认识论研究,epistemological studies
1)epistemological studies认识论研究

1.The Research on Modern Social Epistemology and its Significance Continued;当代社会认识论研究及其意义(下)
2.The Research on Modern Social Epistemology and Its Significance;当代社会认识论研究及其意义(上)
3.Discrimination of "Comprehension" and "Cognition"--A Further Study of Hermeneutics and Epistemology;“理解”与“认识”之辨──对解释学与认识论研究对象之再审视
4.Another Half Forgotten Understanding Should Be Found Back--The Prelude of the Non-reasonable Epistemology Research;应该找回被遗忘了的另一半认识——非理性认识论研究之前奏
5.12 THEORIES FROM 3 SCHOOLS ON THE STANDARD OF TESTING THE VERIFICATION AND OBJECTIVITY OF HISTORICAL RECOGNITION The Second Part of the Research on the Historical Epistemology in the New Period历史认识真理标准的三家十二说——新时期历史认识论研究学案之二
6.Research on Fodor s Module Theory and Its Epistemological Problems;福多的模块理论及其对认识论研究的启示意义
7.On Epistemology, Methodology & Research Approach in Translation Studies from Review of UT Studies in China over the Past Decades;译论研究中应确立的认识论、方法论和研究态度
8.Research into Western Political Thought:From Political Consciousness to Political Epistemology;从政治认识到政治认识论——西方政治思想研究论析
9.An Analysis on Erroneous Notions of Positive Educational Research;论关于教育实证研究的几个错误认识
10.Life Epistemology: A Comparative Study on Practical View;生活认识论:一个实践观的比较研究
11.On the Research Object and Characteristics of the History of Socialist Cognition;论社会主义认识史的研究对象和特点
12.Need for a Full Understanding of the Significance of Study of Educational Theories;要充分认识教育理论研究的特殊意义
13.Hua Gang's Researches into National Questions论华岗对民族问题的研究、认识和探索
14.The Compared Study of the Marxism Epistemology and the Cognition Science;马克思主义认识论与认知科学的比较研究
15.The Epistemological Meaning of Research Turn of Sociology of Scientific Knowledge;科学知识社会学研究转向的认识论意义
16.It has been believed that the basis of general-knowledge education is the theory of its practice and the key is its epistemology.认为通识教育研究的基础是通识教育实践论,关键是通识教育认识论。
17.Practical Historiology-The Questions of Epistemology and Methodology of Historiology Study;实践历史学——历史学研究的认识论、方法论问题
18.Life Epistemology and its Enlightenment to the Research in Modern Teaching Theory;生活认识论及其对现代教学论研究的启示

The Study ON Organizational Epistemology组织认识论研究
3)research cognition研究认识
4)On Hayek s Epistemology哈耶克认识论研究
5)research and re-cognition研究和再认识
6)Research on the Illegal Consciousness违法性认识研究

辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)辩证唯物主义认识论(见认识论)theory of knowledge of dialectical materialism  blanZhengweiwOZ卜U丫1 rens卜jlUn辩证唯物主义认识论(t heory ofkn。wle此eofd坛lectical mater认价皿)见认识论。