感性对象,perceptual target
1)perceptual target感性对象

1.Objective Activity of Sensibility--Reading“1884 Economics-Philosiphy Script”;论感性对象性活动——读《1844年经济学—哲学手稿》
2.Activity and Freedom of Perceptual Objective--Textual interpretation on Thought of Freedom in Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844;感性对象性活动与自由——对《1844年经济学哲学手稿》自由思想的文本解读
3.The True Meaning of Feuerbach s Critique of Religion and the Principle of Objective Sensibility;费尔巴哈宗教批判的真正意义与“感性对象性原则”——兼与李毓章同志商榷
4.Things in Themselves" or "Meaning Particle"?;“物自体”抑或“意义质点”?——略论感性的对象与感性认识
5.Analysis on Sensitivity of Building Energy Consumption Simulation to Meteorological Data;建筑能耗模拟对气象数据的敏感性分析
6.We need not belabor the obvious point that such symbolization is conducive to feelings of security and belongings.我们毋须针对这种象徵性所引发归属感和安全感做过多的讨论。
7.alkaline sensitivity碱敏[感]性,碱敏现象
8.In this paper, we are to make a rudimentary exploration of the sensible epistemology of scholasticism in order to explain the resolution of the paradox between the material and the spiritual in ontology.分由以下四个面向进行说明:一、桊由对感觉象之讨论,以指出感性至悟性以至理性连通的可能。
9.Hence, whereas the other animals take delight in the objects of the senses only as ordered to food and sex.因此,其他动物以感官对象为乐,只是为了填饱肚子和性行为。
10.Research on Communication for Mobile Objects Based on Sensor Network;传感器网络中移动对象推与拉通信模式性能研究
11.Effects of Visual Receptor Characteristics and Stimuli Features on Visual and Imagery Processing;视觉感受器结构特性和视觉刺激特征对视知觉和表象加工的影响
12.Call,Torture,Hatred--The changes on the attitude towards the males in Zhang′s works;呼唤、拷问、仇视——张洁对作品中男性形象情感的嬗变
13.Sensitivity to short day of different strains and inter-specific cross research of Pennisetum purpureum象草不同株系对短日照的敏感性及种间杂交研究
14.Sensitivity Analysis for the Prediction Accuracy of the BP-ET_0 Model with Limited Weather Data气象数据缺测对BP-ET_0模型预测精度的敏感性分析
15.be uptight about sex对【性 】感到紧张
16.Sensitivity or responsiveness to light.感光性对光的敏感和感应性
17.The Abstract Expression of Life Perception:On the Artistic Abstraction;生命感性的抽象表达——艺术抽象过程简论
18.People have studied the henvens and wondered about what they saw.人们研究天象并对他们所看到的现象感到惊奇。

3)Principles of perceptual objects感性对象性原则
4)objective activity of sensibility感性对象性活动
5)object sensing对象感知
1.This thesis proposes the criteria for designing object sensing systems and a multi element object model based on fuzzy sets.文章提出对象感知系统的设计原则以及一种建立在模糊集上的多元对象模型 ,定义了感知空间、感知中心等概念 ,构造了一种基于信息熵的感知算法 ,所提出的模型和算法经理论论证能够满足感知系统的基本设计原则。
6)object emotion对象情感
1.The process of writing is a systematic project completed by the common function of motivity emotion, subject emotion, experience emotion and object emotion.创作过程是由动力情感、主体情感、体验情感、对象情感共同作用而完成的一个系统工程。

催眠易感性测验催眠易感性测验hypnotic susceptibility tests  催眠易感性测验(hypnotie suseepti-bili亡y tests)运用种种暗示手段或特制量表来评价受试者催眠易感性能力的方法。通常采用的测验量表有10项,逐项打分。记分标准为高度(l分)、中度(0,5分)和低度(0分),10项最高总分为10分。8一l()分为感受性强,4一7分为中度感受性,O一3分为感受性低。催眠易感性测验不仅能测出受术者对催眠的感受能力,也能通过测验做好催眠前的心理准备,以利于进入催眠状态。 (马雄祥撰李鸣呆审)