价值观念冲突,value concept conflict
1)value concept conflict价值观念冲突

1.The Confliction of Value Concepts in the Transitional Period of Contemporary China;当代中国社会转型期的价值观念冲突
2.Ponderations on Value Conflicts during the Period of Social Transformation;关于社会转型期价值观念冲突的思考
3.The Studying of Conflict in Official Administration Value in Nowadays China;当前我国公务员行政价值观念冲突问题的研究
4.Conflicts and Adjustmentment of the Culture Concept of Value in Technique s Creation;技术创新中的文化价值观念冲突及调适
5.Study of the Reliability and Validity about Chinese Culture of Traditional Value Conflict Inventory (CCTVCI);《中国传统文化价值观念冲突问卷》的编制及其信度和效度
6.The Fusion of Legal Culture and Self-Centred Thinking--The Adjustment and Fusion Between Chinese and Western outlook on Legal Value;法文化融合与我向思维——中西方法律价值观念冲突的整合
7.Conflict of Value Ideas in the Period of Social Change and Adjustment;社会转型期价值观念的冲突及其调适
8.The Conflict and Integration of the Value Concept in Nowadays China Society Transformation Period;当代中国社会转型时期价值观念的冲突与整合
9.The Amalgamation and Conflicu of the Value Ideas between China and the West in the Process of Globalization;全球化进程中中西价值观念的融合与冲突
10.The Conflict and Integration of the Idea of Traditional Culture and Market Value;我国传统文化观念与市场价值理念的冲突和整合
11.Conflicts and Fuses:Between the Confucius Ideas and the Western Ideas on Values冲突与融合:儒家价值观与西方价值观
12.Value Conflicts and Public Values in the Social Transition Period;论转型期的价值冲突与公共价值理念
13.Conflict And Intergrowth:The Meeting Of Two Kinds Of Literary Value--the Analysis of Xia -Zhi qing s Literary Concept;冲突与共生:两种文学价值观的交遇——夏志清的文学理念整体观
14.Alehouses and Conflicts over Culture and Values in Early Modern England啤酒馆问题与近代早期英国文化和价值观念的冲突
15.Conflict and Incorporation of Sino-Western Ethical Values in Transitional Times of Society;论社会转型期中西方伦理价值观念的冲突与整合
16.Unfortunately, social development is unbalanced and conflicts do exist among different values. As a result, there are different expressions of nationalism.社会发展的不平衡和价值观念的冲突使人们的爱国主义观念有很大的不同。
17.Unfortunately, social progress does not take place evenly. As a result, the new concept of nationalism also evolves at a different pace.在转型中的社会,社会发展的不平衡和价值观念的冲突使人们的爱国主义观念有很大的不同。
18.Conflicts and Integration on Life Values of Contemporary College Students;当代大学生人生价值观的冲突与整合

the conflict of cultural values文化价值观念冲突
3)Analysis for clashes of value concepts价值观念冲突探析
4)value conflict价值观冲突
5)conflict of administrative values行政价值观冲突
6)Idea conflict观念冲突

价值工程(见价值分析)价值工程(见价值分析)value engineering; VE: see value analysis; VA  jiazhi以洲笋h6ng价值工程(valuee峪~ng;视)析。见价值分