游牧思想,nomadic thinking
1)nomadic thinking游牧思想

1.Denying Thought of Representation and Establishing Nomadic Thinking;推翻表征思想 建立游牧思想——精神分裂症分析方法研究
2.vagrant thoughts [fancies]游移不定的思想 [幻想]
3.The priest expounded his religious ideas.牧师说明自己的宗教思想。
4.As doth eternity: Cold pastoral!使人超越思想:呵,冰冷的牧歌!
5.The Wu Lan Fu s Thoughts on Pastoral Areas Cooperative Economy and Enlightenments;乌兰夫发展牧区合作社思想及其启示
6.Comparison of Tao Xingzhi s and Makiguchi s Educational Thought;陶行知和牧口常三郎教育思想之比较
7.Probing into the Inspiration from Ulanf s Thoughts about Democratic Reform in Pasture;探析乌兰夫牧区民主改革思想的启示
8.The Study of Theory of Makiguchi s Value-Creating Pedagogy;牧口常三郎的“创价教育”思想研究
9.Putting Emphasis on the Ideas and Pursuing the Excellence:on Du Mu's Literature Thoughts重意立言 追求高绝——谈杜牧的文学思想
10.Some Thoughts on the Ideological and Political Education of the Agriculture-pastoral Area s College Students in Qinghai;对青海农牧区大学生思想政治教育的几点思考
11.This was coupled later with the idea that any sins committed after baptism could not be forgiven (Shepherd of Hermas).这个思想不久与受浸后无赦免的思想混合(黑马牧人书)。
12.On Makiguchi Tsunesaburo s Educational Ideals;日本现代教育家牧口常三郎的教育思想述评
14.About Yuan Muzhi s Thoughts of Commercialization of Movie Industry;袁牧之商业电影思想的历史回眸与评析
15.“Three Rural Thoughts”of Deng Xiaoping and Increasing Incomes of Peasants and Herdsmen in the Qing-Zang Highland;邓小平“三农思想”与青藏高原农牧民增收
16.On Du Mu s Contradiction between His Literary Ideology And Poet Creation;浅析杜牧文学思想与诗歌创作的内在矛盾
17.Ulanhu's Thought on the Socialist Transition in Inner Mongolia Pastoral Areas论乌兰夫关于牧区社会主义过渡的思想
18.Ideas and Characters of Children's Education in Ancient Yi Writing Ma Mu Te Yi古彝文献《玛牧特依》中的幼教思想及特点述略

tourism thought旅游思想
1.The current study on Confucian tourism thoughts in academic circle involves the classification of tourism activities of Confucius,his tourism attitudes such as distant travel and local travel outlook,advocating cultural tourism by listening to music and watching ceremonies and natural travel by experiencing mountains and enjoying rivers and opposing inordinate tourism.目前学术界对孔子旅游思想的研究涉及到孔子旅游活动的分类,远游观和近游观,提倡听乐观礼的文化之游和体山悟水的自然之游,反对佚游等旅游态度,以及山水比德的旅游审美观等,并认为孔子的旅游思想是功利性的。
2.Their tourism thought has differences in many aspects,but has the intrinsic identity.他们的旅游思想既有诸多不同,又有内在的同一性。
3)thought of studying in traveling游学思想
1.Then it analyses and arranges Wei Yuan s thought of studying in traveling which includes sightseeing,official travel and the theoretical feature of tourism,revealing Wei Yuan s thought of studying in traveling and the inner connection between"leisure tour"and "Bide tour"in Chinese tourism culture.文章从释“游”开始,首先介绍了魏源生平游历概况;其次分析整理了包含游观、游仕和游历理论特征的魏源游学思想;再次揭示了魏源游学思想与中国旅游文化上“逍遥游”与“比德游”的内在联系;最后指出魏源游学思想对过去和当今的积极影响。
4)the thought of animal husbandry development畜牧业发展思想
5)the thought of animal husbandry economy畜牧经济思想
6)On Discussion of Du Mu s Thought Framework杜牧思想框架论

人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)人民军队思想(见毛泽东军事思想)people's army, thought of  renmin iundui sixiQng人民军队思想(pe叩le’s~y,thought(毛泽东关于建设一支由无产阶级政党领的、以马克思列宁主义作指导的新型人民队问题的理性认识,是毛泽东军事思想的要组成部分。见毛泽东军事思想。、,声.2﹃了‘j