崇高观,idea of great
1)idea of great崇高观
1.Wang-guowei s action of self sank expresses the orientation of destroying himself in his esthetics thought,which comes from the change and misunderstanding to Kant s and Schopenhaure s esthetics thoughts,under his individual characteristic in special age environment,it contains the displaced idea of genius,the changed idea of great,the misused idea of setting free.这一倾向表现在错位的“天才观”、变异的“崇高观”和误用的“解脱观”上。

1.On Hegel s Lofty View--With the Comparison between Hegel s and Conde s Lofty Views;论黑格尔的崇高观——兼及黑格尔和康德崇高观之比较
2.On Shiller s Inheritance from and Transcendence over Kante s View of Sublimity;试论席勒对康德崇高观的继承与超越
3.Talking freely on the chinese novel of the20th century under the contemproary vision;告别“崇高”之后——后新时期小说一面观
4.To that high concept there can be no end save victory.为这个崇高的观念而奋斗,不得胜利,绝不罢休。
5.Teachers Lofty Value: Disabuse, Make Students Surmount Themselves;教师崇高的价值观:解惑,让学生超越自己
6.On Heroism--An Analysis of the Noble Literary Style in the 20th Century;英雄主义及其反动——20世纪崇高文学风格概观
7.A Green Highway Incorporating Ecology and Landscape Shanghai ChongQi Channel Environmental Landscape Planning整合生态与景观的绿色高速公路 上海崇启通道生态景观规划
8.Grand or noble in thought or deed; exalted.崇高的在思想或行为上高贵或崇高的;崇高的
9.Loftiness of thought or feeling.高尚,崇高崇高的思想或情操
10.No truth so sublime but it may be seen to be trivial tomorrow in the light of new thoughts.--Ralph Venning再崇高的真理,到明天,从新思想的观点来看,也都显得平凡。——爱默生
11.Empirical Ken of Kantian Aesthetics--I Read “An Observation of Sense of Beauty and Sense of Sublimation”康德美学的经验主义视野——读《对美感和崇高感的观察》
12.The Epoch Appeals to Loftiness: An Tentative Analysis of the Audience s Aesthetic Standard through the Heated Projection TV Series " Kang Xi s Dynasty;时代呼唤崇高——透过《康熙王朝》热映试析影视观众的审美心理
13.Noble Living Realization and the Obscure Thoughts on Women--Commenting the Peoms on Women by Bai Juyi崇高的生命意识 进步的女性观念——浅析白居易的妇女诗
14.The state or quality of being exalted in character.崇高品格崇高的状态或性质
15.Tragedy? Sublime!--Viewing Life from Longinus Essay on Sublimity;悲剧?崇高!——从朗加纳斯的《论崇高》看人生
16.Because the greatest love of all is happening to me是最崇高的爱伴随我,
17.Everyone extols his noble qualities.人人称颂他的崇高品德。
18.devote oneself to a noble cause献身于一项崇高的事业

1.Value of loftiness and human survival—Lofty essence from the point of view of cultural anthropology;崇高与人类生存的价值——从文化人类学的角度看崇高的本质
2.This paper discusses evolvement of lofty theory from its appearance to perfect by the milestone representatives, Langinos, Kant, Hilly, Leotold, during the evolvement of lofty theory.文章以崇高理论演进过程中的具有里程碑意义的朗吉努斯、康德、席勒、利奥塔德的崇高理论为代表,论述了崇高理论由提出到基本完备的演进过程。
3.Hegel made an elaboration about the lofty in detail in the book Esthetics,but his lofty idea are not paid much attention to in the academic fields.黑格尔在《美学》一书中对崇高作了详细阐述,但学界对其崇高思想的关注还远远不够。
1.On Convergence of Chuangtzu s "Big" and Longinus "Sublime";论庄子之“大”与朗加纳斯“崇高”的汇通
2.Lyotard s Sublime Aesthetics under Post-modern Vision;后现代视野中的利奥塔崇高美学
3.The Sublime in Heschel s Depth-theology;海舍尔深度神学视阈中的崇高
1.A Comparison of "Magnificence" in Poetry QualityWith Western "Loftiness";《诗品》“雄浑”与西方“崇高”之比较
2.the Perspective of the Romanticism and the Practical Significance Demonstrated in Longinus s Discuss Loftiness;透视朗吉弩斯《论崇高》所显示的浪漫主义及现实意义
3.Boldness and loftiness - On the cultural meaning of literary spirit in the East and West;豪放与崇高——论中西方两种文学精神的文化内涵
1.Tendency to Eliminate the Contradiction Between Sublimity and Populacition——On the Recreational Functions of Current Literature and Art;消解崇高与平民化趋向——论当下文艺的休闲娱乐功能
2.Strife,one of the Chinese modern spirit traditions,makes sublimity as its counterpart in aesthetics.作为现代精神传统的"竞争"体现在美学上就是崇高。
3.Just as an old saying goes,"A death befalls all men alike,I’ll keep a loyal heart to make a name in history",although their life ends tragically,we may see the sublimity of humanity from them."人生自古谁无死,留取丹心照汗青"虽是悲剧性的结果,却让我们在他们身上看到了人性的崇高!朗加纳斯第一次真正意义上解释崇高,有很高的美学意义
1.A brief analysis of noble and base human natures in Chinese and foreign literary works;浅议中外文学中人性的崇高与卑劣
2.Tragedy often combined with noble,which is more powerful.悲剧常与崇高相结合,崇高的悲剧具有更加强烈的震撼力。
3.Gracefulness and nobleness are both some kind of beauty.优美与崇高美都是美的一种形式。
