历史的动力,Motivity of history
1)Motivity of history历史的动力

1.The people and the people alone,are the motive force in the making of world history.人民,只有人民才是创造历史的动力
2.The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.--Thomas Wentworth Higginson人民,只有人民,才是创造世界历史的动力。——毛泽东
3.The people, and the people alone, are the motive force in the making of world history.人民,只有人民,才是创造世界历史的动力
4.Innovation as Dynamics:New Development of Research in Historic Dynamics;创新动力论:历史动力研究的新发展
5.A Historical Motive Force That Should not Be Neglected: on the Historical Role Played by "Evil";一种不可遗忘的历史动力——关于“恶”的历史作用
6.Actual Man:the Power of Historical Progress--A new interpretation of Marxist theory on the power for historical development现实的人:历史发展的动力——对马克思历史动力理论的新阐释
7.Historical Materialism of Marxism considers that human being is the premise and basis of human's history, the power of history development, and the purpose of history.马克思主义唯物史观认为,人是历史的前提和基础、是历史发展的动力、是历史的目的。
8.Historical orbit and motive force of the urban system development in Qinghai Province;青海城镇体系发展的历史轨迹与动力
9.On Social Stability and the Motive Power System of Social and Historical Development;社会稳定与社会历史发展的动力系统
10.Reform and Innovation: the Main Impetus of the Historica Evolution;改革与创新——历史发展的主要动力
11.Hegel s Rational Ideology about the Motive Force of the Development of History;黑格尔关于历史发展动力的合理思想
12.The understanding to the historical motivity is closely linked with the people's understanding to history.对历史动力的理解,是与人们对历史的理解密切地联系在一起的。
13.On Cultivation of Historical Thinking Ability in History Teaching;试论历史教学中历史思维能力的培养
14.the inner dynamic of a historical period, social movement, work of art某一历史时期的、 社会运动的、 艺术品的内在力量.
15.Chinese Contributions Have Provided An Impetus for American Historical Development;华族的贡献是美国历史发展的一股重要动力
16.Prerequisites, Process of Discovery and Developmental Foreground;文明的前提、文明动力的历史脉络与发展前景
17.Research on Motive Mechanism to Conservation of Culture Resources in Historic Area;历史地段文化资源的保护动力机制研究
18.A Research of Hualan Yao s Agricultural Laborforce Transferring under the Perspective of Historical Anthropology;花蓝瑶农业劳动力转移的历史人类学研究

the drive of historical progress历史进步的动力
1.Having a sound theoretical and practical basis, the viewpoint which regards the diversity of civilization as the drive of historical progress is a scientific understanding of the law of human historical development.把文明的多样性看作为历史进步的动力的观点 ,是关于人类历史发展的规律性的科学认识。
3)historical driving force历史动力
1.The research of historical driving force has not broken away from the model of opposite between the subject and the object,and confusing problems have still existed.关于历史动力问题的研究都没有完全摆脱以往哲学主客体二分对立的范式,存在许多难以解释的问题。
2.The theories of historical driving forces in the last comprehend from the object form to overemphasize the objective factors of motive power for historical progress,or from the subject form to stress abstractly the subjective factors of historical motivation.历史动力问题,历来就是哲学历史观的基本问题之一。
3.The thesis explores and analyses the historical driving forces under the viewpoint of Philosophy of Value.历史动力问题,是哲学历史观的基本问题之一。
1.Special discuss is paid to the historistic-dynamic behaviors and their causes, corresponding to the tectonic diversity of east and west areas.从历史-因果论的角度,对亚洲大陆中部的演化-运动史,及其大地构造体制发展阶段的地质构造和成矿作用,进行了系统的阐述,重点阐述了东、西部构造差异的历史-动力学表现及其原因。
5)historical concepts of motivation历史动力观
1.Xun Yue s historical concepts of motivation present strongly dualistic and eclectic tendencies.荀悦的历史动力观带有浓厚的二元折中主义倾向,一面在宣扬天命观,一面又在说人事可以致功,总体来看,荀悦强调以天命为主,其次为人事。
6)history of violence暴力的历史

动力机械:内燃机动力学研究内燃机运转中的力学现象的科学。其主要任务是研究分析内燃机运转时各主要零件的运动规律及其受力情况﹐用以作为内燃机零件设计﹑计算的依据。它还研究这些力对内燃机动力装置的影响及其消减方法。内燃机动力学的主要内容为曲柄连杆机构运动学﹑曲柄连杆机构动力学和内燃机平衡分析等。曲柄连杆机构运动学 研究曲柄﹑连杆﹐尤其是活塞的运动规律。活塞作周期性往复运动时的位移、速度和加速度可用下述各式近似求算式中为曲轴转角﹔ 为曲轴旋转角速度﹔为曲柄半径﹔为曲柄半径 与连杆长度之比﹐即 = / 曲柄作回转运动﹐连杆作复杂的平面运动。连杆的运动往往被简化分解为随活塞组的往复运动和随同曲柄的旋转运动。曲柄连杆机构动力学 研究分析曲柄连杆机构(见曲柄滑块机构)在运动中力的生成﹑传递和输出。作用在曲柄连杆机构上的力有曲柄连杆机构运动时产生的往复惯性力和离心惯性力﹐以及内燃机气缸内的气体压力。