历史的解释原则,the principles of interpretation of history
1)the principles of interpretation of history历史的解释原则
2)historic explaining principle历史性解释原则
3)the principle of historical explanation历史解释原则
1.when Karl Marx emphasized that practice had huge effect in revolution philosophy, it meant that he also existed any metaphysics: the principle of historical explanation.马克思强调“实践”在变革传统哲学观作用和意义的同时,意味着马克思依然存在一种“形而上学”即“历史解释原则”。

1.The principle of historical explanation: Max s metaphysics;历史解释原则:马克思的“形而上学”
2.The historicity of human being is the interpretive principle of the problem of scientific possibility.人的历史性是科学可能性问题的解释原则。
3.Interpretive Principles about the Historicity of Human Being and the Problems of Scientific Possibility;“人的历史性”与科学可能性问题的解释原则
4.On the History and Principles in Interpreting The Fatan in Book of Songs;论《诗经·伐檀》阐释的历史渊源及当代原则
5.The Nature of Historical Explanation The Difference between Speculative Philosophy of History and Analytical Philosophy of History on Historical Explanation;历史解释的性质——思辨历史哲学和分析历史哲学不同的历史解释
6.Explanation of “Human-oriented”Principle and Reflection on Marx s Concept of Historical Subject;“以人为本”原则的解读和马克思历史观的思考
7.Historical explanation and Historicism--Popper s Criticism on Historicism;历史解释与历史规律——波普对历史决定论的批评
8.From Historical Explanation to Historical Narrative:A Review of Translations of Historical Philosophy;从历史解释到历史叙事——评《历史哲学译丛》
9.Reconstructing of Historical Interpretation --from legal interpretation aspect;历史解释的重构——法律解释学的视角
10.A Study of the Three Methods to Interpret Constitution--Doctrinalism, Historictism and Precedentism;宪法解释中学说解释、历史解释和先例解释方法研究
11.The Historical Limitation of the Plaintiff’s Qualification in Administrative Litigation in the New Judicial Interpretation;论新司法解释中行政诉讼原告资格的历史局限性
12.Historical Interpretation of the Gorbachev Phenomenon--New Analysis of Implicit Reasons for the USSR's Collapse戈尔巴乔夫现象的历史诠释——再析苏联解体的深层次原因
13.Historical Understanding and Validity of Interpretation in Translation翻译中的“历史性理解”及“解释的有效性”
14.Interpretation of history must be the central job of historicist thought.历史的解释必定是历史决定论思想的中心工作。
15.(historical linguistics) an explanation of the historical origins of a word or phrase.(历史语言学)对词或词组历史渊源的解释。
16.Kant s Concept and Philosophy of History--Three attempts of explanation;康德的历史概念和历史哲学——三种解释的尝试
17.A Study on the Stand of the Interpretation about Criminal Law According to Historical View--Advocating the subjectivism;刑法解释立场的历史考察——主观解释论之提倡
18.The Hermeneutic Rules for the Ancient Text of the Zhouyi:A Case Interpretation of Hexagrams Li and Dui;《周易》古经的解释原则兼释《离》、《兑》二卦

historic explaining principle历史性解释原则
3)the principle of historical explanation历史解释原则
1.when Karl Marx emphasized that practice had huge effect in revolution philosophy, it meant that he also existed any metaphysics: the principle of historical explanation.马克思强调“实践”在变革传统哲学观作用和意义的同时,意味着马克思依然存在一种“形而上学”即“历史解释原则”。
4)interpretative historical idea解释的历史性
5)the historic view of Whig's历史的辉格解释
6)historical interpretation历史解释
1.As a important method in legal interpretation,historical interpretation has been weighed differently in different periods.历史解释是法律解释的一种重要方法,在不同的历史时期有着不同的境遇。
2.Based on the significance of historical interpretation in China s legal interpretation,this paper used the historical interpretation to explain the relationship between legal supervising rights and procuratorial rights.基于历史解释在我国法律解释中的重要意义,本文采用历史解释方法对法律监督权与检察权之间的关系予以阐释。
3.Historical research is said to be, to a great extent, a construction of historical interpretations, and the key point in this process is understanding.历史研究的任务在很大程度上就是建构历史解释,而建构历史解释的关键环节是理解。
