网络交往自由,freedom of cyber-contact
1)freedom of cyber-contact网络交往自由

1.Study on the Freedom of Cyber-Contact in the Visual Field of Marxist Freedom View;马克思主义自由观视野下的网络交往自由研究
2.The Relationship between Internet Self-efficacy and Computer Mediated Communication Motivation of College Students;大学生网络自我效能与网络交往动机关系研究
3.On the Construction of Support Network to Develop the Autistic Individual s Interpersonal Communication;论自闭症个体人际交往支持网络的构建
4.Self-development and Promotion in Network Contact;网络交往中自我的发展与提升对策的思考
5.Path of Strengthening in Individual Moral Self - Discipline Intercourse Net Bodies;网络交往主体加强个体道德自律的途径
6.Virtual Reality--on Net Communication and Net Community;虚拟的真实——网络交往与网络社区探析
7.Research on Hierarchical Routing in Automatically Switched Optical Network;自动交换光网络分层路由关键技术研究
8.Research on Survivability and Routing Technologies in Automatic Switched Optical Network;自动交换光网络生存性与路由技术的研究
9.Preliminary Analysis on a New Human Communication Conformation:Practice of Communication in Cyberspace;试析人类交往实践的新形态:网络交往实践
10.Comparative Study on Net Education Intercourse and Face-to-face Education Intercourse;网络教育交往与面授教育交往的比较研究
11.A Comparative Study on College Students Internet Addiction Disorder an Its Relationship with Social Support,Communication Anxiousness and Self Consistency and Congruence.;大学生网络成瘾与社会支持、交往焦虑、自我和谐的关系研究
12.The Negative Impact Being Absorbed in Cyber-intercourse on the Development of College Students' Self-identity沉溺网络交往对大学生自我同一性发展的消极影响
13.Secondly, analyses the feature of cyberspace serving as the media of Internet communication;其次,分析网络空间这一网络交往载体的特性;
14.Relationships between Interpersonal Communication in Cyberspace and Internet Addiction Disorder;网络人际交往及其与网络成瘾倾向的关系
15.Cyber Communicative Ethic:New Perspective of Teenagers Cyber Moral Education;网络交往伦理:青少年网络道德教育的新视域
16.Relationship Between Computer Mediated Communication Motivation and Online Social Support of College Students;大学生网络交往动机与网络社会支持关系研究
17.Research on the Relationships between Internet Communication Motivation and Internet Behavior Feature of College Students大学生网络交往动机与网络行为特点及关系
18.Interpersonal Network or Market Network:A Comparative Study on Social Communication Patterns of Farmers人际网络、市场网络:农户社会交往方式的比较

free time of Cyber-communication网络交往自由时间
1.The paper makes comparison between Marx s theory on free time and free time of Cyber-communication in order to prove that free Cyber-communication encourages all-round development of humankind.网络交往自由时间是一种新的自由时间:一方面,彰显出很多与马克思主义自由时间不同的新内涵;另一方面,节约劳动时间,促进人的全面发展。
3)network communication网络交往
1.The Problems and Countermeasures Relating to the Network Communication of College Students;试论大学生网络交往心理问题与对策
2.The Function of Network Communication and Counter-dissimilation;网络交往功能与异化消解
4)network association网络交往
1.The college students in network association ought to be self-supervision.青年大学生在网络交往中应该坚持慎独,这是由青年大学生网络交往的特点决定的:网络交往内容的开放性、网络交流角色的虚拟性、网络交流方式的自主性。
2.The survival environment of the college students, which is based on network association ,will generate both positive and negative effect on the formation of the moral character, causing the so-called double effect.网络交往建构起来的大学生独特的生存环境,会对道德人格的构成要素产生正负面影响,必然导致对大学生道德人格的双重效应。
3.So, some countermeasures should be taken such as standardize the network association, heighten the legal consciousness and the ethical level of its main body, lead the network association to improve on healthy and orderly way, an.网络交往已成为一种先进、快捷、高效的全新的交往方式。
5)internet communication网络交往
1.A Study on how Moral Emotion through Internet Communication Influences College Students,;随风潜入夜,润物细无声——网络交往对大学生道德情感影响的质的研究之一
2.A Comparative Study on the Interpersonal Trust in Internet Communication and Real-life Communication of College Students;人际信任在大学生网络交往和现实交往中的比较
3.In order to study the status of internet communication of girl students in middle school,this study investigated 293 middle school students through questionnaire.采用自编调查问卷,对293名中学生网络交往现状进行调查。
6)net communication网络交往
1.College students get addicted to net communication so as to escape from the great pressure in real life and seek spiritual sustenance,which results in college students distortion of self concept,impetuosity in interpersonal relations,weak socialization as well as the phenomenon of going to extremes.大学生沉溺于网络交往的心理始因是求知趋新,其心理机制是为了逃避现实压力而寻求深层次的内涵交往,实质上是寻找情感的寄托。
2.To a certain extent, net communication can relieve psychopressure, but we can not neglect its bad influence.网络交往主体的心态大体有八种类型。

必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)必然王国与自由王国(见必然与自由)realm of necessity and realm of freedom  of口1 Iun Wongg口0 yU ZlyQU wangguo必然王国与自由王国(realmandrealm of freedom)necessity见必然与自由。