人的行为终极目标,the ultimate goal of human behavior
1)the ultimate goal of human behavior人的行为终极目标
2)man's ultimate end人生的终极目的
3)Ultimate aim终极目标
1."State"is the ultimate aim of the landscape sketch.21世纪具有中国特色的山水画写境之法,应当重倡写生的自然之境源于观物取象、写生的审美之境取之象外、境是山水画写生的终极目标等命题。
2.For many years education of Chinese in China lacks its ultimate aim——the aim of education of spiritual world.多年来,中国的语文教育缺乏终极目标———精神世界的教育,在语文教育工作者不断探索的基上,应找回语文教育的精神价值:人文品格,创造品格和审美品格。

1.news of his proximate arrival; interest in proximate rather than ultimate goals.他即将来到的消息;关注近期目标胜于终极目标
2.What is the ultimate aim of our education?我们的教育的终极目标是什么?是
3.Leaner autonomy is the ultimate aim of foreign language learning.学习者自主性是外语学习的终极目标
4.Sustained Income Crowth in Agriculture --Ultimate Aim for Finance to Support Agriculture农业可持续增收——财政支农的终极目标
5.Realizing "Meaning Construction "is the Terminal Target of Reading Teaching;实现“意义建构”是阅读教学的终极目标
6.The Ultimate Goal and Route Selection of China s Economic Transformation;中国经济转型的终极目标与路径选择
7.The Ultimate Goal of the Interest Rate Reform in Our Country--Market Mechanism;我国利率改革的终极目标——市场化
8.This article believed that, individual and society's ultimate objective only can be a happiness.本文认为,个人和社会的终极目标只能是幸福。
9.A Dragon Tombstone is the crown of Necropolis development, the ultimate goal to strive for.飞龙墓碑是亡灵发展的巅峰,是奋斗的终极目标
10.Self-awareness corresponds with the ultimate goal of metacognition.元认知在终极目标上与自我意识是一致的。
11.The ultimate goal of a business firm is to increase its value.企业发展的终极目标是不断提升企业价值。
12.A Harmonious World:international idea and ultimate goal after rise;和谐世界——崛起之后的国际理念与终极目标
13.People s Overall Development :The Final Goal of Cultivation of People in Universities of Our Country;人的全面发展:高校人才培养的终极目标
14.The Final Aim of the Development of Branding Principle--Brand Globalization;品牌建设理念发展的终极目标——品牌全球化
15.Men s All-round Development-the Ultimate Objective of Higher Education;人的全面发展:高等教育人才培养的终极目标
16.Harmonious Development of Man and Nature: Ultimate Goal of Sustainable Development;可持续发展的终极目标:人与自然的和谐发展
17.Shifting the focus back to the students and developing the students:the ultimamte goal of quality education in the classroom;回归主体 发展主体——素质教育进课堂的终极目标
18.The Theoretical Basis of Enterprise s Final Target and Practical Significance;论企业终极目标的理论基础及现实意义

man's ultimate end人生的终极目的
3)Ultimate aim终极目标
1."State"is the ultimate aim of the landscape sketch.21世纪具有中国特色的山水画写境之法,应当重倡写生的自然之境源于观物取象、写生的审美之境取之象外、境是山水画写生的终极目标等命题。
2.For many years education of Chinese in China lacks its ultimate aim——the aim of education of spiritual world.多年来,中国的语文教育缺乏终极目标———精神世界的教育,在语文教育工作者不断探索的基上,应找回语文教育的精神价值:人文品格,创造品格和审美品格。
4)Ultimate goal终极目标
1.Keeping China s economy and society sustainable development and improving China s people welfare level unceasingly is the ultimate goal of economic transf.实现经济社会可持续发展并保证我国人民福利水平不断提高,是经济转型的终极目标,也是判断转型成功与否的标准。
5)ultimate target终极目标
1.To interrogate the ultimate target of psychology education is actually to examine if the education is meaningful.对心理健康教育的终极目标的拷问,其实是质问我们的教育是否有意义。
2.In the values of constitution, the most impo rtant factor is the guaran tee of human rights, which is the start and ultimate target of constitution.保障人权是宪法的出发点和终极目标。
6)the ultimate goal终极目的
1.On happiness is the ultimate goal of education;试论幸福是教育的终极目的
2.Academic corruption is the behavior that apparatus and personal concerning with academic research use the power to go against highest principle and the ultimate goal which advance human society of academic research.基于促进人类社会前进的终极目的而对“真”无止尽的追求和严格恪守即是学术研究的最高真谛,一切有悖于促进人类社会前进、有悖于学术研究最高原则“真”、有悖于人类良知的工作机构及其人员的制造虚假、违背学术道德的心理和行为即是学术研究的外缘性空间,也是学术研究产生腐败的外缘性空间。

人生【人生】 (术语)鞞婆沙论问曰云:何知人中有化生?答曰:劫初人也。朱子亦尝言及,其云佛经说初生人云云,今见阿含经。世界初成,光音天人下来,各有身光,飞行自在。因地肥香美,取食多者,即失神足,体重无光,日月始生。因贪食故,地肥灭没,复生婆罗。婆罗灭没,复生粳米。食彼米故,方分男行、女相行、不净行,云云是也。见余冬序录。