虚假价值,illusive value
1)illusive value虚假价值
1.On illusive value and regularity of the virtual economy;论虚拟经济中虚假价值的形成及运动规律

1.On illusive value and regularity of the virtual economy;论虚拟经济中虚假价值的形成及运动规律
2.Speculators responsible for the factitious value of some stocks.应对一些股票的虚假价值负责的投机者
3.What Chinese Society Cannot Burden--Study and Criticism on False Values中国社会不能承受之重——虚假价值研究和批判
4.the quality of being pretentious (creating a false appearance of great importance or worth).为显得自己有重要价值而装出一副虚假的样子。
5.Analysis of the value effect of listed companies′ fraudulent financing reporting;我国上市公司虚假陈述行为价值效应分析
6.using false property right certificates for guarantee or making duplicate guarantee exceeding the value of the mortgaged goods;使用虚假的产权证明作担保或者超出抵押物价值重复担保的;
7.Instead of spending my childhood summers in front of a TV, I would do something much more productive and worthwhile.与其在电视机前面虚度暑假宝贵的光阴,我会选择做一些更有意义、有价值的事。
8.Virtual Enterprise,Virtual Value Chain and their Logistic Relationships with Value Chain;虚拟企业、虚拟价值链及其与价值链的逻辑关系
9.On Value Chain Analysis and Value Chain Management of Virtual Enterprise;虚拟企业的价值链分析与价值链管理
10.Research on Value Chain in Virtual Distribution Center Based on Customer Value;客户价值的虚拟配送中心价值链研究
11.Introduction to Virtual Value--Study from A Broader Perspective of Virtual Economy;虚拟价值引论——广义虚拟经济视角研究
12.(iv) arbitrary or fictitious prices or values.(ⅳ)任意的或虚构的价格或价值。
13.Study on the Falsifily Increasig of Pol Determination Result by Glucan葡聚糖含量使糖度测定值虚假增加的影响研究
14.Something that is vain, futile, or worthless.无价值的东西空虚、无用或无价值的东西
15.Internet Literature--Enhancing of the Individual Value and Loss of the Social Value;网络文学——个体价值的张扬与社会价值的虚位
16.Marx s Labor Theory of Value and Fictitious Value of Financial Assets;马克思的劳动价值论与金融资产的虚拟价值
17.Pragmatic Markedness Values and Pragmatic-Markedness Equivalent Translation;语用标记价值假说与语用标记等效翻译假说
18.Nihility of the Life--Nietzsche to Nihilism Value Evaluation and Surmounting;人生之虚无——尼采对虚无主义的价值重估与超越

artificial social value虚假社会价值
3)eliminating false values消除虚假价值
4)fictitious value虚拟价值
1.The demand for this part of money shows the movement of proliferation of fictitious value.货币的需求被分成两部分 ,一部分用来购买商品、服务及投资品交易的货币需求 ,这部分货币需求表现为实体经济的运行 ,即实际价值的增殖运动 ;另一部分是用于购买债券、股票等金融资产的货币需求 ,它具体表现为虚拟价值的增殖部分。
2.This paper clarifies the nature of financial assets, discusses the fictitious value and market price of financial assets from the aspects of quality and quantity, and carry out Marxs labor theory of value into financial assets.本文根据马克思的思想和前人的研究成果 ,对金融资产的性质进行了具体的分析 ,并从质和量两个方面探讨了金融资产的虚拟价值和市场价
3.As a kind of special value,fictitious value has special features such as fictitious,uncertain,convertible.虚拟价值是由人们主观想象的,并通过市场价格表现的一种虚构的价值。
5)the false of value价值虚伪
6)virtual value虚拟价值
1.This paper explains the virtual value of money on the basis of the value or cost of commodities with the current international monetary system as the point of departure.本文以现实的国际货币制度为前提,从商品的价值或价格导出货币的虚拟价值,然后从国际贸易、国际金融、国际投资三个方面分析货币的虚拟价值,最后得出作为市场汇率形成基础的货币汇兑平价。

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分