辨惑,uncovering delusions
1)uncovering delusions辨惑

1.Against and For Historical Studies,Two Sides of One Thing--Explaining Zhu Xi s Attitude toward History;反史倡史,一体两面——朱熹史学态度辨惑
2.Study of the Features of Formulas and Herbs Compouding in Lidongyuan s Neiwaishangbianhuolun;李东垣《内外伤辨惑论》方药配伍规律的研究
3.Chou Chan Practices Inartial Aits and Resolvues Problems;少林武术的缘起及著名武僧稠禅师幼年习武辨惑
4.Argumentation on Words and Meaning: about the Bewilderment and Transcendence in Literary Language;言意之辨:关于文学语言的困惑与超越
5.Legend, myth, and faith often conspire to confuse rather than clarify.传说、神话和信仰时常会造成迷惑而非明辨。
6.Its doubting and challenging, its quibbling and dialectics, often are irritating to common people.它的疑惑和诘难,它的诡辨和辩证,常常是令人讨厌的。
7.Appraisal of "Xiao Xue Kao Sheng Yun"Checked and Annotated by Mr.Tan Yaoju切之琢之,辨疑解惑——评谭耀炬先生《小学考声韵》校注
8.Nevertheless, it is still a puzzle why such a glaring anomaly has not been arbitraged away.不过,人们仍然疑惑为什么人人可辨的市场超常没有被套利呢。
9.An Analysis of the Appropriateness of the Term "Chinese Logic"“中国逻辑”名称困难的辨析——“唯一的逻辑”引发的困惑与质疑
10.Caroline felt the value of the true ore, and knew the deception of the flashy dross.卡罗琳辨别出了真金的价值,知道那种炫耀的铁渣只有迷惑人的外表。
11.The artful Arbaces sought to dazzle the young Neapolitan by his treasures and his eloquence.狡猾的阿耳巴克斯企图用他的珠宝和雄辨的口才来迷惑这位那不勒斯少年。
12.The Urbanization Mode of the Towns with Chinese Features--Mode C:Surpassing the Interesting of Mode A and Trap of Mode B中国特色的城镇化模式之辨——“C模式”:超越“A模式”的诱惑和“B模式”的泥淖
13.To puzzle, confuse, or baffle.使迷惑、使混乱或使疑惑
14.succumb to temptation屈服于诱惑,受到诱惑
15.A state of perplexity, confusion, or bewilderment.迷惑困惑、迷惑或糊涂的状态
16.A state of uncertainty or perplexity.窘境、困惑不确定或困惑的状态
17.A state of mental vagueness or bewilderment.迷惑,困惑头脑模糊或迷乱的状态
18.A feeling of puzzlement or doubt.迷惑不解迷惑或怀疑的感觉

advocate the morals and differentiate and analyse feeling uncertain集德辨惑
3)Nei wai shang bian huo lun《内外伤辨惑论》
4)An Investigation on the Issue of the Location of Dong Zhongshu's Tomb董仲舒墓址辨惑
6)To confuse; bewilder.迷惑;困惑
