哲学历程,philosophical journey
1)philosophical journey哲学历程

1.Journey of Marxist philosophy along with time;简述与时俱进的马克思主义哲学历程
2.From "Philosophy in China" to "Philosophy of China"--A Review and Prospect of the Development of Chinese Philosophy;从“哲学在中国”到“中国的哲学”——中国哲学发展历程的回顾与展望
3.He does well in subjects like history and philosophy.他在历史和哲学这类课程上成绩不错。
4.Development of self-consciousness in the history of western philosophy;自我意识在西方哲学史上的发展历程
5.Some Philosophical Reflections on the Development History of Daqing Oilfield对大庆油田发展历程的若干哲学反思
6.He was, moreover, deeply imbued with the philosophy of history and the course of its evolutions.此外,他完全掌握历史哲学,了解历史的进程。
7.Philosophical thoughts on evil from regional history to world history;“恶”在区域历史走向世界历史进程中的哲学思考
8.On the Academic Course of the Form and Development of Putnam s Scientific Philosophy;论普特南科学哲学思想形成、发展的学术历程
9.The Historical Course of Liberation of Human Reason: From Ancient Greek Philosophy to German Classic Philosophy;人的理性解放历程:从古希腊哲学到德国古典哲学
10.The development process of the theory on Man-Earth relation ship and its philosophical and scientific basis.;“人地关系”理论发展历程及其哲学、科学基础
11.On the developing course and developing trend of the relations between philosophy and science;哲学与科学之关系的发展历程及未来发展趋势
12.On the Psychological Experience of Rabbit Run Quest for the Lost Self-Actualization;用人本哲学分析《兔子跑吧》中兔子的心路历程
13.Historical Philosophy Examination of Marxism s Chinese Characterization Process;马克思主义中国化进程的历史哲学审视
14.The Historical Review and Philosophic Thinking of Therapy Process in Pulp Diseases;牙髓病治疗过程的历史回顾与哲学思考
15.Seeking Course and Developing Prospect of Economic Philosophy Studies in Our Country;我国经济哲学研究的探路历程和发展前景
16.China's Value Philosophy:History,Theoretical Puzzles and Way Out中国价值哲学:心路历程、理论困境与现实出路
17.The mission of philosophy: a look from the perspective of the development course of western philosophy;从西方哲学发展历程看哲学的使命——兼论马克思主义哲学变革的意义
18.Man's self consciousness of his own history has undergone the course of "historical outlook-historical theory-historical philosophy."人对自身历史的自我意识经历了"历史观———历史理论———历史哲学"的发展过程。

lectures about the philosophy of history历史哲学教程
3)historical philosophy历史哲学
1.The World History of the Spirit s Development——on the logistic core of Hegel s historical philosophy;“精神”发展的世界历史——论黑格尔历史哲学的逻辑内核
2.Brief analysis of Sun Yat-sen s historical philosophy idealogy;论孙中山的历史哲学思想
4)the philosophy of history历史哲学
1.The Study on the Philosophy of History in Vico s "the New Science";维柯《新科学》的历史哲学思想研究
2.This paper compares the four issues in the philosophy of history with their counterparts in the philosophy of science,and furthermore,dissects the basic common questions in the modern philosophy of history and ph.沃尔什《历史哲学导论》主要探讨所谓分析的历史哲学。
3.In the development of Eastern Zhejiang School and the philosophy of history of ancient China,Chen Liang s thinking is of historic and far-reaching importance.陈亮的历史哲学对于浙东学派以及中国古代历史哲学的发展均有重要的意义。
5)philosophy of history历史哲学
1.Inheriting the historical writing criterion which Liang Qichao,Hu Shi,and Liu Yizheng have created,in Introduction to National Learning,through his own historical writing practice,Mr Qian Mu corrected the philosophy of history and the historical writing idea of Hu Shi,Liang Qichao and so on.他在承继梁启超、胡适、柳诒徵等先行体制开拓者所倡导的总的历史写作准则的基础上,通过自身的历史写作实践,在《国学概论》中对胡适、梁启超等的历史哲学与历史写作观念进行了纠正,他的这一历史写作实践标志着现代学术史的写作观念与实践已初步趋向完善,同时也标示着20世纪30年代后学术史研究的另一条独特路径,显现出了他殊异于同时代学者的独有学术风貌。
2.Marxist philosophy of history holds firmly that historical understanding can objectively and correctly reflect the historical facts.历史认识的客观性问题是历史哲学认识论的难点和焦点问题。
6)Historic Philosophy历史哲学
1.Contemporary historic philosophy is speculative.但近代的历史哲学是思辨的,它先验地构思出适用于一切时代的抽象的历史观念。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀