人的哲学存在,philosophical existence of man
1)philosophical existence of man人的哲学存在
2)philosophic history on" Tao"存在性的哲学史

1.Philosophic History on Knowledgeand Philosophic History on" Tao"--Talk on the Legitimacy about Chinese Philosophy;知识性的哲学史与存在性的哲学史——兼谈中国哲学的合法性问题
2.The Historical Transformation of Philosophical Subject and the Contemporariness of Philosophy-On the Significance of "Being" of Marxist Philosophy;哲学主题的历史转换与哲学的当代性问题——试论马克思哲学的“存在论”意义
3.The Way for Existential Symbol to Individualization:A Cultural Analysis of Curriculum Research;存在性符号的人性化历程——课程研究问题史的文化哲学考察
4.How history exists as Onto in the philosophy of Marx?;历史在马克思哲学中是如何作为本体而存在的
5.Suspension of Human Perceptual Existence in Descartes Philosophy;论笛卡尔哲学中人的感性存在之悬置
6.The Stranger:Poetic Expression of the Existentialist Philosophy;《局外人》:存在主义哲学意蕴的诗性彰显
7.Status of “The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” in Chinese philosophical history;《内经》哲学在中国哲学史上的地位
8.the philosophical study of being and knowing.存在与感知的哲学研究。
9.Catholicity and Sameness--An Exploration of Man s Extramundane Existence;共通性与共同性——从中国哲学看人的超越性存在
10.The Nature of Historical Explanation The Difference between Speculative Philosophy of History and Analytical Philosophy of History on Historical Explanation;历史解释的性质——思辨历史哲学和分析历史哲学不同的历史解释
11.On Marx s Economics,Philosophy and Dual Human Naturre;论马克思“经济学”、“哲学”与人的二重性存在
12.History of Curriculum Existence--on the Curriculum Research from the Perspective of Cultural Philosophy;课程存在的时间化历程——课程研究问题史的文化哲学解读
13.Acomparison between China and West in Being Philosophy in Gender Culture;中西视域中性文化所蕴含的存在哲学的比较
14.The Duality of Man s Existence and the Level Difference between Chinese Philosophy and Western Philosophy;人的二重性存在方式和中西哲学的层面差异
15.Historical Development of Existence and Subsistence and Their Basic Relation--Probing into the Original Reasons for Subsistence Philosophical Change;存在与生存的历史沿革及其基本关系——生存哲学时代转向的根源探索
16.The evolution and resolution of the identity of the thought and the existence in western philosophy西方哲学中思维与存在同一性的演进与解决
17.Reflections on Existentialist Philosophy;“存在”如何规约:对存在主义哲学的反思
18.The Crisis of Legitimacy of Chinese Philosophy and the Rewrite of the History of Chinese Philosophy;中国哲学的“合法性危机”与重写中国哲学史

philosophic history on" Tao"存在性的哲学史
3)existential philosophy存在哲学
1.Theoretical boundary between existential philosophy and speculative philosophy is just the essential difference between the modern Western philosophy and contemporary philosophy.存在哲学与思辨哲学的理论分野也正是西方现代哲学与近代哲学的本质区别所在。
4)the ontological basis for anthropological philosophy人类学哲学的存在论基础
5)philosophical existence of marxism马克思主义的哲学存在
6)philosophy of man人的哲学
1.Thus two theories about human issues arise,that is,philosophy of man and concrete sciences of man .人类自我认识可分为两种方式 ,即哲学方式和科学方式 ,由此形成了关于人的问题的两种理论 ,即人的哲学和人的具体科学。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀