拓展与创新,development and innovation
1)development and innovation拓展与创新
1.The propagation of trade unions of higher education needs a development and innovation.高校工会的宣传工作亟待拓展与创新,只有在增强宣传意识、培养宣传骨干、加强宣传阵地建设、拓宽宣传渠道、强化宣传特色和完善激励机制六个方面突破旧有的思维、方法和体制,才能真正体现出工会宣传工作的价值和重要意义。

1.On the Humanistic Development View--A New Research Framework;发展观的理论拓展与创新——论人本主义发展观
2.On the Development and Innovation of Historical Materialism to the Scientific Development Concept论科学发展观对唯物史观的拓展与创新
3.Extension and innovation──Thinking about moral education teaching in institutions of higher education in new times from dimension;拓展与创新——新时期高校德育教学的维度思索
4.The Development and Innovation of the Propagation of Trade Unions of Higher Education新时期高校工会宣传工作的拓展与创新
5.Thinking about the expansion and creation of the 1911 Revolution History research;关于辛亥革命史研究拓展与创新的思考
6.Expanding the Function and Innovating the Pattern of Practical Training Base in Higher Vocational Education;高职实训基地的功能拓展与模式创新
7.Reflections on Moral Education in Higher Institutions: Widen the Range and Create New Methods;高校德育沉思:拓展内容与创新方法
8.Amalgamation and Innovation Innovation of Chinese Characters from the Angle of Stroke Amalgamation;从文字笔画融合中寻求汉字设计的创新与拓展
9.The Transform and Development of Film Literature Creation since New Age;论新时期以来电影文学创作的流变与拓展
10.Innovation Spirit and Teaching Function Development in the Universities Simulate Accountant Laboratory;创新精神与高校会计模拟实验室教学功能拓展
11.Content Expansion and Form Originality of National Defense Education in Colleges and Universities;高校国防教育内容的拓展与形式的创新
12.To advance with all the times,develop and innovate: the enrichment and development of the ideological line of Party;与时俱进,开拓创新:党的思想路线的丰富和发展
14.Keep Pace With the Times, Exploit and Innovation, Strive to Realize Saltant Development of Harbin University of Commerce;与时俱进 开拓创新 努力实现跨越式发展
15.Wan Jian-zhong’s Spirit of Innovation and Contributions in The Folklore Research;论万建中在民俗学研究领域的创新与拓展
16.Technical Innovation and the Object of Investigation for Marxist Economics;技术创新与政治经济学研究对象的拓展
17.The System Innovation and Exploration Space in Transition Period of the Civil-run Enterprises;民营企业转型期的制度创新与拓展空间
18.Deepening Reform, Making Innovation and Pioneering, Promoting the Development of the Science & Technology and Industry of Colleges and Universities;深化改革 开拓创新 促进高校科技与产业的发展

to innovate and to expand创新与拓展
3)innovation and expansion创新拓展
4)Development and innovation发展与创新
1.The National Newspaper Format Development and Innovation Against the Background of Globlization Environment of Digital Media Development;数字化背景下我国报业业态发展与创新
2.It is essential to hold pedosphere as the theoretical base of soil science development and innovation, and continually promote the practice and application of soil science development and innovation.认为应牢牢把握“土壤圈”这一现代土壤科学发展的理论基础,丰富和发展现代土壤科学,不断推进土壤科学发展与创新的实践运用。
3.This paper expounds the necessity and inevitability of developing and innovating information science in our country,and analyzes on the development and innovation of information science from the angle of the philosophy.从多个方面阐述了我国情报学学科发展与创新的必要性与必然性,并从哲学的视角分析了情报学学科的发展与创新。
5)innovation and development创新与发展
1.On innovation and development of finance;财政学科及财政学的创新与发展——当代中国财政学学科建设观点综述
2.This paper studied the experience of innovation and development of nursing laboratory center.特别在护理中心创新与发展方面,深入研究和探索,提高了学生的整体素质和学院的办学水平。
6)enterprise innovation and development企业创新与发展
