古典语文学,classical philology
1)classical philology古典语文学
1.It is the crucial reason why he seldom commented on theories of classical philology which had been developed by Friedrich August Wolf,August Boeckh.在那个学科之争频发的时代,作为历史学家,德罗伊森试图发展出为现代历史学辩护的科学理论,这是他避谈古典语文学理论的一个重要原因。
2)classical literature古典文学
1.Coordinate·Map·Network ——My viewpoints on the course of "Chinese Classical Literature;坐标·地图·网络——《中国古典文学》课程教学之我见
2.Lizhi is a literature critic of the Chinese classical literature.李贽是中国古典文学的评点家。
3.Chinese traditional music and classical literature have been interacting with each other over a long period of time.中国民族音乐与古典文学有着相依相存的关系,这种依存关系并不是简单固定的,而是随着时代的发展不断地变化着,其变化的历史轨迹可大体划分为三个既相关联、又相区别的时期:原生综合期,分化离异期,交叉综合期。

1.The languages and literatures of ancient Greece and Rome; the classics.古典文学古希腊、古罗马的语言和文学;古典文学
2.A literary work of ancient Greece or Rome.古典文学古希腊或古罗马的文学作品
3.She likes classical literature and music.她喜欢古典文学和古典音乐。
4.Relation of Classical Garden Art and Classical Literature in China;试议我国古典园林与古典文学的关系
5.though they read classical literature.他们虽然阅读古典文学
6.the principles of classical literature and art.古典文学与艺术原则。
7.Reviews of Selected Chinese Classics中国古典文学名著选评
8.be widely read in the classics有渊博的古典文学知识.
9.the classics古典文学(指古罗马、古希腊的)
10.read classics, law, etc at Oxford在牛津大学学古典文学、 法律等
11.I wrote a simple thesis analyzing Chinese classical literature.我写了一篇浅析中国古典文学的论文。
12.Then, on the other hand, I seem headed for the classics and modern language!另一方面,我好像长于古典文学或语文。
13.Thinking of relationship between Classical literature and Conternpary culture;古典文学研究与当代文化关系的思考
14.The characteristics of the classics and the approach to the science of culture;古典性特征与文化学方法——关于中国古典文学研究方法的思考
15.From the classical class, the classmate with glasses knows the classification of classics.戴眼镜的同学从古典文学课上知道了古典名著的分类.
16.Ancient Chinese Teaching in Middle School in the Classical Hermeneutics Horizon;古典阐释学视域下的中学文言文教学
17.Conforming to the artistic and literary models of ancient Greece and Rome.古典的符合古希腊和古罗马艺术或文学模式的
18.Of, relating to, or being a time following a classical period, as in art or literature.古典时代后的(艺术或文学)在古典时期之后的,与古典时代后有关的或是古典时代的

classical literature古典文学
1.Coordinate·Map·Network ——My viewpoints on the course of "Chinese Classical Literature;坐标·地图·网络——《中国古典文学》课程教学之我见
2.Lizhi is a literature critic of the Chinese classical literature.李贽是中国古典文学的评点家。
3.Chinese traditional music and classical literature have been interacting with each other over a long period of time.中国民族音乐与古典文学有着相依相存的关系,这种依存关系并不是简单固定的,而是随着时代的发展不断地变化着,其变化的历史轨迹可大体划分为三个既相关联、又相区别的时期:原生综合期,分化离异期,交叉综合期。
3)classic literature古典文学
1.It is necessary to scholorize the Journal-editors from the practice of editing manuscript of the classic literature.从古典文学稿件编辑的实践来看 ,学报编辑学者化是十分必要的。
2.According to Myths and Poems,Wen Yiduo s research into the classic literature such as myths and poems was not limited to the tradition.从《神话与诗》可看出,闻一多对神话与诗歌等古典文学的研究并不囿于传统,而是广泛吸纳西方新兴科学,从多学科、多角度进行综合研究,把我国神话学传统考据方法和西方现代性"理性"结合起来,并辅之以训诂考据等多种中国传统研究方法,把诗歌与神话中的一些看似孤立的毫无联系的意象串联起来,将散漫的神话片段还原成先民的生活画卷,从而在古典文学研究领域开辟出新的道路。
3.The study on the dissemination of classic literature aims at discussing the characteristics and regulation of authors gathering at dinner for singing and forming an association from different schools,and of the production,the spreading and influence of literature works.古典文学传播研究旨在探究作家宴集唱和、流派结社以及文学作品的生产、流传和影响的特征及其规律。
4)classical linguistics古典语言学
5)Classical Philology古典文献学
1.From the viewpoint of "Post-Modernism" by surveying,engrafting and reconstructing traditional philology of China,the classical philology can be defined as "a subject to study its characters and styles as well as to research,coordinate and save its rule".如果以后现代主义的视角,审视、嫁接、改造中国的传统文献学理论,就应当把古典文献学定义为:运用传统的与现代化的各种方法和技术手段,研究古典文献的特点与类型以及搜集、整理、保存古典文献的规律的一门学科。
6)classical documentation古典文献学
1.There has all along existed a distinction between the classical documentation and the modern documentation.本文分析了古典文献学与现代文献学的相异和相通之处 ,论证了两者交融的必要性和可行性 ,并对构建“大文献学”体系提出初步设
2.Documentation has come into being when the appearing of the documents, and classical documentation has a long history.古典文献学随着古文献的产生、流传和积累不断发展,形成了一条源远流长、延绵不断的历史长河。
