感性意识,sensuous awareness
1)sensuous awareness感性意识
1.Primarily regarded as ideology criticism, the social critical theory clears the ideology veil away so as to explore the possibility of the rise of new sensuous awareness through criticizing the ideological nature of the late capit.本文作者把法兰克福学派的“社会批判理论”主要定位为“意识形态批判”,即通过对晚近资本主义社会生活状况本身的意识形态性质进行批判,清除生活世界中的意识形态遮蔽,以此来探索新的感性意识出现的可能性。

1.Sensitive Consciousness:The rational reasonableness within Deng Xiaoping s modernization thinking;“感性意识”:邓小平现代化思维中的“合理理性”
2.stream of consciousness( writing that seeks to express the)continuous flow of ideas,thoughts and feelings experienced by a person when conscious意识流(个人有意识时所体验到的思想和情感的具有连续性的流动)
3.unconscious sense of guilt潜意识罪恶感 潜意识罪恶感
4.The four ingredients of consciousness are awareness of consciousness,content of consciousness,intentionality of consciousness,and affection of consciousness.意识的四个要素是意识觉醒、意识内容、意识指向和意识感情。
5.The Epistemological Break in Cognitive Impression of Stoic Philosophy;把握性印象中的知识型断裂——试析斯多亚感性认识论的哲学意义
6.The Change of Feminist Consciousness from Sense to Sensibility--Analysis of Sense and Sensibility;女性主义意识由感性向理智的转变——解读简·奥斯丁的《理智与情感》
7.Things in Themselves" or "Meaning Particle"?;“物自体”抑或“意义质点”?——略论感性的对象与感性认识
8.unconscious intentionality无意识意向性 潜意识意向性
9.devoid of feeling and consciousness and animation.全无感觉、意识和生气。
10.source of feeling of free will自由意识的感觉源泉
11.Melancholy is based on self-consciousness of limited life and comprehension of limited perceptual existence.忧郁的情调是基于对有限生命的自我意识、感性存在有限性的超脱。
12.On the Relationship Between Metaphysics and Natural Aesthetic Consciousness in Wei Jin Periods;理性的超越与感性的生动——魏晋玄学与自然审美意识关系论
13.Consciousness and subconsciousness have three identical ways of reflecting the life, that is, subjective, conceptual and perceptual.意识与潜意识有三种相同的反映现实生活的方式:主观虔诚方式、自由思考方式和感性观照方式。
14.Though art belongs to consciousnessand dream to subconsciousness,they are all intellectual products of mankind reflecting the life perceptually.艺术和梦虽然一属意识,一属潜意识,但都是人类以感性观照方式反映现实生活的精神产品。
15.The Stream of Consciousness in Wang Meng s and Mo Yan s Novels:From Reason Norms to Perception Discovery--A Study of the Stream of Consciousness Literature in the 1980s;王蒙、莫言小说的意识流:从理性规范到感觉发现——1980年代意识流文学研究
16.Most elder people have bad feeling , for example, loneliness, senility and uselessness, all most elder people have bad health consciousness.老年人大部分有负性情绪,主要是孤独感、衰老感、忧郁感。 绝大部分老人健康保健意识差。
17.Weak as his mind had become, his hunger was sharp enough to show the importance of this.虽然他心神衰竭,但是强烈的饥饿感,使他意识到这一切的重要性。
18.The conflict beween social consciousness and personal feelingsOn the deep contradiction delineated in Emma社会意识与个人感性的冲突——试论《爱玛》揭示的深层矛盾

Thanksgiving Consciousness感恩意识
1.In order to rebuild the students thanksgiving consciousness,the idea,target,content,system and .中华民族是有浓厚感恩美德底蕴的民族,而当代由于主客观原因导致大学生感恩意识的缺失。
2.College students lack of thanksgiving consciousness results from both social background and education.目前大学生中存在感恩意识缺失的现象,其原因有社会背景的,也有教育上的。
3.Thanksgiving education is an activity for the awakening of the thanksgiving consciousness.感恩教育是促使感恩意识形成的教育活动。
3)sense of thanksgiving感恩意识
1.At present,some students have a weak sense of thanksgiving,thanksgiving actions missing,and the reason is mainly due to some faults of family education and school education.目前一些大学生感恩意识淡薄、感恩行为缺失,其主要原因是家庭教育和学校教育的一些失误。
4)gratitude consciousness感恩意识
1.Analysis on the Causes of Modern Youths Who Lack in Gratitude Consciousness当代青年感恩意识缺失的原因剖析
2.Recently many vicious incidents occurred on college students,which reflects the missing of gratitude consciousness.近几年发生在大学生身上的恶性事件反映出我们的学生感恩意识严重缺失,错误的教育观念和教育方向是导致这一问题的主要原因。
3.Based on an inquiry of the graduates in 2007 from College of International Business and Management in Shanghai University,this paper firstly analyzes the status and characteristics of the gratitude consciousness of contemporary university students.以上海大学国际工商与管理学院2007届大学毕业生的问卷调查为基础,分析了大学生感恩意识的现状及特点,认为当代大学生具有感恩意识但趋于弱化,其影响因素是社会、家庭、学校和学生个体共同作用的结果,最后提出了相应对策。
5)the sense of disgrace耻感意识
1.In China s Confucian classics,there is a lot of remarks on the sense of disgrace and the importance of the sense of disgrace for people to be people,which will show important significance to the current education on the concept of honor and disgrace that we are conducting.在我国的儒家经典中,存在着大量的关于耻感意识以及耻感意识对于人之为人的重要性的论述,而这些论述对于我们当前所进行的荣辱观教育必然会显现出重要意义。
6)sense of gratefulness感恩意识
1.At present university students are absent of the sense of gratefulness.当前,加强大学生感恩意识的培养已成为当务之急,不但有其必要性,而且也有重要意义,其中构建"四位一体"的感恩教育体系,继承和发扬中国传统文化中的感恩文化以及感化和体验相结合是大学生感恩意识培养的新思路。
2.The article analyzes the individual psychological characteristics of this phenomena and proposes some essential countermeasures on the lack of the sense of gratefulness.感恩意识的培养对他们的健康发展起着至关重要的作用。
3.Training of sense of gratefulness should become a necessary part in civic education in universities.感恩是每个人都应该具有的基本道德原则,感恩意识的培养应该成为高校公民道德基础教育中不可遗漏的一环。

催眠易感性测验催眠易感性测验hypnotic susceptibility tests  催眠易感性测验(hypnotie suseepti-bili亡y tests)运用种种暗示手段或特制量表来评价受试者催眠易感性能力的方法。通常采用的测验量表有10项,逐项打分。记分标准为高度(l分)、中度(0,5分)和低度(0分),10项最高总分为10分。8一l()分为感受性强,4一7分为中度感受性,O一3分为感受性低。催眠易感性测验不仅能测出受术者对催眠的感受能力,也能通过测验做好催眠前的心理准备,以利于进入催眠状态。 (马雄祥撰李鸣呆审)