作为自由的发展,Development as freedom
1)Development as freedom作为自由的发展

1.Justice as Fairness and Development as Freedom:a Comparative Study of Rawls and Amartya Sen;作为公平的正义与作为自由的发展——罗尔斯与阿马蒂亚·森的相互影响
2.The Logic of Human Being s Development:From free to Comprehensive Development;人的发展逻辑:从自由发展到全面发展
3.Characteristics and development of the volleyball defense lineup that bases its core on the free man;以自由人为核心的排球防守阵型的特点及发展
4.The Development of China-ASEN Free Trade Area--Judging by Operation of ASEN Free Trade Area;从AFTA的运作看中国-东盟自由贸易区的发展
5.Taking Development as Freedom以发展看待自由——论约翰·密尔的自由观
6.Research into the effect of freedom of press and its control on social development and stability;新闻自由与控制对于社会发展和稳定的作用
7.The Arrangement Characteristics of Women's Free Gymnastics Competition in a Complte Set and Its Development of Ideas女子自由体操成套动作的编排特征与发展思路
8.Strategic Cooperation and Development Mechanism for Establishing the China-Russia-India Free Market创建中、俄、印自由大市场的战略合作与发展机制
9.Everyone s Free Development is the Condition of All the People s Progress;每个人的自由发展是一切人自由发展的条件
10."Putting People First" of the Scientific Development Concept and Marxist Theory of People s Overall Development;科学发展观的“以人为本”与马克思关于人的自由全面发展理论
11.It is a story of a slave-holding society that became a servant of freedom.这是一部美国由奴隶制社会发展成为崇尚自由的社会的历史。
12.A story of a slave holding society that became a servant of freedom.这是一部美国由奴隶制社会发展成为崇尚自由的社会史。
13.The free and comprehensive development of human itself will be a major theme of the21 st century.人自身的全面而自由的发展,将成为21世纪的一大主题。
14.The Development of ASEAN Coorperation and China-ASEAN Free Trade Area;东盟合作发展与中国—东盟自由贸易区
15.The Freedom of Development and the Development of Freedom: on the Developing Characteristics of Human Beings in the Circumstances of Market Economy;发展的自由与自由的发展——论市场经济背景下人的发展特性
16.Freedom of Speech and the Boundaries of Speech论表达自由及其界限——以美国法相关规定的发展为启发
17.TO DEVELOP IS TO ENLARGE FREEDOM;发展就是扩展自由——阿马蒂亚·森和他的《以自由看待发展》
18.The Philosophy of "Freedom" in Marx Individual Development Theory;论马克思关于人的全面而自由发展的自由理念

the Free Development of Human Beings人的自由发展
1.Pursuing the liberation and the free development of human beings are the aim of Marx s r.追求人类解放和人的自由发展是马克思毕生理论探索的宗旨。
3)free development of people人的自由发展
1.The free development of people is the indispensable and important content in the scientific development view about people of Marxism .人的自由发展是马克思主义人的科学发展观中不可或缺的重要内容。
4)the human's freedom and liberation人的自由和发展
5)free and full development全面自由的发展
6)free development自由发展
1.The realistic significance of "complete and free development of people" of Marx;马克思“人的全面而自由发展”思想的现实意义
2.Individual free development is the precondition and basis for the comprehensive development of human being.从人的发展逻辑来看,个人发展与人类发展既有区别又有内在联系,人的自由发展是人的全面发展的前提和基础,人的全面发展是人的自由发展的目标和归宿。
3.At the same time, the concept of "human beings overall development" should have four implications: complete development, harmonious development, multi-sided development and free development.同时,“人的全面发展”还应包含四个层面的内涵,即完整发展、和谐发展、多方面发展、自由发展。

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。