实践人道主义,practical humanitarianism
1)practical humanitarianism实践人道主义
1.Karl Philosophy is a practical humanitarianism and practical idealism.“卡尔哲学”绝对不是任何形态的“唯物主义”,而只能是“实践人道主义”和“实践唯心主义”,是不同形态的“人道主义”哲学理想的交换和发展。

1.My View on marxist Philosophy我们的马克思哲学观——实践人道主义论纲
2."Practical Humanitarian "to" Practical Materialism"“实践的人道主义”到“实践的唯物主义”
3.Humanitarianism:the Theoretical Root of the Ideological Trend of Practice-materialism;人道主义作为实践唯物主义思潮的理论之根
4.Jane Addams: Embodiment of Humanism;论简·亚当斯的人道主义实践和精神追求
5.Violates the humanitarianism crime the trial practice and the Chinese policy analysis;违反人道主义罪行的审判实践与中国政策分析
6.Qualities of Practical Materialism of Marxist Anthropology;马克思主义人学的实践唯物主义品格
7.Moral Integration:the Practical Essence of Socialist Views of Honor and Disgrace;道德整合:社会主义荣辱观的实践本质
8.In the actual practice of criminal reform, China pays close attention to implementing the principles of humanitarianism.中国在改造罪犯的实践中注意贯彻人道主义的原则。
9.Paflesh s School of Today--A Practical Base of Sukhomlinskii s Thoughts of Harmonious Education;今天的帕夫雷什学校——苏霍姆林斯基人道主义教育思想的实践基地
10.The Relationship between Practicalness and Dialectical,Historic and Human Quality of Marx s Neo-materialism;论马克思新唯物主义的实践性与辩证性、历史性和人道性的关系
11.Humanitarianism: the Inner Meaning of Practical Philosophy--Study of Marx s Economice Philosophy Manuscript in 1844;人道主义:实践哲学的内在意蕴——马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》研究
12.Marxist Subject Philosophy of Practice and Anthropocentrism;马克思实践主体哲学与人类中心主义
13.The Meaning and Function of Practical Moral Activity of the Underage;未成年人道德实践活动涵义及其功能
14.On the Relativity of Morality and Its Meaning in Moral Practice--And An Analysis of Moral Relativism;论道德相对性及其道德实践意义——兼析道德相对主义
15.In other words, the practice of socialism can be regarded as that of rationalism.社会主义的实践就是理性主义的实践。
16.On Applying Humanism to Library Management;人本主义在图书馆管理中的实践探讨
17.Practical Humanism and My Philosophical Introspection;“实践人本主义”与我的哲学心路反省
18.On Marxist Humanism and Its Realistic Significance;论马克思人道主义思想及其现实意义

practical humanism and naturalism实践的人道主义和自然主义
3)practical humanism实践人本主义
1.In this debate, I have a better understanding and a deep research on Marx s Philosophical Manuscript on Economics in 1844, I gave a practical humanism explanations to Marks philosophy, humanize spiritualize it.在这场争论中,我对马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》的理解和研究逐步深入,对马克思哲学做出了"实践人本主义"解释,将其"人本"精神化,认为马克思哲学不是唯物主义的现代科学形态,而是人本主义的现代价值观念,是对实践的人道批判。
2.With regard to the present international and domestic “all-inclusive existence", the crucial concerns of “practical humanism" include issues of environment, “peace", “development", the “essence" of the existence of “information", “civilization" and “religion".联系全球和我国当下的“大存在” ,“实践人本主义”关注的基本内容主要包括生态环境问题、“和平”问题、“发展”问题、“信息”存在的“意义”、“文明”和“宗教”问题
5)practice-existence humanism实践-生存人本主义
6)humanitarian reality人道主义真实

资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)资产阶级人道主义(见人道主义)humanism of bourgeoisie  划c豹。川论Ur邸d。。2卜Uyi赛产阶级人道主义51已今见人道主义。位咖_、九。夕仆卯铭e价