当代科技革命,Contemporary Scientific and Technological Revolution
1)Contemporary Scientific and Technological Revolution当代科技革命
1.Discussion about the Influence of Contemporary Scientific and Technological Revolution on the Gender Division of Labor;试论当代科技革命对社会性别分工的影响

1.Discussion about the Influence of Contemporary Scientific and Technological Revolution on the Gender Division of Labor;试论当代科技革命对社会性别分工的影响
2.The College Students Personal View of Culture from Point ofModern Revolution of Science and Technology;当代科技革命视野中大学生的个性化文化观
3.The Necessity of Human Activity Evolution in Contemporary Science and Technology Revolution当代科技革命条件下人的活动演变的必然性
4.A new practice mode-virtual practice mode is derived from modern revolution of science and technology.当代科技革命催生出一种新型的实践方式———虚拟实践方式。
5.Contemporary Science-Technique-Revolution and Theoretical Creation on Studies of Personality & Self;当代科学技术革命与人格自我论研究的理论创新
6.On the contemporary Scientific and Technological Revolution Confirming and Developing Marxist philosophy;当代科学技术革命对马克思主义哲学的证实和发展
7.Revolution of science and technology and modern athletic event development;科技革命与现代竞技运动项目的发展
8.The Construction of the Adaptation Organization Based on Modern Science and Technology Revolution;基于现代科技革命的适应性组织构建
9.The Challenge of Modern Sci-tech Revolution to the Theory of Social Formation;现代科技革命对社会形态理论的挑战
10.Impacts of modern revolution in science and technology on the Olympic Games;现代科技革命对奥林匹克运动的影响
11.Sourcing Strategy Under the Impact of Scientific and Technological Revolution;现代科技革命影响下的公司资源战略
12.The Modern Scientific and Technical Revolution and Socialism as well as Capitalism;现代科技革命与社会主义和资本主义
13.The Modern Scientific and Technological Revolution from the Perspective of the National System of Creation;从国家创新体系看现代科学技术革命
14.Zhou Enlai s Intellectual Outlook on the Modern Scientific and Technological Revolution;周恩来的现代科学技术革命思想论析
15.The scientific and technical view of Deng xiao-ping is the tremendous impetus to modern scientific and technical revolution;邓小平科技观是促进现代科技革命的强大动力
16.On Neo-technological Innovations and New Variations in the Modern Capitalist World;新技术革命与当代资本主义经济问题
17.On Modern Scientific and Technological Revolution and Reform in Traditional Mode of Thinking;论现代科技革命与传统思维方式的变革
18.On influence of chemistry science in science revolution and modern society;论化学科学在科技革命和现代社会中的作用

The contemporary scientific and technological revolution当代科学技术革命
3)modern science and technology revolution现代科技革命
1.The process of the organization evolution and the modern science and technology revolution indicates that the modern science and technology revolution must result in the organization evolution.现代科技革命形成与企业组织变迁的历程表明,科技变革必然引起企业组织的变迁,现代科技革命的综合化、高速化和智能化的特征对企业组织提出了新要求,企业成为适应新要求必须构建结构扁平化、性能柔性化和运行开放化的适应性组织,其内部表现是以职能部门为基础的静态组织结构与以项目组为中心的动态组织结构并存的矩形网状运行模式,其外部表现是价值网络运行模式。
2.It is Marxism and modern science and technology revolution that the theoretical guide and major content of the teaching mode.本教学模式以马克思主义和现代科技革命为理论指导和内容主线 ,并结合当今中国与世界发展的新形势 ,将课程内容划分为“近现代科技革命与社会发展”、“现代化理论与实践及其反思”和“可持续发展问题与人类的未来”三个单元 ,以便从根本上改变此课视野狭窄、内容陈旧及体例单一的现状。
3.The paper firstly illustrates the formation and characters of the modern science and technology revolution.阐述了现代科技革命的形成与特征,分析了科技变革与企业组织变迁的关联关系,指出为适应新要求企业必须构建敏捷企业,构建了敏捷企业矩形网状组织结构和价值网络的运行模式。
4)Revolution in Modern Science and Technology现代科技革命
1.Discussion of Revolution in Modern Science and Technology and Talent cultivation of Complex Type in the Agricutural Colleges and Universities;浅析现代科技革命与农林院校复合型人才培养
5)modern scientific and technical revolution现代科技革命
1.The development of modern scientific and technical revolution has made science and technology be the first productivity,the decisive factor in the productivities,and the decisive power in the development of modern society.现代科技革命向唯物史观的社会发展动力观提出了挑战。
6)modern new technology revolution现代新科技革命
