文本实用主义,text pragmatism
1)text pragmatism文本实用主义
1.As a consequence of this non-dialectic and non-historical textual interpretation,they are trapped by "text pragmatism".这种非辩证的、非历史的文本解读方式,使其陷入了"文本实用主义"的陷阱之中,这是导致他们曲解马克思主义的根本原因,也是当前我们研究马克思主义文本时应当避免的。

1.The Trap of Text Pragmatism:A Critique of Textual Analysis of Analytical Marxism文本实用主义的陷阱——分析马克思主义的文本分析法批判
2.Perspectivism and Textualism-Comments On Richard Rorty s Poststructural Pragmatism;视角主义与文本主义——罗蒂后结构主义实用主义评析
3.On the Practical Significance of People Foremost from the Origin of Humanism Culture;“人本主义”文化的由来及其现实意义
4.The Basic Spirit of Pragmatism and Pragmatic Rationalism in Chinese Trad itional Culture;实用主义的基本精神与中国传统文化的实用理性
5.Utilizing Capitalist Civilization to Construct Socialism;利用资本主义文明成果 进行我国社会主义建设
6.Nature of Neo-Literalism A Concurrent Study of relation between Neo-Literalism and Realism;“新写实”主义文学之本质──兼论“新写实”与现实主义之关系
7.Knowledge and Practice of Our Country s Making Use of Capitalism and Developing Socialism;我国利用资本主义发展社会主义的认识与实践
8.Text and Practice: A Contemporary Interpretation of Marx s Theory of Capitalism;文本与实践:马克思资本主义理论的当代诠释
9.The major sources of her thought are: Feuerbach’s religion of humanity, positivism and Darwinism.她的思想的主要来源是人本宗教、实证主义和达尔文主义。
10.Solipsism, Christian Civilization and Pragmatic Spirits--A philosophical logical analysis to Bush doctrine;唯我主义、基督教文化和实用主义精神——布什主义的哲学逻辑探析
11.A Look at the Essence of American Pragmatism from the Marshall Plan;从马歇尔计划看美国的实用主义本质
12.Richard Rorty s Solidary Pragmatism;论罗蒂协同性实用主义的反哲学本性
13.Views on the Individual Practical Rational Feature of Capitalist System;论资本主义制度的个体实用理性特征
14.(The writer is Director, MSc in Applied Finance Program at the National University of Singapore) Understanding Key Economic Indicators(本文作者是新加坡国立大学企业管理系实用金融课程主任。 了解主要经济指标的意义
15.(The writer is Director, MSc in Applied Finance Program at the National University of Singapore)  Understanding Key Economic Indicators(本文作者是新加坡国立大学企业管理系实用金融课程主任。了解主要经济指标的意义
16.empiricism-pragmatism school经验主义-实用主义学派
17.Liu Shaoqi s Thought of Using Private Capitalism and Its Practical Significance;刘少奇利用私人资本主义的思想及其现实意义
18.From this perspective, the theme of this academic study has particular theoretical and pragmatic meaning.因此本文研究主题具有较强的理论和现实意义。

1.Discusses the Dewey Pragmatism Education Thought and the Chinese Vocational Education Priefly;浅论杜威实用主义教育思想与中国职业教育
2.Pragmatism and the Anti-terrorism Policy of the U.S.;实用主义:审视美国“反恐”的一个重要维度
3.On the evolution and fundamental ideas of pragmatism;实用主义的演变及其基本要义
1.Postmodern legal methodology includes several important forms of legal mind such as Anti-foundationalism,deconstruction and neo-pragmatism which doubt objectivity and effectivity of legal knowledge and deny that there exist some universal criterions in legal system or law can be derived from some transcendent moral val.在后现代法学方法论中,存在着反基础主义、解构主义、新实用主义等几种主要的法律思维形式,它们对法律知识的客观有效性持怀疑的态度,否认法律体系中存在着一以贯之的普遍性标准,也不承认法律可以从某些超越性的道德价值中推导出来,而将法律看作是政治权力角力后的结果,法律的阐释者正是政治权力的体现者。
2.The neo-pragmatism has prevailed in the American academic environment since 1960s,which not only made the pragmatism revive,also promoted the transformation of American knowledge view.自20世纪60年代开始,新实用主义哲学在美国学术界逐渐兴起,新实用主义不仅使得实用主义思想重新获得生机,而且促进了美国知识观的革命性转变:一种有别于古典实用主义知识观、更不同于欧洲传统知识观的新知识观被确立了起来。
3.Richard Rotty,an outstanding figure of contemporary Western neo-pragmatism,establishes his philosophy upon his absolutely radical understanding of “contingencies,”i.罗蒂是当代西方新实用主义的代表 ,其哲学基础就是被绝对化了的“偶然性”概念。
5)Old pragmatism老实用主义
6)New pragmatism新实用主义
1.A Critical Analysis of Rorty′s Concept of Truth as Reflected in His New Pragmatism;罗蒂新实用主义真理观评析
2.The basic theoretical framework of Rorty s philosophy consists of post philosophical culture, new pragmatism, racial centralism, free anti satirical theory, anti es.罗蒂哲学体系的基本框架是由后哲学文化、新实用主义、种族中心主义、自由反讽理论、反本质主义、反表象论、教化哲学等构成。
3.As a reaction against the modern philosophy of science,which detached from the critique,history and practices of science,radical historicism and new pragmatism made the philosophy of science turn to the postmodern camp,constructed the postmodern image of science,which dissolved the rationality,empirical foundation and reality of science as well as scientific prestige in culture.出于对现代科学哲学缺乏批判意识、历史意识和实践意识的不满,激进的历史主义和新实用主义推动科学哲学转向后现代阵营,建构了旨在消解合理性、经验基础、客观实在以及科学文化霸权的后现代科学形象。
