哲学的抽象性,philosophical abstractness
1)philosophical abstractness哲学的抽象性
1.Philosophical abstractness is "metaphysical" ,it brings the ability of mankind into highest degree,it does its best to hold the "infinitive" abstractness,and philosophical abstractness is also abstractness limited by oneself through cross logical relation between concepts.哲学的抽象性是一种"形而上"的,将人类的抽象能力发挥到最高限度,力求把握"无限"的抽象;哲学的抽象还是一种通过概念之间横向的逻辑关系来自我限定的抽象。
2)the object of philosophy哲学的对象
1.The traditional system doesn t stipulate correctly the object of philosophy,fundamental concept,fundamental question and the nature of philosophy.传统体系对马克思主义哲学的对象、基本概念、基本问题和性质均未作出正确规定 ;在方法上也未能体现发展的原则 ;对哲学与经济、政治的关系的规定也不确切。

1.Briefly Expounding the Object, Characteristics and Main Tasks of Applied Philosophy;简论应用哲学的对象、特征和主要任务
2.Talking about the key object of philosophy, the ordinary object of philosophy or the latent object of philosophy;对哲学核心对象、哲学一般对象和哲学潜在对象的界定与辨析
3.On the Change of Philosophical Objects from the Three Conversions of Western Philosophy;从西方哲学的三次转向看哲学对象的演变
4.Exploration of Abstract Concept "Word" Using Embodied Philosophy体验哲学对抽象概念“词语”的解释
5.The Philosophically Aesthetic Judgment on the Principle of Imagery Thinking Reality;对意象思维存在规律的哲学审美判断
6.On the Research Object of Deng Xiaoping s Political Philosophy Ideology;试论“邓小平政治哲学思想”的研究对象
7.Philosophy as Philosophy:Contemplation on the Nature of Philosophy as a Branch of Science;哲学作为哲学——对哲学学科性质的思考
8.Dialogues between Analytic Philosophy and Phenomenology:A Historical Analysis;当代西方分析哲学与现象学对话的现实性分析
9.Husserl’s Phenomenological Methodology and Its Transcending to Traditional Methods of philosophy;胡塞尔现象学方法及其对传统哲学方法的超越
10.Hermeneutics Research on Object of Marxist Philosophy;马克思主义哲学研究对象的解释学探讨
11.Philosophical Reflections On the Ontology of the Objects of Translatology;关于翻译学研究对象本体论的哲学反思
12.On the Transcendence of Sartre s Phenomenological Ontology towards the Traditional Philosophy;浅析萨特现象学本体论对传统哲学的“超越”
13.An Observation of the Philosophy of Law and Economics Regulated by the Economic Law;经济法调整对象的法哲学及经济学考察
14.Husserl's Transcendence on the Thinking Mode of Traditional Philosophy胡塞尔现象学及其对当代哲学思维方式的影响
15.From the Uncertainty of an Object to Absolute Point on the Object─On the Possibility of Saying in Western Philosophy;从对象的不确定到绝对对象观——试述西方哲学中的言说可能性
16.A Graphic Demonstration of Existentialist Philosophy: An Interpretation of The Wall by Sartre;存在主义哲学的形象揭示——对萨特《墙》的解读
17.Image Comparison and Life Philosophy in A Portrait of the Artist as a Young man;《一个青年艺术家的画像》的意象对比与生命哲学
18.Phenomenonism:a Phenomenon of Literature --A Philosophical Reflection on China′s Avant-garde Novels Appearing at the End of the 20th Century;现象主义:一种文学现象——对20世纪末中国先锋小说的哲学思考

the object of philosophy哲学的对象
1.The traditional system doesn t stipulate correctly the object of philosophy,fundamental concept,fundamental question and the nature of philosophy.传统体系对马克思主义哲学的对象、基本概念、基本问题和性质均未作出正确规定 ;在方法上也未能体现发展的原则 ;对哲学与经济、政治的关系的规定也不确切。
3)a high level of abstraction in mathematics数学的高度抽象性
4)On Mathematic Abstraction数学的抽象
5)human nature in the abstract抽象的人性
6)human-nature philosophy人性的哲学
1.This paper aims to supply psychological base to remedy criminal mentality by exploring sentence-serving prisoners human-nature philosophy.方法是以《人性的哲学修订量表》(Wrightsman,1974)为主要的调查工具,对200名进监不足一年的服刑人员进行人性的哲学的调查,并以80名在校大学生为对照。

汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)汉代宗教哲学(见中国佛教哲学、道教哲学)religious philosophy of the Han dynasty  日andal zongj飞ao汉代害教贯觉、沙冀黑袱雾默攀