人权观念,human rights
1)human rights人权观念
1.Rationality of human rights and rational adoption to human rights diplomacy in China;人权观念的工具理性与我国人权外交的合理选择

1.On the Western Concept of Human Rights on the Impact of the Late Qing Dynasty Penal Reform;论西方人权观念对清末刑法改革的影响
2.A Re-discussion on Chinese Traditional Human Rights Conception:From the Perspective of Comparative Legal Culture;中国传统人权观念再探——一个比较法文化的视角
3.Changes of attitude towards human rights and theoretical and realistic representations of progress in human rights in China;我国人权观念的嬗变与人权进步的理论和现实表现
4.Rationality of human rights and rational adoption to human rights diplomacy in China;人权观念的工具理性与我国人权外交的合理选择
5.The Conspicuousness and Reasoning Return of Concept of Human Rights;人权观念的彰显和理性回归——对罪刑法定主义历史嬗变的归结
6.From the notion of individualism right to the notion of collectivism right--Study on the right theory of Hegel;从个人主义权利观念到整体主义权利观念——黑格尔权利思想探微
7.The Divergence of Ideology and Practice in US & European Human Rights Diplomacy;试析冷战后欧美人权外交的观念差异
8.At all people are born equal and that human rights are endowed by heaven,I have actually learned of such concepts long ago.人生而平等、天赋人权的观念我早就知道。
9.The history of development of natural law is also the history of development of rights of mankind.自然法学发展史是一部人类权利观念的发展史。
10.Approach to Origin of Universal Human Right in Christian Context;基督教语境中普世人权的发轫——兼论西方学者的人权发生学观念
11.Analyses on Ownership Socialization and Ownership Concept in Our Country;“所有权社会化”质疑——兼论我国私人所有权观念的构建
12.These actions are consistent with Chinese values and beliefs that place the community's well-being above the individual's rights.他的做法,正符合华人视社会福祉高于个人权利的价值观和信念。
13.Study on the Population Thoughts and Protection on Human Rights──In sight of the WTO s Legal System of GATT 1947 Art xx;论WTO法律体系的人口理念和人权保护观──以GATT1947第XX条为视角
14.After “breaking off the way to heaven”,the view of communication between god and man tranferred to the one of “unanimity of heaven and man”to deify the king's right in essence.“绝地天通”以后 ,神人交通观念便过渡为以神化王权为实质的“天王合一”观念 ;
15.Meaning:… while they still hold tightly the outdated concepts of the nation-state, but they are indifferent to what the present complicated world needs.然而人们却置当今世界复杂的要求而不顾,使主权国家的观念仍置根于陈腐的观念之中。
16."an authoritative principle, belief, or statement of ideas or opinion, especially one considered to be absolutely true.""有权威的原理、信仰或观念意见的陈述,尤指人们认为绝对正确者."
17.Some Ideas about the Transformation of Urban-rural Planning and its Administration Based on the Draft of Property Law of the People s Republic of China;从《中华人民共和国物权法(草案)》谈城乡规划及其管理观念的转变
18.The Awakening of Subject and the Rise of Consciousness of Individual Rights--A Discourse on Studies of the Current Trend of Thoughts;主体觉醒和个人权利意识的增长——当代中国社会思潮的观念史考察

changes of attitude toward human rights人权观念嬗变
3)notion of talent sovereignty人才主权观念
1.We should construct the Chinese-featured system of manpower resources management and development with an eye to innovative consciousness,to the notion of talent sovereignty,and to the .我们应以创新意识、人才主权观念和企业管理理念为核心构建符合我国国情的人力资源管理与开发体系。
4)ideas of human rights and citizens人权与公民观念
5)The Concept of Human Rights in Asia人权观念在亚洲
6)Western concept of human rights西方人权观念
