人的主体作用,subject function of human beings
1)subject function of human beings人的主体作用

1.Giving Play to People s Role as Subject Promoting Development of Economical Society;发挥人的主体作用 促进经济社会发展
2.Discussion on function of human being s subject property in the music practice activity;论人在音乐实践活动中的主体性作用
3.On the Principal Qualification and Roles of the Natural Person in International Trade国际贸易中自然人的经营主体资格与作用
4.The CPC’s Magic Weapon Leading to Victories:To Fully Exert the People’s Mainbody Role;充分发挥人民主体作用是我党的致胜法宝
5.The Position and Function of Humanism in the Reform of PE Teaching;人本主义在体育教学改革中的地位和作用
6.Status and Function of Human s Subjectivity in Socialist Construction with Chinese Features;中国特色社会主义建设中人的主体性地位与作用
7.Modern Technique and the Subjectivity of Museum Staff:on the People's Role in Digital Museum Construction现代技术与文博工作者的主体性——试论数字博物馆建设中“人”的作用
8.The emblem uses a human figure as its major subject此会徽用一个人形作为主体,
9.Respect the Student-Oriented Method,Cultivate the Creative Talents;尊重学生主体作用 努力培养创新人才
10.The Dominance of Theory upon Experience and Holism;理论对于经验的主导作用与整体主义
11.Analysis on the "Subject" in Ideological Education;思想政治教育工作中“主体”作用的发挥
12.How to Bring out Students Function as Subjects in Education;体育教学中如何发挥学生的主体作用
13.Effect of Humanism Psychology in Self-Directed Study;人本主义心理学在自主学习中的作用
14.The Predominant Role of Teachers in Middle School Subjectivity Composition Teaching;中学主体性作文教学中教师的主导作用
15.An Investigation into the Subject Status and Dominant Role of Student CPC Members in Colleges and Universities;大学生党员主体地位、主体作用的调查分析
16.Marx s Theory of Subjectivity and the play of the new farmers subjectivity role;马克思主体性理论与新农民主体性作用的发挥
17.On the Translator s Subjectivity and Its Role in the Great Changes of Human History;论译者主体性及其在人类历史重大变革中的作用
18.The Tray Comments on the Individual Morality Effect in Socialism with Chinese Characteristics Core Value System;论个人品德在中国特色社会主义核心价值体系中的作用

human being's leading factor人的主导作用
3)role of student学生的主体作用
1.It attaches great importance to the role of students and the teacher s role of guidance.在教学中突出学生的主体作用和教师的指导作用。
4)the dominating function of the teacher教师的主体作用
5)the wheels of life n.人体器官的作用
6)Principal role主体作用
1.How to motivate students principal role in English teaching;英语课堂教学中学生主体作用的发挥
2.The CCP asked to exert the principal role of farmers in her files about New-Country Construction.中央在有关新农村建设的文件中明确提出要发挥农民的主体作用。
3.Therefore,we should pay enough attention to developing their principal role in PE teaching activities,let students learn PE lively and actively to improve their PE abilities.《体育与健康课程标准》强调学生是学习和发展的主体,在体育教学中要重视发挥学生的主体作用,让学生主动、生动活泼地进行体育学习并提高体育学习的能力。
