终极关怀观,view of ultimate concern
1)view of ultimate concern终极关怀观

1.From "Practical Individual" to "Free Personality";从“现实的个人”到“自由个性”——试论马克思哲学的终极关怀观
2.A Great Man s Ultimate Concern --Discussion about Mao Ze-dong s Outlook on Life and Death;伟人的终极关怀——论毛泽东的生死观
3.Between Free Will and Objective Law--The Final Concern and Social Responsibility of Scientist;在自由意志与客观规律之间——论科学家的终极关怀与社会责任
4.Approach of Wisdom in Personality Concern--Feng Qi s Thought of Ultimate Concern;智慧化的人格关怀——论冯契的终极关怀思想
5.On the Ultimate Solicitude and Its Aesthetic Manifestation in Reminiscent Poetry in the Late Tang Dynasty;论晚唐怀古诗终极关怀的形成及审美表现
6.Advocating Virtue in Education--The Ultimate Ideal and Concern of Education;教育崇善——教育的终极理想和关怀
7.Educational Ultimate Concern:a Discourse Needed to be Critisized;教育终极关怀:一个需待批判的话语
8.The Ultimate Concern of the New Rational Philosophy;新理学的终极关怀——冯友兰境界说述评
9.An Ultimate Aim With Sustained Development-- the Whole-man Development;可持续发展的终极关怀:人的全面发展
10.Regulate and Control,Paradox,Ultimate Solitude --Three aspects of A Q s spirit;调控·悖论·终极关怀——阿Q精神三题
11.The Ultimate Care for Human Is the Supreme Mission of Literature;论文学的人文终极关怀是其最高使命
12.On the Present and Ultimate Concern of the Modernization of legal System in China;论中国法制现代化的现实关切与终极关怀
13.Cultivating Man Caring For the Meaning of Life on His Own-The Study on the Aim of School Moral Education Based on Ultimate Concern成就自主关怀生活意义的人——基于终极关怀的学校德育目的研究
14.Transposition and Reconstruction of Social and Ultimate Solicitudes;社会关怀与终极关怀的换位与重构——佛教与盛唐诗人生活研究之二
15.To concern ultimately with human being is the fundamental standpoint of modern poems.对人类生命的终极关怀是现代诗歌的根本立场。
16.Ultimate Care: An Eternal Theme of English & American Modernism Literature终极关怀:英美现代主义文学的永恒主题
17.advanced technologies and ultimate humanistic care;先进技术手段与终极人文关怀的和谐统一;
18.The Sensation and Satisfaction of Souls-Final Care of Book Designing;灵魂的感动与满足—书籍设计的终极关怀

ultimate concern终极关怀
1.From “realistic individual”to the “free character” ——On Marx ultimate concern thought;从“现实的个人”到“自由个性”——论马克思视野中的终极关怀思想
2.Paul Tillichi’s Theory of Ultimate Concern and Its Enlightenment to Religion Conversation;蒂利希“终极关怀”理论及其对宗教对话的启示
3.Approach of Wisdom in Personality Concern——Feng Qi s Thought of Ultimate Concern;智慧化的人格关怀——论冯契的终极关怀思想
3)ultimate solicitude终极关怀
1.Its existence determines that sports cannot achieve its promises of ultimate solicitude for human beings.通过分析体育运动的特性,指出竞争是体育的一个本质特征,它的存在决定体育不可能实现它所承诺的对人的终极关怀。
2.There are three main forms of the human ultimate solicitude: the philosophical promise which gives a united noumenal existence to the various real worlds,the religious promise which gives the infinite value and significance to the finite individual life,and the artistic promise which gives various aesthetic observations to the dissimilative real life.人类的终极关怀主要有三种形式:一种是给多样的现实世界以统一之本体存在的哲学承诺;一种是给有限的个体生命以无限之价值意义的宗教承诺;一种是给异化的现实人生以情感之审美观照的艺术承诺。
3.The book expresses an ultimate solicitude of Russian style:cr.全书表达出一种俄罗斯式的终极关怀 :批判理性 ,高扬信仰 ;认为哲学 (宗教哲学 )不是一种反省 ,而是一种斗争———同理性崇拜不屈不挠的斗争。
4)ultimate care终极关怀
1.Learning about his ultimate care is helpful for us to understand the essence of his theory and is important for us to put into practice his theory in our drive to implement the important thought of the Three Represents.人民在邓小平心中占有最重要的位置,是其一切工作的出发点和归宿,是其理论的终极关怀。
2.The level of Chinese-language education in primary school exerts an effect on and determines the developmental orientation and life track of a person and therefore the Chinese-language education should embody the ultimate care for pupils development and provide the solid foundation for the sustainable and sound development of each pupil.小学语文教育质量的高低影响和决定着一个人的发展方向及其人生轨迹,因此,小学语文教育要体现对学生发展的终极关怀,为每一个学生的可持续健康发展奠定坚实的基础。
5)On Ultimate Care论终极关怀
6)taking people as ultimate concern以人为终极关怀
1.In this essay,the author holds that taking people as ultimate concern is the essence of the spirit of the time,which is a combination of the basic substance of Chinese philosophy,Western philosophy and Marxist philosophy.以人为终极关怀不仅是当代马克思主义哲学作为时代精神的精华,而且融汇了中、西、马哲学中的基本精神。
