施虐,being maltreated
1)being maltreated施虐
1.Maltreating and being maltreated make them madeness.《金锁记》与《魔女》便是这类题材的突出代表:两位作家在作品中塑造了两个经典的"魔女"形象,她们都是在受虐与施虐的共同作用下走向极端的。

1.Sexual gratification derived from inflicting or experiencing pain.性虐待,受虐狂,虐淫从施虐或受虐中获得性满足
2.The healthy man does not torture others- generally it is the tortured who turn into torturers.健康的人不会虐待他人——施虐者常常曾为受虐者。
3.someone who enjoys both sadism and masochism.从施虐和受虐中获得满足的人。
4.A woman who acts out the role of the dominating partner in a sadomasochistic relationship.女狂人在施虐受虐狂关系中起主导角色的女子
5.Destiny: A tyrant's authority for crime, and a fool's excuse for failure.命运是暴君施虐的权威、瓜失败的借口。
6.Ill-treat,Look On,Struggle:A Visual Angle in Lu Ling s Short Stories;施虐·围观·挣扎——路翎短篇的一种视角
7.Destiny: A tyrant's authority for crime, and a fool's excuse for failure.( A. Bierce)命运是暴君施虐的权威,傻瓜失败的借口。(比尔斯)
8.An Analysis of Moral Control and Moral Maltreatment in Iris Murdoch s A Severed Head;解读默多克《砍掉的头颅》中道德操纵和施虐
9.The Abusers and the Reference Frame--Discussions on the Group Characters around The Yellow Cab Boy;施虐者与参照系——谈谈祥子的周边人物群
10.Abuse allegations are generally referred to the CIA inspector general"s office, which investigates from within.施虐的辩解涉及中情局检查部门,而中情局是负责调查的机构。
11.Destiny: A tyrant's authority for crime, and a fool's excuse for failure.--Ambrose Bierce, American writer命运:暴君施虐的权利,傻瓜失败的借口。美国作家比尔斯
12.Abusive employers are complicit, and lax Taiwanese labor laws criminalize workers who flee.施虐的雇主是共犯,而松弛的台湾劳工法让逃跑的外劳成了罪犯。
13.She took the family to civil court, and they offered her a $625 payment.她对这个施虐家庭提出民事诉讼,于是他们赔偿给她625美元。
14.We are above death, we should walk cheerfully to the den of the lion, or the rack of the torturer.我们已经逾越了死亡,我们会心甘情愿地朝狮子洞或者施虐者的拉肢刑具走去。
15.The slave trader accepted the money and gave the young girl over to the tender mercies of her new sadistic master.奴隶贩子拿了钱,将这个小姑娘交给了一个新的主人,一个残酷无情的施虐狂。
16.It is the evidence of torture carried out by US soldiers in prisons in Iraq that has brought Bush and his government into particular focus.使布什和其政府受到特别关注的是美国驻伊士兵在监狱施虐的证据。
17.It is strictly forbidden to torture, insult or otherwise maltreat prisoners.严禁对罪犯施加酷刑、侮辱和打骂虐待。
18.Conference on Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence against Disabled Women对残疾妇女性虐待和施加家庭暴力问题会议

5)moral maltreatment道德施虐
1.On the Formation and Swelling of Chunmei s Sadism;试论春梅施虐心理的形成与扩张
