发展命题,the Primacy Thesis proper
1)the Primacy Thesis proper发展命题
2)The tendency of proposition命题发展趋向
3)Life development生命发展
1.So the power of comprehension is the foundation of elementary education, which is the result of reflection of being knowledge as the foundation of elementary education, and is traced the source from the perspective of human s life so as to make elementary education become the foundation of life study and life development.以悟性为基础是对以知识为基础教育之基础的反思,是从人的生命层面去寻找基础教育的基础,从而使基础教育能够为人的终身学习和生命发展打下基础。

1.A Study of Pupil Culture in the Angle of Student Life Development;学生生命发展视阈下的学生文化研究
2.has ever been present on Mars long enough for life to develop.可供生命生存和发展。
3.The Development of Children's Cognition and Psychological Experience of Life and Death儿童生命认知和生命体验的发展特点
4.child survival and development revolution儿童生存与发展革命
5.The Development Features of Children s Life Cognition and Life Value;儿童青少年生命认知及生命价值观的发展特点
6.Watching the Development of Life-aesthetics through Aesthetics in Mankind Life System;从《人类生命系统中的美学》看生命美学的发展
7.Adolescents Adjustment during Transition to University: From the Perspective of Life-span Development;从生命全程发展观论大学生入学适应
8.Considering quality as life to achieve the transition from scale-based to quality-based development;以质量为生命 实现规模发展向质量发展的转变
9.The development of conscious life on the planet.星球上有智慧生命的发展
10.final or last in your life or progress.生命或发展的最后或末尾。
11.Being in an early period of life, development, or growth.年幼的处于生命、发展或成长的早期的
12.All revolution is designed to remove obstacles to the development of the productive forces.任何革命都是扫除生产力发展的障碍。
13.will develop into highly complex and intelligent patterns,会发展成高度复杂有智力的生命形态,
14.Modern Biomedicine and the Evolution of American Laws;现代生命医学与美国相关法律的发展
15.Pursuing the Brilliance: The Life Solicitude to Teachers Professional Development;追求卓越:教师专业发展的生命观照
16.Recycling Economy: the Sustainable Development Lifeline of Mankind;循环经济:人类可持续发展的生命线
17.On the Formation and Development of the Traditional Chinese Revolutionary Spirit in the 20th Century;20世纪中国革命传统精神的生成发展
18.The strategy of enterprises life cycle and sustained development;企业生命周期与持续发展的应对策略

The tendency of proposition命题发展趋向
3)Life development生命发展
1.So the power of comprehension is the foundation of elementary education, which is the result of reflection of being knowledge as the foundation of elementary education, and is traced the source from the perspective of human s life so as to make elementary education become the foundation of life study and life development.以悟性为基础是对以知识为基础教育之基础的反思,是从人的生命层面去寻找基础教育的基础,从而使基础教育能够为人的终身学习和生命发展打下基础。
4)development problems发展问题
1.Analysis on the Development Problems of Property Right Market in China;我国产权交易市场发展问题研究
5)development problem发展问题
1.Investigation of development problem of lost land women in the western ethnologic region urbanization——Yinchuan,Ningxia as an example;城市化进程中民族地区失地妇女发展问题研究——以宁夏银川市为例
2.The viewpoint of scientific development is atheoretical result in summing up the historical experience ofrecognizing and dealing with development problems in the course ofleading our country in its socialist modernization construction.科学发展观是我们党在领导社会主义现代化建设的过程中,科学总结认识和处理发展问题历史经验的理论结晶。
6)development theme发展主题

命题在现代哲学、逻辑学、语言学中,命题(Proposition)是指一个判断的语义,而不是判断本身。当不同的判断具有相同的语义的时候,他们表达相同的命题。例如,雪是白的(汉语)和 Snow is white(英语)是不同的判断,但它们表达的命题是相同的。同一种语言的两个不同的判断也可能表达相同的命题。例如,刚才的命题也可以说成冰的小结晶是白的,当然,这种说法不如上一种说法好。通常,命题是指闭判断,以区别于开判断,或谓词。在这种情况下,命题不是真的就是假的。哲学学派逻辑实证主义支持这一命题的概念。一些哲学家,诸如约翰·希尔勒,认为其他形式的语言或行为也判定命题。是非疑问句是对命题真值的询问。道路交通标志不通过语言和文字也表达了命题。使用陈述句也可能给出一个命题而不判定它,例如,在当老师请学生对某个引用发表意见的时候,这个引用就是一个命题(即它有语义)而这个老师并没有判定它。在上一段中,只给出了命题雪是白的,但没有判定它。