群体本质,group nature
1)group nature群体本质
1.Human kind nature,group nature and individual nature are displayed by human practice,sociablilty and needs.人的类本质、群体本质、个体本质是通过人的实践性、人的社会性、人的需要表现出来,这对于我们理解人的全面发展有着重要意义。
2)essential subgroup本质子群
1.E∈C(G)is said to be essential,if for every C∈C(G)and E∩C=0 ,then C=0,By describing essential subgroups in this paper,we study some characteristic of essential subgroups and the structure of l-groups that is det ermined by essential subgroups.本文通过本质子群的刻划,研究了本质子群的几个特征及由本质子群所决定的l-群的结构。
2.A new torsion class E which satisfies AED is constructed by means of essential subgroups.利用本质子群构造了一种新的扭类E满足A E D ,并对扭类E的结构进行了研究。
3.Let S(G) be the joint of the essential subgroups of a group G,and R(G) be the product of the superfluous subgroups of the group G.定义任意群的本质子群、多余子群,并给出它们关于群的交、积、直积等运算的性质。
3)essence;substance本质; 本体
4)parent colony亲本群体
1.The content of β carotene and V E in two hybrid generation,parent colony and control groups which were planted in Bakouzi breeding base and Dongshengjiuchenggoug breeding base,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia,was analyzed.本文对内蒙古呼和浩特的坝口子育种基地和东胜九城宫育种基地的 2个杂交子代群体和亲本群体以及当地对照等共计 8个群体的沙棘叶中的 β -胡萝卜素和VE 含量及变化进行了分析。
5)group standard群体本位
1.The natural economy of its economic pattern and Confucianism domination of its value orientation formed Chinese group standard with blood relations,developed the responsibility sense of its traditional nation culture,but it also choked off the individual s originality and creativity.自然经济的经济形态和儒家文化为主流的价值取向,造就了中国以血缘关系为纽带的群体本位,培养出传统民族文化的责任意识,但也扼杀了个人的开拓性和创造性。
2.He broke away from the traditional theories of five productive modes and tribal federation,analyzed the theory of group standard.他超越了传统的“五种生产方式说”和“部落联盟说”两个理论模式 ,并对传统文化的核心“群体本位”论做了精到的解读。

1.Group Standard of National Culture and Individual Display of Western Culture;民族文化的群体本位与西方文化的个体张扬
3.Group Identification and Individual Standard--The Comparison of Personality Ideal between Traditional East-West Culture;群体认同与个人本位——中西传统文化的人格理想比较
4.Japanese Group Dynamics Associatio日本群体动力学学会
5.An individual, a group, a structure, or other entity regarded as an elementary structural or functional constituent of a whole.单位;部件个体、一群、组织或其他统一体,视作整体的基本结构的或功能的组成部分
6.aggregate model :A mathematical model which models a combined sample instead of several units in a group.综合模式,总(体)模式:一种数学模型,对综合样本而不是一个群体中的若干单位进行模拟。
7.the basic unit of money in the Bahamas.巴哈马群岛使用的基本货币单位。
8.the basic unit of money in the Cayman Islands.开曼群岛所使用的基本货币单位。
9.The fundamental unit of the hierarchy is the association.等级系统中的基本单位是群丛。
10.On sentence group as unit of translation in Chinese-English translation;论以句群为汉英翻译的有效基本单位
11.Constantly Placing the People s Basic Interests in the First Place;始终把人民群众的根本利益放在首位
12.The Broad Masses Should Be Emphasized as the Main Part of Mass Culture Construction群众文化建设必须坚持群众的主体地位
13.a woman of some standing in the community在那个群体中颇有地位的女子
14.socially marginalized groups处于社会边缘地位的群体
15.A similar formation of groups, units, or individuals.梯形排列群体、单位或个人的类似排列
16.QTL Mapping for Fiber Quality Using F_2 Population in Upland Cotton (Gossypium Hirsutum L.);利用陆地棉F_2群体定位纤维品质QTL
17.Mapping QTLs Associated with Resistance to Scab Using an "Immortalized F_2" Population;利用“永久F2”群体定位抗赤霉病QTL
18.Genetic Analysis of Maize Doubled Haploid Population and Primary Study on QTLs;玉米DH群体的遗传分析及QTL定位初探

essential subgroup本质子群
1.E∈C(G)is said to be essential,if for every C∈C(G)and E∩C=0 ,then C=0,By describing essential subgroups in this paper,we study some characteristic of essential subgroups and the structure of l-groups that is det ermined by essential subgroups.本文通过本质子群的刻划,研究了本质子群的几个特征及由本质子群所决定的l-群的结构。
2.A new torsion class E which satisfies AED is constructed by means of essential subgroups.利用本质子群构造了一种新的扭类E满足A E D ,并对扭类E的结构进行了研究。
3.Let S(G) be the joint of the essential subgroups of a group G,and R(G) be the product of the superfluous subgroups of the group G.定义任意群的本质子群、多余子群,并给出它们关于群的交、积、直积等运算的性质。
3)essence;substance本质; 本体
4)parent colony亲本群体
1.The content of β carotene and V E in two hybrid generation,parent colony and control groups which were planted in Bakouzi breeding base and Dongshengjiuchenggoug breeding base,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia,was analyzed.本文对内蒙古呼和浩特的坝口子育种基地和东胜九城宫育种基地的 2个杂交子代群体和亲本群体以及当地对照等共计 8个群体的沙棘叶中的 β -胡萝卜素和VE 含量及变化进行了分析。
5)group standard群体本位
1.The natural economy of its economic pattern and Confucianism domination of its value orientation formed Chinese group standard with blood relations,developed the responsibility sense of its traditional nation culture,but it also choked off the individual s originality and creativity.自然经济的经济形态和儒家文化为主流的价值取向,造就了中国以血缘关系为纽带的群体本位,培养出传统民族文化的责任意识,但也扼杀了个人的开拓性和创造性。
2.He broke away from the traditional theories of five productive modes and tribal federation,analyzed the theory of group standard.他超越了传统的“五种生产方式说”和“部落联盟说”两个理论模式 ,并对传统文化的核心“群体本位”论做了精到的解读。
1.According to comparative study of culture, their essential fault is that they focused on the ideas of the western individual-based culture and deviated from the tradition of Chinese group-based culture.就文化比较学而言 ,其根本偏颇在于以西方个体本位的文化理念为旨归 ,背离了中国群体本位的文化传

内群体与外群体  依照人们的归属感对社会群体所作的一种划分。内群体是指一个人经常参与的或在其间生活、或在其间工作、或在其间进行其他活动的群体。内群体又称我们群体,简称我群。外群体是相对于内群体而言的,泛指内群体以外的所有群体。外群体又称他们群体,简称他群。    内群体与外群体这一对概念最早是由美国社会学家W.G.萨姆纳在《民俗论》(1906)一书里提出来的。作者试图用这对概念描述一个人的群体归属、群众意识以及群众对于个人的影响。    内群体和外群体的概念,明确地区分了我们和他们的界限。这种内外有别的观念不仅内化在群体成员的心里,而且有时通过外在的形式加以突出和强调,如一个群体有自己的名称、符号标志,或特殊的服饰、礼仪或习俗等等。社会学文献使用内群体和外群体概念时,主要用来说明个人对于内群体的肯定和忠诚、对于外群体的排斥和疏远的态度。    内群体和外群体的性质和范围是不断变化的。比如,在原始社会里,内群体和外群体的数目极为有限,性质单纯。一个人所在的家庭、氏族或部落属于内群体,其他的氏族或部落则属于外群体。随着社会的发展,人们活动范围不断扩大,一个人参与的内群体的数量随之增多,性质不完全局限于血缘的联系或地域的联系,而是逐步扩展到工作、社交、文化娱乐和体育运动各个领域,从而形成业缘、社交、文体等多种类型的内群体。内群体和外群体的界限不是一成不变的,随着个人的加入或退出,外群体和内群体不时发生相互转换的现象。