必然
5.The Basic Problem of Philosophy and Historic Surpassing of Neo-Marxism哲学基本问题与马克思新哲学的历史超越
6.Rethinking About the Fundamental Problem of Philosophy in Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy;《费尔巴哈论》中哲学基本问题的再思考
7.Thinking about basic question of Marxist philosophy;关于马克思主义哲学基本问题的思考
8.On the Relationships between the Basic Problems of Philosophy and the Central Issues of Marxist Philosophy;论哲学基本问题与马克思主义哲学中心问题的关系
9.The Fundamental Problem of Philosophy--The Relation Between the Transcendental Being and the Actual Being超验存在与现实存在关系问题是哲学基本问题
10.The principal notion of Marxism philosophy and The fundamental philosophic problem;马克思主义哲学首要的基本观点与哲学基本问题——兼评“‘实践’首要论”
11.The General and Cardinal Problems of Philosophy;试论哲学的基本问题与哲学的根本问题
12.Musical Aesthetics from Kant s Philosophy:Basic Problems;从康德哲学再看音乐美学的基本问题
13.On Some Basic Math Philosophical Issues from the View of Basic Features of Math Experiments;从数学实验的基本特征看数学哲学的基本问题
14.Another Talk on the Theory “Heaven and Man into One” and the Basic Question about the Chinese Philosophy;也谈“天人合一”与中国哲学的基本问题
16.The Relationship between the Object and the Subject Is the Fundamental Problems of Philosophy;客体与主体的关系问题才是哲学的基本问题
17.Look at the Basic Problem of Mathematical Philosophy from the Variable Mathematics to the Modern Mathematics;从变量数学到现代数学看数学哲学的基本问题
18.An Investigation of the History of the Relationship Between Philosophy and Science--A Fundamental View of Interpreting Western Philosophy;哲学与科学之关系的问题史考察——西方哲学解读的一个基本视角

basic problem of philosophy哲学基本问题
1.At all times,the relation between thinking and being is an unavoidable problem for different schools of philosophy,hence it is a basic problem of philosophy.哲学基本问题贯穿于整个哲学史。
3)the fundamental problem of philosophy哲学基本问题
1.This article perceives the humanistic vision of philosophy by solving the fundamental problem of philosophy by means of Marxist philosophy.透视马克思恩格斯关于哲学基本问题的总结和概性 ,可以从中发现其更不深刻的理论意蕴 ,揭示出马克思哲学冲破思辨传统羁绊 ,开拓人学视野的哲学理路———从自然维变、社会维度和实践维度三个着眼点切入 ,探讨了人的存在根据、人的存在价值和人的存在本
4)fundamental problem of philosophy哲学基本问题
1.The problem of value is inherently involved in the fundamental problem of philosophy. 哲学基本问题内在地包含着价值问题。
2.The relation between mind and being,as the fundamental problem of philosophy,is usually intespceted in the following terms;(1) it is equated with the relation between material and mind between spirit the and natural world;(2)it includesonly the problem of origin of fundamental and the problem of knowability of the world.思维与存在的关系,作为哲学基本问题,通常被给予如下解释:第一,它等同于物质和意识的关系,甚至等同于精神与自然界的关系;第二,它包括而且仅仅包括世界的本原问题和世界的可知性问题两个方面。
5)basic philosophical issues哲学基本问题
1.The basic philosophical issues are the supposition of the ultimate care and the design of the transcendent road.这些归结到一点,即解决哲学基本问题的模式有所不同。
2.The present paper looks back on the past 10 decades of the reflective value of the basic philosophical issues declining into the annotation of class struggle, and points out that the main reasons for such decline are the pragmatic attitude towards theory and the metaphysical way of thinking.首先回顾了哲学基本问题固有的反思性价值逐渐降低为阶级斗争注脚下的百年历程,梳理出混淆阶级斗争和理论论争界限的实用主义理论态度,以及思想方法上的形而上学是个中主要因素;强调指出:改革开放的学术环境虽然为澄清这一理论困境提供了外部条件,但要彻底打破理论严重滞后于实践的僵局,则必须扬弃两军对战式的传统的理论价值观,从自主性高度立哲学基本问题的独立于现实批判功能的学术意义,这是建立具有中国特色的马克思主义哲学体系不可回避的问题。
6)basic question of philosophy哲学的基本问题
