资本原则,Principles of Capital
1)Principles of Capital资本原则
1.On the Principles of Capital of the Limited Liabilit Company;论有限责任公司资本原则

1.On the Tension Between the Chinese Cultural Spirit and the Western Capital Principle;论中国文化精神与西方资本原则之间的张力
2.A Restudy of Das Kapital and its Basic Principles and Related Data;重新研究《资本论》:基本原则与基础文献
3.a fundamental principle [rule]基本原则 [规则]
4.Most centuries appear to have a level of capital below the golden-rule level.多数国家都表现出资本水平低于资本指导原则。
5.The Basic Bio-evaluation Principles for Pesticide Registration;农药登记的生物学资料评审基本原则
6.Recycle Economy and the Principle of 3R--More findings from "The Principle of Capitalist";循环经济与“3R原则”——学习《资本论》所得
7.Principles in Planning Management System of Human Capital on the State-owned Forest Farms;国有林场人力资本管理机制设计原则
8.On The Principle Of Capital Majority Representation;论资本多数决原则——对股东大会决议规则的反思
9.State-owned Capital Budgeting System Goal,Principle and Basic Framework of Construction;国有资本预算制度的构建目标、原则与基本框架
10.Person-centeredness:the Leading Principle of Managing the Teaching Staff in Colleges;以人为本:高等学校师资队伍建设的根本原则
11.As to the limited warranty liabilities of human capital investors,this author determines that they are contrary to the fair principle.至于人力资本出资者的有限保证责任,则违背了公平原则。
12.And the main cause of this is the slow development of the capital market in the western regions.而发展缓慢的西部资本市场则是导致西部资本短缺的主要原因。
13.infection theory牵连原则(在资本主义国家的所谓战时法中
14.Atlatic Charter:guiding principles of post-war capitalist social reform大西洋宪章:战后资本主义社会改革的指导原则
15.Both the balance sheet and the income statement are affected by cost principle.资产负债表和收益表都受成本原则的影响。
16.The other kind is mistakes of principle, such as the tendency towards capitalism.另一种是原则性的错误,如资本主义倾向。
17.The new code of conduct lays down the ground rules for management-union relations.新的管理章程为劳资关系确定了基本的原则.
18.Research on the Principle of Majority Rule and Protection of the Minority Shareholders;资本多数决原则与中小股东权益保护研究

three capital principles资本三原则
1.In fact,the application of three capital principles can protect the profits of creditor.现实中,“资本三原则”的应用实现了对债权人的保护,而通过对所有者权益信息的动态、历史的改进,可以满足外部股东的需求,故而是资产负债表中所有者权益排列格式的改进方向,从而提高会计报表信息的决策有用性。
3)most principle ownership of a share资本多数原则
4)principle of capital truth资本真实原则
5)capital-non spectacles资本不变原则
6)doctrine of overwhelming majority capital资本多数决原则

划分收益性支出与资本性支出原则划分收益性支出与资本性支出原则 划分收益性支出与资本性支出原则在会计核算中严格区分收益性支出与资本性支出,以正确计算企业当期损益的原则。这一原则要求企业会计在进行支出的确认时.把两类性质不同的支出区别开来,并正确地计算当期报益。对于属于收益性的支出应计入当期损益,在当期损益表中反映;对于不属于收益性的支出(即资本性支出)则应计列为资产,在资产负债表上反映如果一项收益性支出错计为资本性支出.会使该期间资产多计.费用少计,净收益多汁。如果一项资本性支出错计为收益性支出.会使该期间资产少计,费用多计,净收益少计因此.会计核算中坚持这一原则,有利于会计核算真实地反映经营损益情况.便于分析企业的资金结构,为会计信息使用者提供更为可靠的信息