万物一体,all in one
1)all in one万物一体

1.Pain of the Others: A Meditation to the Theory of Benevolence in Everything-as-one;他人的痛——对万物一体之仁说的沉思
2.Wang Yangming's Thought on the Equality of Ruling and the View of "All Things in an Organic Whole"从“万物一体”看王阳明治世的平等思想
3.Be a saint and the myriad things share one body--Wang Yang-ming's highest ideal in his life成圣与万物一体——王阳明一生中的终极价值理想
4.Wang Yang-ming s“Theory about Everythings on Earth Being of the Same Body”and Its Inspiration on Contemporary Aesthetics;王阳明“万物一体”说及其对当代美学的启示
5.Authentic Situation of Mankind:On Heidegger s Fourfold and the Theory About Integration of Things in Traditional Chinese Philosophy;人之本真处境——万物一体思想与海德格尔的“四重整体”疏论
6.The Concept of Transformation and the State of All Things in One Identity变形的观念与万物一体的境界——通过《庄子》把握一个中国式的主题
7.In other words, “ All in One” is the foundation of morality.作者结合中西哲学的发展历程,主张以“万物一体”作为道德的根据。
8.Comment on the Ecological Thought of A Sand County Almanac and Wolf Totem;众生平等 万物一体——论《沙郡岁月》与《狼图腾》的生态思想
9.A nonconductor of electricity, especially a substance with electrical conductivity less than a millionth(10 - 6)of a siemens.电介质一种非导电体,特别是指电导率低于百万分之一(10-6)的物体
10.The sun shine upon all alike.太阳普照万物,一视同仁。
11.The idea of harmony stresses that all matters and all living things in the world are entities composed of different aspects and varied elements.“和”的思想,强调世界万事万物都是由不同方面、不同要素构成的统一整体。
12.Magnetic fields of the metal contaminants within the human body are generally about a million times weaker than the Earth's field.人体内金属污染物的磁场通常约为地球磁场的百万分之一。
13.As a Buddhist, I hold a certain understanding of the impermanence of life-that everything has a beginning and end.作为一名佛教徒,我对生命和万物的轮回有自己固有的理解和体会。
14.This is regarded as whole, said: The heaven and earth walk on dao, everything is born.天地是作为一个整体看待的。《灵宝经》说:天地行道,万物生成。
15.All-Ruling Trinity--Heinrich Bll s Criticism on the Catholic Church;统治万物的三位一体——海因里希·伯尔对天主教的批判
16.Flowers Configuration and Garden Art花木配置与园林艺术——万科上海白马花园植物配置中的一点体会
17.If there is one sole source of everything, there is one sole end of everything.如果万物有一条唯一的原则,万物也就有一个唯一的归宿。
18.And as all things were made from contemplation of one, so all things were born from one adaptation.那惟一的"造物主"创造了万物,所以万物皆诞生于这同一之源。

"Theory about everythings on earth being of the same body""万物一体"说
3)everything as the same万物齐一
1.Taoism s thought of "everything as the same" gives it an important inspiration to the.在这一意识流动过程中,道家的"万物齐一"提供了重要的思想启示。
4)all things as one万物一如
5)Everything in the universe is derived from the One一生万物
6)Equality of All Beings万物一齐
1.Like "everyone is equal before God," Chuang Tzu thinks" Equality of All Beings": 1, his understanding about the relationship between all equal things is built on the "Tao"; 2, dialectical logic way of thinking as " between right and wrong " makes all things equality.《庄子》为他的平等观念作了“万物一齐”的预设:1、他对万物平等关系的认识是建立在“道”的基础上的,“以道观之,物无贵贱”;2、“彼此是非”的辩证逻辑思维方式得到了“天地一指,万物一马”的结论。

道尽稽万物之理  中国战国末期韩非关于特殊规律与普遍规律相互关系的哲学命题。《韩非子·解老》中说:"万物各异理,而道尽稽万物之理"。韩非视理为具体事物的特殊规律,视道为事物的普遍规律,他认为具体事物都有各自的属性,它们存在着短长、大小、方圆、坚脆、轻重、白黑等方面的差异,它们的具体规律也各不相同,所以说"万物各异理";道作为万物的共同规律,与万物的特殊规律无一不合,所以说"道尽稽万物之理"。韩非在《解老》中曾说:"道者,万物之所然也,万理之所稽也",认为理与道合;"道尽稽万物之理"又认为道与万物之理合,反映了普遍规律与特殊规律不相分离的辩证思想。