"他者"维度,dimension of the Otherness
1)dimension of the Otherness"他者"维度
2)Aspects of the Other他者之维
3)"The Other"orientation他者向度

1."The Other"Orientation of Marxian Practical View and AnInterpretation of Its Contemporary Transcendence;马克思实践观的他者向度及其当代超越性解读
2.Cultural Right: The Dimension of Self-Approval and Other-Approval;文化权:自我认同与他者认同的向度
3.He motioned to the waiter.他向侍者打了个手势。
4.The latter tenders him the shipping documents.后者向他交付单据。
5.They rendered tribute to the conqueror.他们向征服者纳贡。
6.He did honour to the great dead.他向伟大的死者致敬。
7.He struck out at his assailant.他向行凶者狠狠地打去。
8.He lamed out at his assailant.他向行凶者狠狠地打击。
9.He has been a good friend to me.他一向是我的赞助者。
10.The blackmailer bled him for 500 pounds.敲诈者向他勒索500英镑。
11.The blackmailers bled him for 500 pounds.敲诈者向他勒索500 英磅。
12.He denounced the offenders to the authorities.他向当局告发了肇事者。
13.The blackmailer squeezed his victim for more money.恐吓者向他的受害者勒索更多的钱财。
14.(literal meanings) being at or having a relatively great or specific elevation or upward extension.(字面意思)处在或者具有相对大的或者特定的高度或者向上的程度。
15.They is mobilize their supporter to vote at the election他们正在组织其支持者向他们拉选票
16.He translated his gestures to the bystanders.他向旁观者说明他的手势。
17.Complaint about standard of service should be addressed to the proprietor对服务态度有意见者可向老板投诉
18.Complaints about standards of service should is addressed to the proprietor.对服务态度有意见者可向老板投诉.

Aspects of the Other他者之维
3)"The Other"orientation他者向度
4)reader dimension读者维度
5)translator dimension译者维度
6)customer dimension消费者维度

向者1.刚才。 2.从前;前些时候。