孔子哲学,Confucian Philosophy
1)Confucian Philosophy孔子哲学
1.On Confucian Philosophy and Its Present Value;论孔子哲学及其现代价值

1.Roger T.Ames Explaination of Confucianism and Syncretization between Chinese Philosophy and Western Philosophy;安乐哲孔子哲学研究与中西哲学会通
2.The Methodology of Confucius --Research on the Confucian Philosophy from the Mode of Onto-hermeneutics孔子的方法学——从本体诠释学模式研究孔子哲学
3.Reduction of Confucianism through Rectifying of Historical and Contemporary Conditions:A Comment about the Cultural Attitude and Academic Methods of Promotion of Confucian Analects孔子哲学的精神历史学和知识形态学构成
4.A Comparison between Confucian Idea of "Benevolence" and Socrates "Charity":On Hegel s Prejudice against Confucian Philosophy;孔子的“仁”与苏格拉底的“善”之比较——兼评黑格尔对孔子哲学的偏见
5.On Confucius' Thoughts from the Perspective of Philosophy of History历史哲学视域下的孔子儒学思想研究
6.Confucius and Socrates:Moral Philosophy孔子与苏格拉底道德哲学的比较研究
7.The Philosophy Meanings of Words and Deeds in Confucius s Thought;“言、行”在孔子思想中的哲学意义
8.Comparative Study of Manuscript of Economics and Philosophy in 1844 and Confucian Aesthetics Thought《1844年经济学哲学手稿》与孔子美学思想比较研究
9.View of the Survival of the Philosophy of Confuciusand Laozi's Concept of Comparative Religious Funeral生存哲学视野下孔子与老子丧葬祭祀观之比较
10.″It Is a Pleasure to Review Frequently While Learning″--Reflections on the Trend of Chinese Philosophy from Confucius Theory on ″Learning″ Be widely versed in culture and at the same time knows how to submit it to the restraints of ritual;“学而时习之,不亦悦乎!”——以孔子论“学”为通孔反观中国哲学之走向
11.Philosophical Annotation and Political and Cultural Significance of Confucius Theory of Customs;孔子礼学思想的哲学诠释及其政治文化意义
12.Contributions Made by Confuciu’s Metaphy-sics to China’s Philosophical Ontology;孔子的形而上学及其对中国哲学本体论的贡献
13.Paradox between politics and philosophy--Taking Confucius and Socrates as an example;哲学与政治之间的错位——以苏格拉底和孔子为例
14.Interpretation of Confucius Philosophy from the perspective of Marxist dialectics;以马克思的辩证方法释孔子的哲学走向
15.Educational Thought of Confucious & Philosophic Outlook of Chinese Traditional Education;孔子的教育思想与中国传统教育哲学观
16.Confucius aesthetic educational method and modern meaning in philosophy education;孔子教育哲学中的审美教育方法及现代意义
17.The Wisdom of Origins --On Confucian and Aristotles s Educational Philosophy;源头的智慧——孔子、亚里士多德教育哲学探析
18.Enlightenment of the Confucius Ethics Philosophy to University Librarians孔子伦理哲学对高校图书馆管理人员的启示

Confucius ethics philosophy孔子伦理哲学
1.Connecting with the actual situation of today’s university librarians, this paper points out that the Confucius ethics philosophy possesses important practical significance on improving the quality of university librarians.结合现代高校图书馆员的实际情况,提出孔子伦理哲学对提高高校图书馆员的素养具有重要现实意义。
4)quantum philosophy量子哲学
5)Pre-Qin thinkers philosophy thought诸子哲学
6)Laozi philosophy老子哲学
1.Laozi philosophy contains perfect ecological wisdom and humanistic mind.老子哲学蕴含着完善的生态智慧和人文精神。
2.The practice of New Socialist Countryside Planning of new Shangtang vallige realizes the modern application of such ideas and embodied the regression of Laozi philosophy.老子哲学蕴含着完善的生态智慧和人文精神,通过现代的思维方式理解老子哲学,并把它与社会主义新农村规划联系起来,就会得到很多启示。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀