广义人类学,anthropology in broad sense
1)anthropology in broad sense广义人类学
2)anthropological meaning人类学意义
1.He pays attention to man himself, morality and the meaning of spirit, which endows his aesthetics with anthropological meaning and value.他对人类自身、道德、精神意义的关注,使其美学思想凸现出一定的人类学意义及价值。

1.On the Value of Disaster-as-theme Poems and their Literary and Anthropological Significance论灾难诗的价值及其文学人类学意义
2.Artistic Anthropological Significance of National Minority Folk Song Studies;少数民族民歌研究的艺术人类学意义
3.The significance of the Anthropology of Hechi Folks Drums Bequeathed to Posterity;河池民间传世铜鼓使用的人类学意义
4.On the Anthropological Meaning of Education论教育的人类学意义——对教育起点的探讨
5.Beauty, Highest Law of Human Social Life --Analysis of the Anthropological Meaning of the Law of Beauty;美:人类社会生活的最高原则——“美的规律”的人类学意义探析
6.A Primitive Interlocution between Human Being and Nature:Restore Anthropological Meaning of The Old Man and The Sea;人与自然的原始对话——还原《老人与海》的人类学意义
7.The Generic Significance of the Book of Poetry in the View of Cultural Anthropology;文化人类学视野中《诗经》之文类意义
8.Meaning And Limitation:the Evaluation of Scheler′s Philosophical Anthropology;意义与局限:舍勒哲学人类学的评价
9.The Function And Application of Visual Means in the Study of Anthropology;浅谈影视手段在人类学研究中的意义
10.The Human Accomplishment Significance for the Undergraduate of Art Major;人文素养对艺术类大学生发展的意义
11.Historical anthropology: from historical text to meaning subject;历史人类学:从历史文本到意义主体
12.The Value and the Significance of Fieldwork to Anthropology;田野调查对人类学研究的价值与意义
13.The Significance of Life and Death in Evolution and the Human Philosophy on Life and Death;进化中生死的意义与人类的生死哲学
14.A Study on Symbol & Significance in the Sights of Perception Anthropology;感觉人类学视野中符号与意义的研究
15.Liang Shuming s"Human Psychology "and its Theoretical Significance;梁漱溟的“人类心理学”及其理论意义
16.The Significance of Native Interpretation in Anthropological Theory and Method;本土解释在人类学理论、方法上的意义
17.Meaning in Benedict:A Perspective of Educational Anthropology本尼迪克特的意义:教育人类学的视角
18.The Significance and Value of Introducing Anthropological Perspectives into the Study of History;人类学视角的引入对历史学研究的意义和价值

anthropological meaning人类学意义
1.He pays attention to man himself, morality and the meaning of spirit, which endows his aesthetics with anthropological meaning and value.他对人类自身、道德、精神意义的关注,使其美学思想凸现出一定的人类学意义及价值。
1."Board Means" Similarity Teaching skill(BMSTK);“广义”类比教学法探讨
4)Generalized architectural typology广义建筑类型学
5)anthropological materialism人类学唯物主义
1.As for how to summarize Marx s philosophy,this paper proposes the idea of anthropological materialism which has covered all the di.如何概括马克思哲学,本文提出了人类学唯物主义,认为这一提法可以把以上哲学所强调的辩证性、历史性、实践性等概括在人类性中,因为它们都不过是人类世界的特性。
6)functionalist anthropology功能主义人类学
1.Through the analysis of the basic theories,basic thoughts and basic methods of functionalist anthropology,we can understand and master the thinking system of anthropology more thoroughly and deeply.功能主义人类学肇始于20世纪20年代,盛行于30至50年代,时至今日仍对人类学的研究起着相当重要的影响。
