交往合理性,Communicative rationality
1)Communicative rationality交往合理性
1.And based on discussing the problem of the later Capitalist society through dual-framework of "lifeworld-system",it elaborates the inevitability that he constructs his communicative rationality by the interaction between language and lifeworld.合理性问题是哈贝马斯关注的重要问题,为了探讨哈贝马斯的理性观思想,通过对韦伯理性观的分析,指出了传统合理性的局限之所在,并在以"生活世界——体制"的双重构架论述晚期资本主义社会弊病的基础上,阐述了哈贝马斯以语言和生活世界的互动去构建其交往合理性的必然性。

1.The Characteristics of the Theory and Its Contemporary Value of Habermas's Communicative Rational Thinking哈贝马斯交往合理性思想的理论特质与当代价值
2.The Rationality of Social Hierarchy Communication of Contemporary China According to Communicative Ration;从“交往理性”看当代中国社会阶层交往的合理化
3.The Research of the Way Realizing the Network Society Rationality Contact;实现网络社会合理性交往的路径研究
4.A Study on Habermas s Legitimacy Theory of Communicative Reason;哈贝马斯交往理性法律合法性理论研究
5.On the Rationality of College Students Utilitarian Communication;论当代大学生功利性人际交往的合理性
6.From Practical Rationality to Communicative Rationality:On Habermas′ Theory of Social Integration;从实践理性到交往理性——哈贝马斯的社会整合方案
7.Spirit、Practice、Contact Rational-Rational Reconstruction Road of精神、实践、交往理性——理性重建之路
8.A Study on Middle School Students Opposite Sex Interaction Self-concept and Its Relationship with Mental Problems of Opposite Sex Interaction;中学生异性交往自我及其与异性交往心理问题的关系研究
9.Communicative Rationality,Intersubjectivity and Cross-cultural Dialogue--Communication and Social Progress.;交往理性、主体间性与新世纪文化对话——兼论交往与社会进步
10.The Rational Contact s Disappearance in Sorrow;交往理性的“伤逝”——《伤逝》的主体交互性解读
11.The Analysis and Proposition for the Communication in Chinese Class of Junior Middle School;初中语文教学交往的问题分析及对合理交往的构想
12.Research of Public Administration Paradigm at Sight of Communicational Reason;交往理性视角下的公共行政范式研究
13.Habermas Concept of Life-world of Communication Rationality;哈贝马斯交往理性下的生活世界概念
14.Research on Teenagers Psychological and Behavioral Characteristics of Heterosexual Contact;青少年异性交往心理和行为特征研究
15.Human Communication,Social Conflict,Reason and Social Development;人际交往、社会冲突、理性与社会发展
16.Exploring the Communication in English Reading;从交往行为理论试析英语阅读过程的交际性
17.The basis of the rational global interactions: cultural understanding and value identification;全球合理交往的根基:文化理解与价值共识
18.Taking Communicative Rationality as Logic Exit of Habermas s Modernity Salvation;交往理性:哈贝马斯现代性拯救的逻辑出口

communicative rationality交往理性
1.Being the philosophical foundation of the studies of translation criticism, axiology makes translation criterion bear multiplicity and objectivity, which are based on the truth theory of consensus and guided by the principle of communicative rationality.探讨翻译批评研究的哲学基础,论述翻译批评研究的范式嬗变,指出价值论观照下的翻译批评的评价标准以交往理性为指导,追求共识性真理,具有评价的多元性和客观性。
3)communicative reason交往理性
1.The evolvement of democracy conception and the democratic distortions with instrumental season,puts forward the procedural democracy theorem of "Habermas s Theorem" among the instrumental season criticism and reconstructed communicative reason relationships.哈贝马斯交往理性理论有力地批判了近、现代工业文明条件下以工具理性思维模式为基础的“精英民主论,”为当代“大众参与民主论”发展提供了一种哲学话语和方法论基础。
2.Habermas sets up the theory of social criticism to find the way of solving social straits, which is based on the theory of Communicative reason.哈贝马斯在他的“交往理性”思想基础上建立了社会批判理论,目的在于寻找解决社会困境的出路。
3.As to the former, he criticizes the colonization of lifeworld and holds that the communicative reason be utilized to rebuild the retorted lifeworld for the relief of modernity dilemma.就前者而言 ,他批判了“生活世界的殖民化”现象 ,主张以交往理性来改造被扭曲的现实生活世界 ,以此解除现代性困境 ;就后者而言 ,他反思了自黑格尔以来的哲学家关于现代性问题的思考方式 ,主张在破除意识哲学思维方式的基础上引入互主体性的交往理性原则来思考现代性方案。
4)communication rationality交往理性
1.Reviewing this period,especially studying the rational outlook of the Western Marxism,it is essential that we observe Horkheimer s and Adorno s criticisms on rationality,we explore Marcus technological rationality and we probe into the connotation of the communication rationality.回顾和总结这个过程 ,特别是研究西方马克思主义的理性观 ,考察霍克海默、阿多尔诺对启蒙理性的批判 ,探索马尔库塞的技术理性思想 ,挖掘哈贝马斯交往理性的内涵 ,对于理性地对待理性 ,使理性趋于成熟和完善 ,具有重要的意
5)Contacts rationalization交往合理化
6)the rationalization associating交往的合理化

猥亵性交往障碍猥亵性交往障碍obscene communication disorder  狠裹性交往障碍(obseenec、)mmunica-tion disorder)(])社交恐怖症中的一种表现,即患者由于摆脱与人特别是与异性交往上的拘禁尴尬局面,而采取一种作态、逗乐甚至动手动脚、狠裹对方的行动,患者明知不该如此,但不能自控其强迫行为。但很少发生不法行为。(2)为人格障碍中的反社会行为。这种人有一种性冲动,完全有意识地狠裹妇女,很可能导致进步的非分之举。 口巫三亘}撰车丈博审)