亲历思想,self-experience philosophy
1)self-experience philosophy亲历思想
1.Contemporary philosophy education advocates the cultivation of the ability of reflections on life and culture and stresses the importance of self-experience philosophy.而在当代大众传媒的语境下,传媒素养的培养成为发挥哲学教育之功能的新契机,更加突现了亲历思想之发生的教学魅力。
2)filial piety孝亲思想
1.Study on the Traditional Filial Piety of Tujia Ethnic Group and Its Contemporary Value;土家族传统孝亲思想及其当代价值研究
2.Outlining the evolutions of ancient Chinese history,filial piety,as the psychic bases in the family society,on one hand,met the needs to maintain the social stabilization and harmonize the relationship between fathers and sons;on the other hand,used by the feudal monarchs as"Take Filial Piety as Loyalty" for their monarchs.本文主要从《唐律疏议》的一些条文来探讨一下中国古代的孝亲思想。
3.Laying stress on filial piety is a common practice in Tujia ethnic group.土家族是一个重孝的民族,原始宗教文化是土家族孝亲思想的文化之源,儒家孝道是土家族孝亲思想的重要文化之流。

1.Idea of Filial Piety in Ancient China From"Discussion of Laws in Tang Dynasty";从《唐律疏议》看中国古代的孝亲思想
2.Study on the Traditional Filial Piety of Tujia Ethnic Group and Its Contemporary Value;土家族传统孝亲思想及其当代价值研究
3.Impact of Filial Idea on Protection and Extension of Tujia Residential孝亲思想对土家族民居保护及延续的影响
4.Book of Filial Piety Theorised ahout Confucianism's Filial Piety Thoughts先秦儒家孝思想的理论化成果:《孝经》
5.The Implications of Confucius Idea of Filial Piety Seen from The Analects and The Book of Filial Piety;从《论语》和《孝经》看孔子“孝”思想的可能意蕴
6.On Wang Daiyu s View of Filial Piety--Compared With Confucian Philosophy;王岱舆的孝道思想——兼论其与儒家孝道思想之异同
7.Xiao Jing is an ancient book dealing with the confucianist thought of filial duty and filial rule, and it owns its unigue position in the formation and development of confucianist thought.《孝经》是专门论述儒家孝道、孝治思想的典籍,在儒家思想形成及发展中占有独特的地位。
8.Chinese Buddhist and Confucian Filial Piety of the Comparative Study;中国佛家与儒家孝道思想的比较研究
9.A Study on the Thoughts of Filial Piety and Provison for the Aged in Traditional Chinese Culture;中国传统文化中的孝与养老思想探究
10."Filial Piety" in Confucius Analects and Its Contemporary Value;《论语》的“孝”思想及其当代意义
11.The Influence of "Hualanyao Social Organization" on Fei Xiaotong s Academic Thinking;《花蓝瑶社会组织》与费孝通学术思想
12.The Theory of Qi and Literary Thoughts of Fang Xiaoru;元明之际的“气”论与方孝孺的文学思想
13.Thought of Filial Piety and Morality based on the Jataka of Samaka;从《睒子经变》看佛教艺术中的孝道思想
14.The Value Origins of FEI Xiao-tong’s Institution Thoughts and Its Transmutation费孝通制度思想的价值来源及其嬗变
15.Xiaoyi Thinking of Zheng's Norm and It's Effect《郑氏规范》中的孝义思想及其影响
16.An Analysis on Different Filial Pieties of Book of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety浅析《孝经》与《孝论》不同的孝亲观
17.An Analysis on the Difference of Filial Piety of Book of Filial Piety and Treatise of Filial Piety解析《孝经》与《孝论》孝亲观的差异
18.The Sexual Idea of Ancient Greece and the Filial Piety Thought of Pre-Qin Period--A Comparison Between "A conversation" and "The Theory of Xiao";古希腊“性”的理念与先秦“孝”之思想——《孝经》、《会饮》比较一二

filial piety孝亲思想
1.Study on the Traditional Filial Piety of Tujia Ethnic Group and Its Contemporary Value;土家族传统孝亲思想及其当代价值研究
2.Outlining the evolutions of ancient Chinese history,filial piety,as the psychic bases in the family society,on one hand,met the needs to maintain the social stabilization and harmonize the relationship between fathers and sons;on the other hand,used by the feudal monarchs as"Take Filial Piety as Loyalty" for their monarchs.本文主要从《唐律疏议》的一些条文来探讨一下中国古代的孝亲思想。
3.Laying stress on filial piety is a common practice in Tujia ethnic group.土家族是一个重孝的民族,原始宗教文化是土家族孝亲思想的文化之源,儒家孝道是土家族孝亲思想的重要文化之流。
3)the thought of closeness to the people亲民思想
1.HU Jin-tao gives a response from the perspective of Marxist masses concept and puts forward the thought of closeness to the people, enriching and developing Marxist masses concept.当今时代特征的变化对历史唯物主义的发展提出了新要求,胡锦涛从马克思主义群众观的角度回应了这一时代呼唤,明确提出了中国共产党要始终做到“权为民所用,情为民所系,利为民所谋”的亲民思想,丰富和发展了马克思主义的群众观。
4)course of thought思想历程
5)historical thought历史思想
1.Although,most of his works no longer exist,his historical thought about human being,the heaven,and the people and causes for the thought are worth our exploration.虽然大多数著作已不存世,但其作品中人、天、民的历史思想及其成因值得我们探讨。
2.Qu Yuan had a prominent historical thought,and he should have a significant position on historiography s history.屈原具有深厚的历史思想,在中国史学史上本应占有一席之地,但是,我们当前的史学史研究却没有给予其足够的重视,对于其历史思想鲜有提及。
3.The essay analyzes that the formation of Kong Zi s humanity has a very important relation with the development of productive force and the sediment of social historical thoughts.本文认为,孔子的“仁”的形成与社会生产力的发展和社会历史思想的沉淀有着重大关系,孔子从历史和社会现实中吸取营养,最终形成“仁”的观点。
6)historical thoughts历史思想
1.On the historical thoughts of Lv s Spring and Autumn;《吕氏春秋》历史思想浅论
2.But most of the scholars focus on such respects as literature, philosophy, education, aesthetics, life ethics etc and pay little attention to his historical thoughts permeating through Montaigne s essays.但绝大多数研究者都是着眼于其文学、哲学、教育、美学、生活伦理等方面的思想,而对蒙田随笔中渗透出的历史思想注意不够或没有涉及。
