唯心主义先验论,idealist apriorism:
1)idealist apriorism:唯心主义先验论
2)idealist apriorism唯心论的先验论
3)idealist apriorism唯心论的先验观
4)System des transzendentalen Idealismus《先验唯心论体系》

1.System des transzendentalen Idealismus《先验唯心论体系》
2.An Interpretation of F.W.J. Schelling s The System of Prior-Idealism;从原始直观到天才直观——谢林《先验唯心论体系》之解读
3.Cotta-manas-vijnana and Vinaptimatrata: The Mind-Nature Ontology of the Dharmalaksana Sect;心意识与唯识无境:唯识宗的心性本体论
4.Historical necessity is a key concept in the theory of historical materialism.历史必然性是唯物史观理论体系所要论证的核心问题之一。
5.Philosophical Conjecture and Verification of Materialist Ontology;论唯物主义本体论的哲学猜想及其验证——兼论场有论、关系实在论和实践关系实在论
6.The Transcendentalism of MethodologicalSolipsism in early wittgenstein s Philosophy;前期维特根斯坦哲学中方法论唯我论的先验性
7.On the Inner Connection of Dialectical Materialist Theoretical System;论辩证唯物主义理论体系的内在联系
8.of or relating to or connected with spiritualism.唯心论的,涉及唯心论的,或和唯心论有关的。
9.subjective [ objective ] idealism主观[客观]唯心论
10.From the viewpoint of materialistic mind-body monism, the body of a human being (mainly the nerve system) has two functions-physiological and psychological.从唯物论的心身一元论的观点来看,人体(主要是神经系统)有两种机能,即生理机能和心理机能。
11.The physicist debunked the psychic's claims.这些唯心论者揭露了唯心论者的主。
12.Only after encounters with hardships will one be roused to vigorous diligence.唯有体验了艰苦的境遇,才会有精进奋发的心。
13.In the universities, the departments of Chinese for one and the departments of history for another are most seriously affected by idealism.大学里,一个中文系,一个历史系,唯心论最多。
14.Thinking and analysis of objective idealism is the cornerstone of TCM theoretical system: re-recognizing "yin-yang and wuxing" of TCM客观唯心思辨是中医学理论体系的基石——重新认识中医学的“阴阳五行”
15.Idealism is opposite to materialism.唯心论和唯物论是对立的。
16.They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.他们讲唯心论,我们讲唯物论。
17.On the Development of Rationalism with Respect to Relation between Mind and Matter;唯理论哲学在心物关系问题上的思想发展
18.On the Development of the Theory on the Relationship between Body and Mind in Modern Philosophy;近代西方唯理论哲学关于身心关系学说的流变

idealist apriorism唯心论的先验论
3)idealist apriorism唯心论的先验观
4)System des transzendentalen Idealismus《先验唯心论体系》
5)teleological idealism目的论唯心主义
1.To explore the etiology of hysteria through the aspect of mentalism.从唯心主义角度分析癔症病因,为揭示癔症形成提供新的思路。
2.The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach s visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx.对黑格尔唯心主义和费尔巴哈直观唯物主义的批判与超越,是马克思建立新唯物主义哲学的理论起点。
3.But it is of the bourgeoisie,so it has the characteristic of mentalism and lacks philosophical principle.但它毕竟是资产阶级世界观的范畴,具有唯心主义特色,缺乏严格的哲理。
